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Jany 29th 1712 V: Bona
In the Action of TreSpaSs brought by William Goodman pltf: against Willm. DeLoach deft. for that the Said deft. ye 18th day of May last past in the Parrish of Southwark in this County one breeding Mare the proper Goods of the plt. did with a Gun distroy & kill to the damage of the Said plt. eight pounds Sterlg as is Set forth in the plts Declaratn. the deft. by Robt. Rogers his Atty. appeared & pleaded Not guilty & for tryall put himself upon the Country & the plt. likewiSe, whereupon a Jury was impannelled & Sworn to try the matter in ISsue by name Martin JohnSon, .....& Thos. Drew, who having heard the Evidence & received their charge were Sent out & Soon after returning into Court brought in their Verdict, We find for the deft. Robt. Ruffin Foreman, which Verdict at the motion of the defts. Atty. is ordered to be recorded & the Suit dismist with Cost.
.....John Bynam being Summon'd on Evidence for Willm. Goodman plt. against Willm. Deloach deft. & having made oath that he attended two days, ordered tha the Said Willm. Goodman pay him for the Same according to Law with Costs als:Exc.--
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