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A copy of "DeLoach's Church Minute's" was placed in the Henderson Library @ the Georgia Southern College in Statesboro, Georgia by Dr. Delmas Presley in the 1970's. At this writing, members of the newly formed "DeLoach's Church Preservation Society" is on a mission to find the original minutes.
I've transcribed these minutes as I found them....taking no liberties with spelling, punctuation, capitalization, etc. and leaving some of the interpretation to the reader. Although, the minutes are recorded from the Consitution Day of the church in 1840 to 1961, I opted to transcribe only through 1905. Many of our Southeast Georgia ancestors are represented in these pages.
I hope the reader enjoys reading them as much as I enjoyed transcribing them.
Jean DeLoach Myrick Gober
Minutes of DeLoach's Primitive Baptist Church
Est. 1840
Constitution of the Church at Deloach Meetinghouse on the 9th day May 1840
Whereas the few names following hoping and believing that God has called us by his grace and given us the Lord Jesus Christ and being desirous to live in Church Capacity and keep up deciplin becoming the house of God and having taken letters of Recommendation In order from our Former Places of abode In order to form a church at Deloaches Meetinghouse In Bulloch County and now being assembled on the above date we give ourselves to God and one another in prayer and Brotherly love Ingaging to try by the Grace of God to keep up the Church Deciplin Comonly Practised by other Churches of the same faith and order upon the following Principles to
Viz ~ Which is our Articles of Faith.
1 St. We believe there is one God and There are three Persons In the Trinity, the Father, Son and Holy Spirit and these three are one In essence which composes the Godhead.
2 nd. We Believe God created man upright but That he became a fallen creature from his first rectitude.
3 rd. We Believe that such as man was after the fall Shuch children did he begit corruption by the righteous Judgement of God being derived from Adam to this Posterity So death passed upon all men for that all have sinned.
4 th Man being thus depraved In his nature we believe that he neither will nor can ammend his condition nor dispose himself for its amendment without the Interposition of the holy Spirit.
5 th We believe in the Doctrine of Predestination particular Redemton affectrual Calling the certain perseverance of the Saints through Grace unto glory.
6 th We beleive that baptism by Immersion was Instituted by Christ and was practised by his Apostles.
7 th We believe there will be a Reserection of the righteous and the wicked and a General Judgement which will be final.
We certify the following names was duly constituted In Gospel Order on the Ninth day of May 1840.
Robert Donaldson OM.G.
William Groover OM.G.
We being called By these Brethern and finding them Authoradox have constited them unto a church position and ordained them two Deacons of there Church the Breathern William Deloatch V
Barnabas Bennett Robert Donaldson OMG
Presbytery ,,,,William Groover OMG
1John Deloach
2Barnabus Bennett
3 William Deloach
4 Reddick Cribs
5 James McElveene
6. John Everitt
7. Ardelia Deloach
8 Hannah Bennett
9 Abigail Deloach
10 Mary Martin
11 Nancy McElveene
The names here following has been received since the constitution.
1.Lewis Smith
2.Jacob Kickligter
3.John M. Martin
4.Covington Cribs
5.Redding Rimes
6.Susannah Barrow
7 Mary Cribs
8 Elizabeth Deloach
9 Elizabeth Anderson
10 Nancy Rowe
10 Sarah Cribs
11 Dempsey Cannon
12.Rebecca Cannon
13.Adam Jones
14.Mary Jones
15.Rachel Smith
16.Redding Denmark
17.Rachael Denmark
18.Elizabeth Woodcock
19.Mary Dregors
20.Thomas H. Boymont
21.Susan Cribbs
22.Elias E. Martin
23.Moses J. McElveen
24.Jehew Sikes
25.Sarah Sikes
26.Margaret Parker
27.Jeminma Hendricks
28.Julyann M.Rodgers
29.Ann Martin
30.Erwin G.Rodgers
31Catherine Rimes
32.Tarice Denmark
33.Stephen Denmark
34.General Cannon
34.Mary Cannon
35.John Rimes
36.Emanuel Riggs
37. Harriett Riggs
38.Martha Glisson
39.Elizabeth Franklin
41.Anna Graham
42.Nanacy Groover
43.Zecheriah Worley
44. Owen Gibsion
45.Mary Ann Gibson
46.Thomas Rodgers
47.James W. Bennett
48.Dicy Riggs
48.Kisiah Deloach
50.Mary Barrow
51.Charity Rodgers
52.Matthew Deloach
53.Nancy Deloach
54.Matilda Wilkinson
55.Eliza Anderson
56.Harriet Hendricks
57.Dicy Moore
58.Joshua D.Deloach
59.Margaret E. Deloach
60.William M. Williams
61.Sarah Jane Williams
62.Frances H.C. Williams
63.Glenn Hendricks
64.Elizabeth Lanier
65.John C. Deloach
66.Ellen Anderson
67.Candacy Beasley
68.John J. Martin
69.Ceny Deloach
70.Sarah Lewis
71.Providence Sikes
72.John DeLoach
73.William N. Moore
74.Mary J. Griner
75.Eliza Deloach
76.Tebitha Martin
77.Sarah J.Roggers
78.David Beasley
79.Welthy Stubbs
80.Martin J. Roggers
82.Abbe E. Sands
83.Joshua H. Griner
84.Tebitha Griner
85.Nancy A.E. Deloach
86.William Lewis
87.Elizabeth Lewis
88.William H. Hayman
89.Margera Hayman
90.Millia Martin
91.William Beasley
92.Anna E. Bennett
93.Emma E.Mikell
94.Jane E. Deloach
97.James P.Rimes
98.Rachael E. Lee
99.Ann Futch
100.Ann J. Easterling
101.Mary Ann Mcelveen
102.Susanna Beasley
103.W.W. Barow
104.John Mcelveen
105.Georgiann Deloach
106.Eliza Mcelveen
107.William H. Deloach
108.Jane Deloach
110.Georgiann Williams
111.Eliza F. Barrow
112.John E. Lee
113.Nancy E. Hall
114.Sarah A. Bell
115.Hershal B. Wilkinson
116.Ardelia J. Hagins
119.Joseph Hall
120.Frank Hagins
121.Simeon Banks
122.Maggie F. Banks
123.Sarah M. Banks
124.James L. Anderson
125.Isebel Anderson
126.Shelton Anderson
127.Willy Anderson
128.Willy Wilkinson
130.Carrie M. Deloach
131.John G. Deloach
132.James H. Wilkinson
133.John H. Anderson
134.Welthy E. Anderson
135.Enoch H.Deloach
136.Mary E. Deloach
137.Roda Barrow
138.Nancy McCorkel
139.Elvina Anderson
140.John Cannon
141.Elva A. Anderson
142.Janie Cannon
143.Janie Miller
144.Ellen Lewis
145.Mary A. Miller
Coulard Persons
2.Jacob Wilkinson
10.Littleton Hendricks
1887.Eliza M. Hodges
1887.Alen H. Kennedy
1887.Mattie A. DeLoach
1887.Willie B. DeLoach
1887.Mary F. Williams
1888.Eziekel M. Miller
1888.Sina A. Martin
1888.Lacrecy M. Anderson
1889.James Kicklighter
1891.B.J. Williams
1891.William S. Futch
1891.Joshua H. Griner
1891.Abbitha Griner
1891.Henry Richardson
1891.Elizabeth Richardson
1892.Carline Denmark
1892.Sallie Sheffield
1892.William, Elizabeth Futch
1892.Julia O. Crosby
1892.Charls D. Crosby
1892.Frances Sheffield
1893.George A. Scrues
1895.Raford Simmons
1895.Eliza J. Bowen
1895.Pharisa C. Bennett
1896.M.C. Jones
1896.Julia A. Jones
1896.Sidney L. Hall
1896.Kesiah A. Hall
1896.Johnnie B. Bennett
1897.Lemuel Lanier
1897.Susan Lanier
1897.Esau E.Neathsmith
1897.Catherene Neathsmith
1897.Polly Dickerson
1897.Emma Neathsmith
1897.Cenny A.E. Bowen
1897.Mary E. Bennett
1897.Georgiann Williams
1St. The church having entred into a covenent ~ a church at Deloache's Meeting house Bulloch County the Presbytery give them the right hand of Fellowship.
