

The Estate of Richard DeLoach, Jr., 19 October 1801

Contributed by Von Mings Stachon      

[Complete Inventory List not transcribed]

one old tray 4-1/2 and 2 old collars and hanns? 4/                4  4-1/2
                                                              75  0  2-1/2

                        Bonds and accounts to the amount of   31  1    "

                                            Whole amount   £ 106  1  2-1/2

1798 In obedience to an order of the court bearing date the 16th day of
January.  We the subscribers being duly qualified have appraised the
estate of Richard Deloach, dec'd, brought to as in above.

                                                           Thomas Edmunds

                                                           Etheldred Edmunds

                                                           Nathan Pope

              At a court held for the Coounty of Southampton
                    the 16th day of October 1798

This inventory and appraisement of Richard Deloach was this day
returned and ordered to be recorded.

                                                           Samuel Kello, Cl.

Source: Library of Virginia,
Will Book 5, 1797-1804
Southampton Co, VA
Reel 17, page 82

With Samuel Edmunds, Administrator, This Twenty Fifth Day of February One Thousand
Seven Hundred and Ninety & Nine

To cash paid Wm Browne for brying? £ -  5 0   By bonds and accts to the amt of 37  1 0
To cash pd Maj.Mabry for county &)   4  5 3   By amount of sales               80 12 4-1/2
    poorates? for the year 1797  )            By int recd of John Pope             5 2
To paid int Barrow bond & int        2 12 9   By int recd of Samptson Pope         9 3
To pd Lucy Summerell prov'd acct     1  5 0   By int. recd of John Barrow          3 0
To pd Michael Deloach acct             10 0   By int. recd from Joel Pope          1 9
To pd Clerk of court for admin. on)                                           ___________
    the estate & record'g inv. &  )  1 10 5                                 £ 112 12 6-1/2
    appt of do                    )           1801 Oct 16 bal as to contra     94 15 2
To pd Col.Benj.Blunts prov'd acct       6 0
To pd John Bynum his account            6 0        E (errors) Excepted.
To pd Joshua Johnson his acct           3 0        Samuel Edmunds, Admin
To pd Humphrey Drewry prov'd acct    1  2 10       of Richard Deloach, dec'd
To pd Henry Barrow prov'd acct         15 0
To pd William Barnes his acct        1  4 0        Pursuant to an order of court bearing
To pd John T. Blow his acct            13 0        date May court 1801 we the subscribers
To pd the clerk of the court for  )                have audited and settled the within
    recording acct current sup'd  )     6 0        acct and find it justly stated.  
    to be 6/                      )                Given under our hands this 16th day 
To Commissions for settling the acct 6 15 1-1/2    of October 1801.
          Balance tue the estate    94 15 2                  Thomas Edmunds
                                  _____________              Benjamin Blunts
                                 £ 112 12 6-1/2              Thomas Caughan

                     At a court held for the county of Southampton
                         the 19th day of October 1801

This account Current of the estate of Richard Deloach, dec'd was this day reported and ordered to be recorded.

                                                  Samuel Kello, Cl. (clerk)

Note: Numbers may not add properly due to my inability
to decipher some of them.

Source: Library of Virginia,
Will Book 5, 1797-1804
Southampton Co, VA
Reel 17, page 298


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