Land Grant to Christopher Lewis, 750 acres, 26 Jul 1652
Contributed by Matthew W. Harris
Virginia Land Office, Patent Book 3 (1652-1655), p. 109
The Library of Virginia, Virginia Land Office Patent and Grant Database,
Image 002_0537.tif
[p.] 109 [...]
To all &c Whereas &c Now Know yee that I the Said Richard BENNETT Esq.r &c
give and grant Unto Christopher LEWIS Seven hundred and fifty Acres of Land
lying in the Isle of Wight County about a Mile to the Southward of Henry
WHITE's ["whites"] plantation at the blackwater -
begining at a poplar by a Small Reedy branch
and runing North East Seventy poles to a white oake
then East forty poles to a pine
then South East by East forty poles to a pine
then South East two hundred twenty Eight poles to a pine
then South two hundred thirty one poles to a white oake
then South west Eighty Eight poles to a red oake near a branch
then west North west two hundred forty two poles towards a Swamp
then ["Nor" inserted] North East three hundred & two poles to first Station
The Said Land being due Unto the Said Christopher LEWIS by & for the
Transportation of fifteen persons &c
To have and to hold &c
Yielding &c which payment is to be made Seven yeares after the first grant or
Seating thereof and not before
provided &c
Dated the of July 1652
[margin note] Ex
John OWEN } John KNIGHT } Richard CASE } George GILES
Mary REDMAN } Richard WEAVER } Joseph BURGESS} Mary WHITE
Phill: THOMAS } Alexander MURRY} James WACMOTT[?] als' CLINTON -
[page end]
Virginia Land Office, Patent Book 3 (1652-1655), p. 109
The Library of Virginia, Virginia Land Office Patent and Grant Database,
Image 002_0537.tif