2 Then proceeded to call a Minister as a Supply to go in and Out before them and by a unanimous Voice of the church Elder William Groover was called.
3 By a unanimous call John Deloach was appointed to keep the records of the Church.
4.The church hopefully believing there was precious souls desireing become members a door was opend ....the came forward Lewis Smith and was joyfully received.
5.The Church then dismist in Order.
The day following being the Sabbath before baptism A Door was opend for the reception of members into this body and received Susan Barrow By letter.
Rules to be Observed While In Conference
1St. Conference Shall be open by the moderator and no minister Shall Sit as moderator unless they be of the Same faith and order in case no minister be present one of the Deacons may act as moderator.
2nd.No person shall be permitted to take a Seet with us in conference to help us in our deliberations unless they be of the Same faith and In order.
3rd No Member is to speak more than three times on any one case except liberty granted by the conference or moderator nor Shall any member Interrupt another while speaking 0r cast contempt nor speak till the first is Seated then he is at liberty to Speak.
4. No member is allowed to peverte the sense of anothers speach nor deride in any wise but perserve good order.
5. There ought to be Sollom Silence in time of business on carpet.
6. The Moderator Should prevent all unnecessary debating and Should Command Silence if needs so require
7. In all cases decided by Vote the moderator Shall not be admitted to vote unless he be a member of the Same church and in case there be a tie the church may cast Lots.
8. There Shall be gospel Steps taken with trespasses between the Brethren and Sisters before it Shall be told to the church and In any case any member presenting a trespass before the church contrary to this Article it Shall be thrown out untill Gospel Steps be taken with Same.
9. When two or more attempts to speak at once the moderator Should in such a case decide which Should give place to the other.
10. Any member about to remove from the church Should by all means apply for a letter of Recommendation if oppertunity will admit failing therein is considered disorder.
11. Any member absenting themselves three conferences or meetings ought
to Visited by Some Of the faithful Brethren in order to stir them up to there duty knowing that we have a command not to forsake the assembling Of our selves together as the manner of Some is.
12. Two mail members may hold conferance.
13. It Shall be the duty of the Clerk to record & keep a fair Statement
Of all the business done in conference that is kneadful to be Recorded.
14. It is the duty of the church to Supply the clerk with a suffisiency of record Books and paper for the use of the church. (Over)
15. These rules to be read every quartely meeting.
Saturday the 13th day of June 1840
After preaching by the reverend Broth Wm. Groover Conference was opened as usual a for experence none came forward then closed in order.
Wm. Groover mod. John DeLoach CC
Saturday 11th of July 1840 After preaching by our beloved Brethren Thomas Green an Isaac Barber Conference was opened as usual a for experience then came forward Elizabeth Anderson mad was joyfully received by letter our our beloved Sister Elizabeth DeLoach and Jacob Kickaliter then concluded in order.
John DeLoach clerk
August Meeting Met Saturday before the Second Lord's day in August 1840 after preaching conference was opened in the usual manner a door was opened for Experence unto this Body and we had the pleasure of receiveing by Experience Bro Redding Rimes and Bro Covington Cribb and Sister Sarah Cribbs by Letter then proceeded to elect deligates to the Association and made choice of the Brethren William DeLoach and John DeLoach and Barnabas Bennette in case of failure and the Clerk to prepare the Letter. Then concluded in order.
John DeLoach clk
Met Saturday before the 2nd Lords day in September 1840 After Preaching a door was opened for the reception of members Then came forward our Sister Nancy Rowe and after relating what she hoped the Lord had done for her soul was joyfully received by giveing the right hand of fellowship also Recd by Letter Sister Mary Cribbs then cam forward Brother John M. Martin and was Joyfully recd by Experience
John DeLoach clk
Saturday before the Second Lords day in Oct 1840 After Preaching a door was opened in the usual manner read a Letter of corespondance from the church at Mill Creek by the hands of the Brethren General E. Mikell and Joseph Hagan we the church agree to correspond with the Mill Creek Church by the Brethren Barnabas Bennette and John DeLoach and John M. Martin then closed in order. John DeLoach, Clerk
Saturday before the second Lord's day in November 1840 After Preaching a was opened for Experience none came forward the concluded in order
John DeLoach, Clerk
Saturday before the Second Lord's day in Decr 1840 After Preaching conference was opened in the usual manner a door for the reception of members none came forward a move was made and second for our next years preacher on Supply Br. William Groover was made choice of then concluded in order
Wm. Groover, mod John DeLoach, Clerk
Saturday before the Second Sabbath in January 1841 after Preaching conference was opened in the usual manner a door for the reception of members none came forward received a letter of corispondance from the Church at Beard Creek by he hand of the Brethren Seth Night we the church agree to corrispond with the Beards Creek by the Brother Wm DeLoach and John M. Martin and Barnabas Bennette and John DeLoach to right the letter then closed in order.
