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In Accounts Current with John Barrows, Administrator £ S P? £ S To Paid Samuel Edmund his acct 4 7 8-1/2 By amount of act of sales 24 8 0 Do Thos Edmunds his note & int. 4 8 6 By cash by Col.Benj. Blunt - 16 9 Do do do Do as per rect 3 16 3 By Do of Federick Parker(for 6 - - " Do Francis Hill as per receipt) Marc) for services in the District &) 13 0 0 By Do of William Brown 2 9 County Court concerning slaves) By Amt of sales of negroes) " paid Thos. Fitzhugh his acct " 12 - Sold by order court bearing 313 3 1-3/4 as per rect arg.? " do cost of warrrant to Wiley " 1 3 £ March session 1800 348 1 7-3/4 Francis 76 4 2-1/4 " do Josiah Vick his tax for 1793 1 7 4 _____________ & 94 & ticket Balance on the estate £ 268 17 5-1/4 " do John C.Littlepage as pr 12 4 ticket " do Robert Mabry as per Do 1 19 - " " Elias Atkinson his act as 3 1 0-1/2 Pursuant to an order of Court hearing per receipt date January 1801, we the subscribers " do Thos Holoday his Do as per 1 4 - have examined, stated, & settled the " do Elias Love his Do as per do 1 2 6 estate/ct? current of Richard Deloachs " do Joel Pope his do rect do 1 0 - estate & find the balance due the " do Jacob Barnes his do as per do 1 10 - estate as above stated. Given under our " do Prentis & Pleasants for ) hands this 4th day of February 1801. publishing order Southampt ) 1 5 - court ) James Millar " do John Whitehead (admin of 5 5 9-3/4 Thomas Edmunds Wm?) bond & act Hecm? Drewry " do John Barrow do do do 17 18 6 " do Sampson Pope his act 1 15 - Pursuant to an order of court bearing date " do Humphrey Drewry his do " 11 9 March Sepion 1800 we the subscribers have " do Thomas Turner his do 2 2 6 sold the negroes contained in said order " do Thomas Edmunds his bond & 2 1 0 for the sum of three hundred & thirteen int? pounds eight shillings and one penny three " do Barnes Vick & Co as per acct 3 1 2 farthings and after settling the ascpt? " do Jos. Denisons note & int. 0 14 0 current of Richard Deloach estate have " do Sam'l Kello his tickets for) divided the balance between the claimants services for dividing the ) 1 11 3 whose proportions amount to twenty nine estate for said dec'd as per) pounds seventeen shillings and five pence ticket ) three farthlings. Given under our hands " paid John Sandifords ascot? 1 5 0 this 4th day of February 1801. " do for stamp papers 4 6 " for recording acct current 6 9 Henry Barrow ___________ Thomas Edmunds £76 4 2-1/2 James Millar No commission charged by the administrator for settling the estate. At a court held for the County of Southampton the 16th day of February 1801 This acct current of the estate of Richard Deloach, dec'd was this day reported and ordered to be recorded. Samuel Kello, Cl. (clerk) Note: Numbers may not add properly due to my inability to properly decipher them. Source: Library of Virginia, Will Book 5, 1797-1804 Southampton Co, VA Reel 17, pages 242-243