John DeLoach, Clerk
Saturday before the Second Sabbath in February after Preaching conference was opened a door for experience none came forward received a letter of Correspondance from the Church at Lott's Creek by the hand of the Brother John Brannen we the church agree to corispond with the Lotts Creek by the Brothern Barnabas Bennette John M Martin and John M Martin to right the letter so Closed in order John DeLoach, Clerk
Saturday before the Second Sabbath in March 1841 after preaching conference was opened a door for experience none came forward then dismissed in order John DeLoach Clerk
Saturday before the Second Sabbath in April 1841 after preaching conference was opened a door for expierence Came forward by Letter our Brethern an Sister Addam Jones and wife Mary Jones Dempsey Cannon and wife Rebecca Cannon an was joyfully received the received a letter from Beards Creek which gave us much Satisfaction also we agree to right a Letter to our Sister Church at Black Creek our Brother William DeLoach to write the Letter James McElveene & Lewis Smith to hand the Letter then dismissed in order John DeLoach Clerk
Saturday before the Second Sabbath in May 1841 after preaching conference was opened a door for experience none came forward received a Letter or message of Love from the church at Lotts Creek which we joyfully received then dismissed in order
Wm. Groover, Mod John DeLoach Clerk
June Term 1841
Conference opened as usual a door for experience opened none came forward then Brother Covington Cribbs presented a case between himself and Bro. James McElveene with regard to the amount of $2.00 due Cribbs by McElveene for the teaching of a singing school Cribbs agreed to leave the case to the church and the church to a committee the committee reported that McElveene pay Cribbs the amount. the church then decided with committee then decided with the committee then Bro. Barnabas Bennette that a day of fasting and prayer be set apart to the Lord that one might be raised up among us as a month for the Lord agreed upon by the church that Friday before the Second Saturday in July next be the day. Concluded in order
John DeLoach, Clerk
July Term 1841 Conference opened as usual a door for experance came forward our beloved Sister Rachael Smith who we joyfully received then a move made to right the church at Beard's Creek by Letter, an messenger Barnabus Bennette and John DeLoach to bear the message So then concluded in order John DeLoach Clerk
August Term 1841 After Preaching Conference opened in the usual manner a door for experance none cam forward a move made and seconded to appoint delegates to the association our Bro. Addam Jones & Barnabus Bennette was appointed Wm. DeLoach in case of failure John DeLoach to prepare the Letter So Concluded in order
John DeLoach Clerk
Sept Term 1841 no minister attend Conference was opened by the deacon a door for experance none came forward then concluded in order
John DeLoach Clerk
October Term 1841 After Preaching conference was opened a door for experance non came forward then received a letter from Beards Creek Church which gave us much Satisfaction the church agree to corespond with Creek Church then concluded in order John DeLoach Clerk
November Term 1841 After Preaching conference was opened a door for experance none came forward Brother William DeLoach presented a case of agravating against Brother Jacob Kickaliter appointed Brother William DeLoach and John M. Martin to cite him to a hearing to our next conference so then concluded in order
John DeLoach, Clerk
December Term 1841 after Preaching conference Set in order none received the Brethren reported Jacob Kickaliter regular cited who came forward and gave not Sufficient Satisfaction to the church who after due deliberation expeled him for killing a cow belonging to his Father without leaf from his Father. which the church considered to be dishonesty in the first degree the concluded in order John DeLoach Clerk
January Term 1842 after preaching conference opened a door for experance Came forward our Bro. Redding Denmark and wife Rachael Denmark by letter who we joyfully received Dismissed in order John DeLoach Clerk
February Term 1842 after preaching conference Set in order. a door opened for experance none come forward dismissed in order the day following being the Sabbath before preaching a door opened for experance Come forward our beloved Brother Thomas H Bowmount who we joyfully received
John DeLoach Clerk
March Term 1842 after preaching conference Set in order. a door opened for experance
Came forward our Sister Elizabeth Woodcock after relating to the church what she had hoped the Lord has done for hear She was joyfully received a move made and seconded this church should corispond with Bethelem Church with messengers on letters Messengers Barnabus Bennette and John M Martin Addam Jones Bro John M Martin apointed assistant Clerk then dismissed in order
John DeLoach ,Clerk
April Term 1842 After Preaching conference Sit in order a door was opened for experance none came forward then dismissed in order
John DeLoach ,Clerk
May Term 1842 After preaching conference Set in order. a door opened for experance
Came forward by Letter our Sister Mary Driggers who was joyfully received Bro Addam Jones Pertitioned to church for himself and wife Mary Jones, Letters to join Black Creek Church an it was granted So then concluded in order
John DeLoach ,Clerk
June Term 1842 No minister attended conference Sit in order a door opened for experance by Bro Barbabas Bennette one of the deacons, none came forward then dismissed in order John DeLoach ,Clerk
July Term 1842 After preaching conference Sit in order. a door opened for experance
none came forward a move made and Seconded that the church Should have prayer meeting on the first Sabbath in August then dismissed in order John DeLoach ,Clerk
August Term 1842 No minister attended one of the deacons sat as moderator a door for experance opened none came forward then Proceded to Elect delegates to our next association Bro John DeLoach & Barnabas Bennette Chosen and John M Martin in case of failure moved and seconded that Brother Beaumount right the Letter moved and seconded that worship Commence at 11 o clock then dismissed in order
John DeLoach ,Clerk
September Term 1842 After preaching conference, Sit in order a door opened for experance none came forward then dismissed in order John DeLoach ,Clerk
October Term 1842 After preaching conference, Sit in order a door opened for experance none came forward moved and seconded that this church would corespond with Beards Creek Church in December by the Brothren Barnabas Bennette and Lewis Smith the clerk to prepare the Letter Then dismissed in order John DeLoach ,Clerk
November Term 1842 No minister Attended conference Sit in order a door opened for experance by one of the deacons none came forward then dismissed in order John DeLoach ,Clerk
December Term 1842 After preaching conference, Sit in order a door opened for experance none came forward, then proceded to make choice of our next years Suply in the Ministry maid choice of our Brother William Groover then dismissed in order
John DeLoach ,Clerk
William Groover, Mod
January Meeting 1843 Conference opened as usual a door for experance none came forward, then Brother Thomas H. Baughmount applied for a Letter of recommendation and it was granted then agreed to visit the Brethren by letter, and messenger Brother John M Martin to wright the letter and Brother Bennette and Bro
Martin to bear the same then concluded in order John DeLoach ,Clerk
February Meeting 1843 After preaching conference opened as usual a door for Experance Came our Sister Susanna Cribbs who we joyfully received then Concluded in order John DeLoach ,Clerk
March Meeting 1843 Conference opened by one of the deacons a door for experance none came forward moved and seconded that James H McElveene be visited by some of
the Brethren to stir him up to his duty Brethren John M. Martin and Thomas H. Baughmount to bear the Same Brother Reding Denmark applied for a Letter of recommendation laid over until next Conference John DeLoach ,Clerk
April Meeting 1843 Conference opened as usual a door for experance none came forward the application of Brother Redding Denmark for a Letter was brought forward
and was granted to him and his wife Rachael Denmark then concluded in order
John DeLoach ,Clerk
May Meeting 1843 Conference opened as usual a door for experance none came forward then dismissed in order John DeLoach ,Clerk
June Meeting 1843 Conference opened as usual a door for experance none came forward then Concluded in order John DeLoach ,Clerk
July Meeting 1843 After preaching conference opened as usual a door for experance
none came forward. Moved and seconded that this church Should corespond with Lotts Creek & Black Creek Churches with Letters and messengers then dismissed in order
John DeLoach ,Clerk
Wm Groover, Mod
August Meeting 1843 After preaching conference opened in the usual manor a door
for experance none came forward. then proceeded to Elect delegates to go to the Association Breathern Wm. DeLoach and Barnabas Bennette in case of failure Brother J M Martin to right the Letter, then Concluded in order John DeLoach ,Clerk
September Meeting 1843 After preaching conference opened in the usual manor
for experance none came forward. moved and seconded this church should corispond with the Lake Meeting house Church with letter an messengers, Barnabas Bennette and William DeLoach then dismissed in order
John DeLoach ,Clerk
October Meeting 1843 After preaching conference opened as usual a door for experance Came forward our Brother Elias E Martin and Moses J McElveene and wife Mary McElveene who we joyfully received then dismissed in order John DeLoach ,Clerk
November Meeting 1843 After preaching conference opened in the usual mannor a door for Exception none came forward then dismissed in order John DeLoach ,Clerk
December Meeting 1843 After preaching conference opened in the usual mannor a door for experance none came forward then proceded to make choice of our next years preacher and made choice of Brother William Groover
Wm. Groover , Mod John DeLoach ,Clerk
January Meeting 1844 After preaching conference opened in the usual manor a door for expierance none came forward, moved and seconded that we visit our Sister Church at Lower Lotts Creek and appointed Brothers John M Martin to wright the Letter J M Martin B Bennette William DeLoach to bare the Same. moved and seconded that we visit Mill Creek Church by Letter , and Messengers appointed Brethren John DeLoacth
and B Bennette Brother John DeLoach to right the Letter. then concluded in order
John DeLoach ,Clerk
February Term 1844 After preaching conference opened in the usual manor a door for experance none came forward then dismissed in order John DeLoach ,Clerk
March Term 1844 After preaching conference opened in the usual manor a door for experance none Came forward then Concluded in order John DeLoach ,Clerk
April Term 1844 After preaching conference opened in the usual manor a door for experance none Came forward then Concluded in order John DeLoach ,Clerk
May Term 1844 After preaching conference opened in the usual manner a door for experance none Came forward then Concluded in order John DeLoach ,Clerk
June Meeting 1844 After preaching conference opened in the usual manner a door for experance none Came forward moved and seconded this Church should visit Upper Black Creek Church with Letter an messengers, Barnabas Bennette and John DeLoach, then dismissed in order John DeLoach ,Clerk
July Meeting 1844 After preaching conference opened in the usual manner a door for Experance none Came forward then dismissed in order
John DeLoach ,Clerk
August Meeting 1844 After preaching conference opened in the usual manner a door for experance none of Members none came forward then proceeded to Elect deligates to our Association and elected Brethren John DeLoach & J M Martin and B Bennette in case of failure then Concluded in order John DeLoach ,Clerk
September Meeting 1844 After preaching conference opened in the usual manner a door for experance Came forward our Brother John Sikes after relating to the church what he hoped the Lord had done for him he was joyfully received then dismissed in order
John DeLoach ,Clerk
October Meeting 1844 After preaching conference opened in the usual manner a door for experance none Came forward then dismissed in order
John DeLoach ,Clerk
November Meeting 1844 No minister attend conference opened by one of the deacons a door for Experance none Came forward then dismissed in order
John DeLoach,Clerk
December Meeting 1844 No minister attended conference opened by one of the deacons a door for Experance none Came forward then proceeded to elect our next years preacher and made choice of Brother John G. Williams to go in an out before us then come to a close in order
John DeLoach, Clerk
January Meeting 1845 After preaching conference opened in the usual manner a door for the reception of members none came forward Sister Sarah Cribbs and Mary Daniel applied for Letters of recommendation which was granted then concluded in order
John G. Williams, mod John DeLoach, Clerk
February Meeting 1845 After preaching conference opened in the usual manner a door for the reception of members none came forward then concluded in order
John G. Williams, mod John M Martin Ass't
March Meeting 1845 After preaching conference opened in the usual manner a door for Experance none Came forward then dismissed in order
John DeLoach,Clerk
John G. Williams, mod
April Meeting 1845 After preaching conference opened in the usual manner a door for Experance none Came forward then dismissed in order
John DeLoach,Clerk
John G. Williams, mod
May Meeting 1845 Conference as usual a opened door for Experance none Came forward then agreed to visit Lower Lotts Creek by letter and messengers appointed the Brethren William DeLoach and Barnabas Bennette and Moses McElveene to bear the Letter then closed in order
John DeLoach,Clerk
John G. Williams, mod
June Meeting 1845 Conference was opened as usual a door for experance Came forward by Letter our Sister Sarah Sikes who we joyfully received then dismissed in order John DeLoach,Clerk
John G. Williams, mod
July Meeting 1845 Conference opened as usual a door for Experance Came forward
our Sister Margaret Parker, after relating to the church what she hoped the Lord had done for her she was joyfully received then dismissed in order
John G. Williams, mod John DeLoach,Clerk
August Meeting 1845 After preaching conference opened as usual a door for Experance
none Came forward then proceeded to Elect Deligates to the Association Elected Brother William DeLoach & John DeLoach and John M Martin in case of failure Brother clerk to right the Letter then dismissed in order
John G. Williams, mod John DeLoach,Clerk
September Meeting 1845 After preaching conference opened as usual a door for Experance none Came forward then dismissed in order
John G. Williams, mod John DeLoach,Clerk
October Meeting 1845 no Conference
John DeLoach,Clerk
November Meeting 1845 After preaching conference opened as usual a door for Experance none Came forward then agreed to visit Beards Creek Church by Letter an Messenger then dismissed in order
John G. Williams, mod John DeLoach,Clerk
December Meeting 1845 After preaching conference opened as usual a door for Experance none Came forward then dismissed in order
J G. Williams, mod John DeLoach,Clerk
January Meeting 1846 After preaching conference opened in the usual manner a door for Experance none Came forward then agreed to visit Beards Creek Church and messengers Brother Barnabas Bennette & Moses McElveene then dismissed in order
John G. Williams, mod John DeLoach,Clerk
February Meeting 1846 After preaching conference opened in the usual manner a door for Experance none Came forward then dismissed in order
J G. Williams, mod John DeLoach,Clerk
March Meeting 1846 After preaching conference opened in the usual manner a door for Experance Came forward by Letter Sister Hendrix and was received this church agreed to visit Fellowship Church with Letter and messengers, Barnabas Bennette and Moses McElveene then dismissed in order
J G. Williams, mod John DeLoach,Clerk
April Meeting 1846 After preaching conference opened in the usual manner a door for Experance none Came forward then dismissed in order
J G. Williams, mod John DeLoach,Clerk
May Meeting 1846 After preaching conference opened in the usual manner a door for Experance none Came forward, then agreed to visit Lots Creek Church and fellowship with Letter and messengers then dismissed in order
J G. Williams, mod John DeLoach,Clerk
June Meeting 1846 After preaching conference opened in the usual manner a door for Experance none Came forward then dismissed in order
John G. Williams, mod John DeLoach,Clerk
July Meeting 1846 After preaching conference opened in the usual manner a door for Experance none Came forward. agreed to visit Salem Church and Fellowship by Letter and messengers Wm DeLoach and B Bennete to prepare the Letter then dismissed in order
J G. Williams, mod John DeLoach,Clerk
August Meeting 1846 After preaching conference opened in the usual manner a door for Experance none Came forward then proceeded to appoint deligates to the Association and appointed the Brethren Wm DeLoach & John DeLoach and Elias E. Martin in case of failure then dismissed in order
J G. Williams, mod John DeLoach,Clerk
September Meeting 1846 no conference
J DeLoach, Clerk
October Meeting 1846 After preaching conference opened in the usual manner a door for Experance Came forward our Sister Mary Cannon after relating to the church what hope she had She was joyfully received then closed in order
John G. Williams, mod John DeLoach,Clerk
November Meeting 1846 After preaching conference opened in the usual manner a door for Experance Came forward our Brother Emanuel Riggs & wife Harriet Riggs the day following at the water Came forward our Sister Ann Martin who we joyfully received then dismissed in order
John G. Williams, mod John DeLoach,Clerk
December Meeting 1846 After preaching conference opened in the usual manner a door for Experance Came forward our Brother John C. Rimes who we joyfully received then proceeded to make Choice of our Preacher for the present year and Called Brother John G. Williams then dismissed in order
J. G. Williams, mod John DeLoach,Clerk
January Meeting 1847 After preaching conference opened as usual a door for the reception of members then came forward our Sister Juliann Rodgers and was received by Experance and babtised in the name of Jesus then Closed in order
J. G. Williams, mod John DeLoach,Clerk
February Meeting 1847 Conference opened as usual a door for the reception of members none Came forward then closed in order
J. G. Williams, mod John DeLoach,Clerk
March Meeting 1847 Conference opened in the usual manner a door for the reception of members none Came forward then closed in order
J. G. Williams, mod John DeLoach,Clerk
April Meeting 1847 After preaching conference opened in the usual manner a door for Experance Came forward our Brother E. G. Rodgers who was joyfully received then this Church agreed to visit Beards Creek Church with Letter and messengers in favor of two associations then dismissed in order
J. G. Williams, mod John DeLoach,Clerk
May Meeting 1847 After preaching conference opened in the usual manner a door for Expierence was opened Came forward our Sister Catherine Rimes and way joyfully received then closed in order
J G. Williams, mod John DeLoach,Clerk
June Meeting 1847 After preaching conference opened as usual a door for expierence Came forward by Letter our Sister Tarisee Denmark then dismissed in order
J. G. Williams, mod John DeLoach,Clerk
July Meeting 1847 After preaching conference was opened in the usual manner a door for expierence Came forward our Brother Stephen Denmark who we joyfully received then dismissed in order
J. G. Williams, mod John DeLoach,Clerk
August Meeting 1847 After preaching conference was opened in the usual manner a door for expierence Came forward General Cannon who we joyfully recieved then proceeded to make choice of deligates for the next association Meeting
J. G. Williams, mod John DeLoach,Clerk
September Meeting 1847 After preaching conference opened in the usual manner a door for Expierence none came forward dismissed in order
J G. Williams, mod John DeLoach,Clerk
October Meeting 1847 After preaching conference opened in the usual manner a door for Expierence none came forward then dismissed in order
J G. Williams, mod John DeLoach,Clerk
November Meeting 1847 After preaching conference opened in the usual manner a door for Expierence none came forward then dismissed in order
J G. Williams, mod John DeLoach,Clerk
December Meeting 1847 After preaching conference opened in the usual manner a door for Expierence none came forward then proceeded to elect our next years Preacher and E#lected our Brother John G. Williams then Brother Redding Rimes applied for a letter of dismission from this body and it was granted then dismissed in order
J G. Williams, mod John DeLoach,Clerk
January Meeting 1848 No conference
John DeLoach,Clerk
February Meeting 1848 After preaching conference opened in the usual manner a door for Expierence Came forward by Letter Sister Mary Rowe an was received then dismissed in order
J. G. Williams, mod John DeLoach,Clerk
March Meeting 1848 After preaching conference opened in the usual manner a door for Experance none came forward then dismissed in order
J. G. Williams, mod John DeLoach,Clerk
April Meeting 1848 After preaching conference opened in the usual manner a door for Experance none came forward the day following being the Sabbath Came forward by Letter Martha Glisson and was received then dismissed in order.
J. G. Williams, mod John DeLoach,Clerk
May Meeting 1848 After preaching conference opened in the usual manner a door for Experance none came forward then dismissed in order
J. G. Williams, mod John DeLoach,Clerk
June Meeting 1848 After preaching conference opened in the usual manner a door for Experance none came forward a move made & seconded that Brother Moses J. McElveene Should be cited to our next Conference for the Cause of Certain reports against him then dismissed in order.
J. G. Williams, mod John DeLoach,Clerk
July Meeting 1848 After preaching conference opened in the usual manner a door for Experance none came forward the case of Brother Moses McElveene was called and answered and as he was not reconciled with himself he requested his name should be taken of ov the Book a moove made and Seconded that his request should be granted and was agreed upon. Then proceeded to appoint Deligates to our next association and appointed the Brethren John DeLoach and Elias E. Martin and William DeLoach in case of failure then dismissed in order
J. G. Williams, mod John DeLoach,Clerk
August Meeting 1848 After preaching conference opened in the usual manner a door for Experance none came forward then dismissed in order
J. G. Williams, mod John DeLoach,Clerk
September Meeting 1848 After preaching conference opened in the usual manner a door for Experance none came forward none came forward then the church agreed to visit Fellowship Church with a Letter and Messengers then dismissed in order
J. G. Williams, mod John DeLoach,Clerk
October Meeting 1848 After preaching conference opened in the usual manner a door for Experance none came forward this church agreed to visit Beards Creek Church with
Letter and Messengers then dismissed in order
J. G. Williams, mod John DeLoach,Clerk
November Meeting 1848 After preaching conference opened in the usual manner a door for Experance none came forward then dismissed in order
J. G. Williams, mod John DeLoach,Clerk
December Meeting 1848 After preaching conference opened in the usual manner a door for Experance none came forward then proceeded to make choice of our next years preacher and made choice of J G. Williams and then dismissed in order
J. G. Williams, mod John DeLoach,Clerk
January Meeting 1849 After preaching conference opened in the usual manner a door for Experance none came forward the church agrees that Brother Cannon Should be cited to our next conference by the following Brethren Lewis Smith John C Rimes & John M Martin for the cause of Drunkness then dismissed in order
J. G. Williams, mod John DeLoach,Clerk
February Meeting 1849 After preaching conference opened in the usual manner a door for Experance none came forward. the case of Brother Dempsey Cannon was called and it appeared he gave Satisfaction to the Church for his misconduct then dismissed in order
J. G. Williams, mod John DeLoach,Clerk
March Meeting 1849 After preaching conference opened in the usual manner a door for Experance none came forward then dismissed in order
J. G. Williams, mod John DeLoach,Clerk
April Meeting 1849 After preaching conference opened in the usual manner a door for Experance none came forward then dismissed in order
J. G. Williams, mod John DeLoach,Clerk
May Meeting 1849 After preaching conference opened in the usual manner a door for Experance none came forward then dismissed in order
J. G. Williams, mod John DeLoach,Clerk
June Meeting 1849 After preaching conference opened in the usual manner a door for Experance none came forward then dismissed in order
J. G. Williams, mod John DeLoach,Clerk
July Meeting 1849 After preaching conference opened in the usual manner a door for Experance Came forward our Sister Elizabeth Franklin after relating to the church the hope she had was received then the Church proceeded to appoint delegates to the association and appointed the Brother William DeLoach and Barnabas Bennette then dismissed in order
J. G. Williams, mod John DeLoach,Clerk
August Meeting 1849 After preaching conference opened in the usual manner a door for Experance none came forward then dismissed in order
J. G. Williams, mod John DeLoach,Clerk
September Meeting 1849 After preaching by Brother William Groover conference opened in the usual a door for Experance none came forward then dismissed in order
J. G. Williams, mod John DeLoach,Clerk
(Note: no entry for October, 1849)
November Meeting 1849 After preaching conference opened in the usual manner a door for Experance none came forward then dismissed in order
J. G. Williams, mod John DeLoach,Clerk
December Meeting 1849 After preaching conference opened in the usual manner a door for Experance none came forward then proceded to make choice of our next years preacher and the church gave a unanimous voice that Brother John G. Williams Should be the Supply then dismissed in order
J. G. Williams, mod John DeLoach,Clerk
January Meeting 1850 Conference opened in the usual manner a door for the reception of members Came forward our Sister Nancy Groover after relating to the church the hope she had she was received by giving right hand of fellowship then dismissed in order
J. G. Williams, mod John DeLoach,Clerk
February Meeting 1850 After preaching conference opened by the Moderator and a door for the reception of members Came forward then Sister Rubin Martin applied for a letter of recommendation and was granted then came to a close in order
J. G. Williams, mod John DeLoach,Clerk
March Meeting 1850 Conference opened in the usual manner a door for Experance none came forward then dismissed in order
J. G. Williams, mod John DeLoach,Clerk
April Meeting 1850 Conference opened by Brother Bennette one of the deacons a door for Experance none came forward then dismissed in order
J. G. Williams, mod John DeLoach,Clerk
May Meeting 1850 After preaching conference opened in the usual manner a door for Experance none came forward then dismissed in order
J. G. Williams, mod John DeLoach,Clerk
June Meeting 1850 After preaching conference opened in the usual manner a door for Experance one came forward and not received then closed in order.
J. G. Williams, mod John DeLoach,Clerk
July Meeting 1850 After preaching conference opened in the usual manner a door for Experance none came forward. Then proceeded to appoint deligates to the association and appointed the following Brethren Barnabas Bennette and John M. Martin & William DeLoach in case of failure J M Martin to prepare the Letter then dismissed in order
J. G. Williams, mod John DeLoach,Clerk
August Meeting 1850 After preaching conference opened in the usual manner a door for Experance none came forward then dismissed in order
J. G. Williams, mod John DeLoach,Clerk
September Meeting 1850 no conference on account of the association
John DeLoach,Clerk
October Meeting 1850 After preaching conference opened in the usual manner a door for Experance none came forward then dismissed in order The day following being the Sabbath the opportunity was offered and came forward one of James McElveene Colored woman and was received
J. G. Williams, mod John DeLoach,Clerk
November Meeting 1850 After preaching conference opened in the usual manner a door for Experance none came forward, so was moved and seconded in our last conference that Brother James McElveene Should be cited to our next Conference for the reports of drunkeness & card playing dismissed in order
J. G. Williams, mod John DeLoach,Clerk
December Meeting 1850 After preaching conference opened in the usual manner a door for Experance none came forward then the case of Brother James McElveene was taken up and he acknowledged part of the reports was true then he was Expeled from the church. Then dismissed in order
J. G. Williams, mod John DeLoach,Clerk
January Meeting 1851 After preaching conference opened in the usual manner a door for Experance none came forward then closed in order
J. G. Williams, mod John DeLoach,Clerk
February Term 1851 no conference
John DeLoach,Clerk
March Meeting 1851 After preaching conference opened in the usual manner a door for Experance none came forward then dismissed in order
John G. Williams, mod John DeLoach,Clerk
April Meeting 1851 After preaching conference opened in the usual manner a door for Experance none came forward then dismissed in order
J. G. Williams, mod John DeLoach,Clerk
May Meeting 1851 After preaching conference opened in the usual manner a door for Experance none came forward, Brother Emanuel Riggs and wife applied for a Letter of Recommendation and was granted then dismissed in order
J. G. Williams, mod John DeLoach,Clerk
June Meeting 1851 After preaching conference opened in the usual manner a door for Experance none came forward then dismissed in order
J. G. Williams, mod John DeLoach,Clerk
July Meeting 1851 After preaching conference opened in the usual manner a door for Experance none came forward then dismissed in order
J. G. Williams, mod John DeLoach,Clerk
August Meeting 1851 After preaching conference opened in the usual manner a door for Experance none came forward then dismissed in order
J. G. Williams, mod John DeLoach,Clerk
September Meeting 1851 After preaching conference opened in the usual manner a door for Experance none came forward then proceeded to elect deligates to the association and Elected the following Brethrer Barnabas Bennette and Elias E Martin. Then dismissed in order
J. G. Williams, mod John DeLoach,Clerk
October Meeting 1851 After preaching conference opened in the usual manner a door for Experance none came forward Then dismissed in order
J. G. Williams, mod John DeLoach,Clerk
November Meeting 1851 After preaching conference opened in the usual manner a door for Experance none came forward then dismissed in order
J. G. Williams, mod John DeLoach,Clerk
December Meeting 1851 After preaching conference opened in the usual manner a door for Experance none came forward then the church proceeded to Elect the next years preacher and made choice of Brother John G Williams then dismissed in order
J. G. Williams, mod John DeLoach,Clerk
January Meeting 1852 After preaching conference opened in the usual manner a door for Experance none came forward then dismissed in order
J. G. Williams, mod John DeLoach,Clerk
February Meeting 1852 After preaching conference opened by one of the Deacons, Brother Lewis Smith applied for Letter of recommendation for himself and wife and it was granted then dismissed in order John DeLoach,Clerk
March Meeting 1852 After preaching conference opened in the usual manner a door for Experance none came forward then dismissed in order
John G. Williams, mod John DeLoach,Clerk
April Meeting 1852 After preaching conference opened in the usual manner a door for Experance none came forward received a Letter & messenger from Fellowship Church requesting this church to grant Brother Barnabas Bennette the Liberty of attending of them when the opportunity would admit and the request was granted, then dismissed in order
J. G. Williams, mod John DeLoach,Clerk
May Meeting 1852 After preaching conference opened in the usual manner a door for Experance none came forward then dismissed in order
J G. Williams, mod John DeLoach,Clerk
June Meeting 1852 After preaching conference opened in the usual manner a door for Experance none came forward then dismissed in order
John G. Williams, mod John DeLoach,Clerk
July Meeting 1852 After preaching conference opened in the usual manner a door for Experance none came forward then dismissed in order
J G. Williams, mod John DeLoach,Clerk
August Meeting 1852 After preaching conference opened in the usual manner a door for Experance none came forward then proceeded to elect deligates to the association and Elected Bro William DeLoach & Barnabas Bennette then dismissed in order
J. G. Williams, mod John DeLoach,Clerk
September Meeting 1852 no conference on account of the association
John DeLoach,Clerk
October Meeting 1852 After preaching conference opened in the usual manner a door for Experance none came forward then dismissed in order
J. G. Williams, mod John DeLoach,Clerk
November Meeting 1852 Conference opened by the moderator a for Experance none came forward then dismissed in order John DeLoach,Clerk
December Meeting 1852 After preaching conference opened in the usual manner a door for Experance none came forward. Then proceeded to Elect our next years Preacher and made a choice of Brother John G. Williams then dismissed in order
J. G. Williams, mod John DeLoach,Clerk
January Meeting 1853 After preaching conference opened in the usual manner a door for Experance none came forward then dismissed in order
J. G. Williams, mod John DeLoach,Clerk
February Meeting 1853 After preaching conference opened in the usual manner a door for Experance none came forward then dismissed in order
J. G. Williams, mod John DeLoach,Clerk
March Meeting 1853 After preaching conference opened in the usual manner a door for Experance none came forward then dismissed in order
J. G. Williams, mod John DeLoach,Clerk
April Meeting 1853 After preaching conference opened in the usual manner a door for Experance none came forward then dismissed in order
J. G. Williams, mod John DeLoach,Clerk
May Meeting 1853 After preaching conference opened in the usual manner a door for Experance none came forward then dismissed in order
J. G. Williams, mod John DeLoach,Clerk
June Meeting 1853 After preaching conference opened in the usual manner a door for Experance none came forward then dismissed in order
J. G. Williams, mod John DeLoach,Clerk
July Meeting 1853 After preaching conference opened by the moderator and a door for Experance none came forward then dismissed in order
J. G. Williams, mod John DeLoach,Clerk
August Meeting 1853 After preaching conference opened in the usual manner a door for Experance none came forward then proceeded to Elect deligates to attend the next association and Elected the following Brethern Elias E Martin Barnabas Bennette & Wm. DeLoach in case of failure then dismissed in order
John G. Williams, mod John DeLoach,Clerk
September Meeting 1853 After preaching conference opened in the usual manner a door for Expierence none came forward then Received a Letter and messengers from Upper Lotts Creek requesting this church to authorise Brother Barnabas Bennette to be there supply for this church Complyed with the request and granted Brother Bennette Licens for the same then dismissed in order
J. G. Williams, mod John DeLoach,Clerk
October Meeting 1853 No conference
John DeLoach,Clerk
November Meeting 1853 After preaching conference opened in the usual manner a door for Experance none came forward then dismissed in order
John G. Williams, mod John DeLoach,Clerk
December Meeting 1853 After preaching conference opened in the usual manner a door for Experance none came forward then dismissed in order
John G. Williams, mod John DeLoach,Clerk
January Meeting 1854 After preaching conference opened in the usual manner a door for Experance none came forward, by the request of Fellowship Church we the day a part on our next meeting to ordain Brother Barnabas Bennette to the ministry. Then dismissed in order
J. G. Williams, mod John DeLoach,Clerk
February Meeting 1854 After preaching conference opened in the usual manner a door for Experance none came forward, Moved & seconded that the ordaination of Brother Bennette Should be laid over until our next meeting in corse then dismissed in order
J. G. Williams, mod John DeLoach,Clerk
March Meeting 1854 After preaching conference opened in the usual manner a door for Experance none came forward then dismissed in order
John G. Williams, mod John DeLoach,Clerk
April Meeting 1854 After preaching conference opened in the usual manner a door for Experance none came forward then dismissed in order
John G. Williams, mod John DeLoach,Clerk
May Meeting 1854 After preaching conference opened in the usual manner a door for Experance none came forward Moved & seconded that the ordination of Brother Bennette Should be on our next meeting in corse then dismissed in order
J. G. Williams, mod John DeLoach,Clerk
June Meeting 1854 After preaching conference opened in the usual manner a door for Experance none came forward then dismissed in order
John G. Williams, mod John DeLoach,Clerk
July Meeting 1854 No Conference
John DeLoach,Clerk
August Meeting 1854 After preaching conference opened in the usual manner a door for Experance none came forward then proceeded to Elect deligates to attend the Association Elected the following Brethren Wm. DeLoach, Elias E Martin and John DeLoach in case of failure Then dismissed in order
John G. Williams, mod John DeLoach,Clerk
September Meeting 1854 After preaching conference opened in the usual manner a door for Experance none came forward then dismissed in order
John G. Williams, mod John DeLoach,Clerk
October Meeting 1854 No meeting on account of the association
John DeLoach,Clerk
November Term 1854 No Conference
John DeLoach,Clerk
December Meeting 1854 After preaching conference opened in the usual manner a door for Experance none came forward then received a letter and messengers from Fellowship Church requesting this church to let Brother Barnabas Bennette at Liberty to attend that church and it was consented to then dismissed in order
J. G. Williams, mod John DeLoach,Clerk
January Meeting 1855 After preaching conference opened in the usual manner a door for Experance none came forward, the next day the ordination of Brother Barnabas Bennette took place and was ordained by the Brethren John G Williams & Nathan Roberts then dismissed in order
J. G. Williams, mod John DeLoach,Clerk
February Meeting 1855 After preaching conference opened in the usual manner a door for Experance none came forward then dismissed in order
J. G. Williams, mod John DeLoach,Clerk
March Meeting 1855 After preaching conference opened in the usual manner a door for Experance none came forward by order of the church in conference on our next meeting in Corse to have a deacon appointed to fille the vacancy of Brother Barnabas Bennette then dismissed in order
J. G. Williams, mod John DeLoach,Clerk
April Meeting 1855 no preaching in conference received by Letter Zachariah Worley and Elected him Deacon to fill the vacancy of Brother Bennette then dismissed in order
J. G. Williams, mod John DeLoach,Clerk
May Meeting 1855 After preaching conference opened in the usual manner a door for Experance none came forward then dismissed in order
J. G. Williams, mod John DeLoach,Clerk
June Term 1855 No conference
John DeLoach,Clerk
July Term 1855 No conference
John DeLoach,Clerk
August Meeting 1855 After preaching conference opened in the usual manner a door for Experance none came forward then proceeded to ELect deligates to the association and Elected the following Brethren William DeLoach & Elias E Martin in case of failure Brother John M Martin to prepare the Letter then dismissed in order
J. G. Williams, mod John DeLoach,Clerk
September Meeting 1855 After preaching conference opened in the usual manner a door for Experance none came forward then dismissed in order
J. G. Williams, mod John DeLoach,Clerk
October Term 1855 No conference
John DeLoach,Clerk
November Meeting 1855 After preaching conference opened in the usual manner a door for Experance Came forward our Brother Thomas Rodgers and was received then dismissed in order
J. G. Williams, mod John DeLoach,Clerk
December Term 1855 No conference
John DeLoach,Clerk
January Meeting 1856 After preaching conference opened in the usual manner a door for Experance none came forward then dismissed in order
J. G. Williams, mod John DeLoach,Clerk
February Meeting 1856 After preaching conference opened in the usual manner a door for Experance none came forward then dismissed in order
J. G. Williams, mod John DeLoach,Clerk
March Term 1856 No conference
John DeLoach,Clerk
April Meeting 1856 After preaching conference opened in the usual manner a door for Experance none came forward the church agreed to call on the following Brethren Nathan Roberts & Edmond Brannen to assist in ordaining Brother Elias E Martin as one of the deacons of this church then dismissed in order
John G. Williams, mod John DeLoach,Clerk
May Meeting 1856 After preaching conference opened in the usual manner a door for Experance none came forward then dismissed in order
John G. Williams, mod John DeLoach,Clerk
PS. E Martin was ordained by the following
Brethren John G. Williams & Nathan Roberts
June Meeting 1856 After preaching conference opened in the usual manner a door for Experance none came forward then dismissed in order
John G. Williams, mod John DeLoach,Clerk
July Meeting 1856 After preaching conference opened in the usual manner a door for Experance none came forward then dismissed in order
John G. Williams, mod John DeLoach,Clerk
August Meeting 1856 After preaching conference opened in the usual manner a door for Experance none came forward then proceeded to elect deligates to the association and Elected the following Brethren William DeLoach & Ervin G. Rodgers in case of failure John C. Rimes then dismissed in order
J. G. Williams, mod John DeLoach,Clerk
September Meeting 1856 After preaching conference opened in the usual manner a door for Experance none came forward then dismissed in order
John G. Williams, mod John DeLoach,Clerk
October Term 1856 No conference on account of the association
John DeLoach,Clerk
November Meeting 1856 after preaching conference opened in the usual manner a door for Experance Came forward our Brother James W Bennette and was received then Brother John C. Rimes applied for letter of recommendation for self and wife and was granted then dismissed in order
J. G. Williams, mod John DeLoach,Clerk
December Meeting 1856 no preacher on the day following the church made a call for the next years preacher and unanimously called Brother
John G. Williams, mod John DeLoach,Clerk
January Meeting 1857 After preaching conference opened in the usual manner a door for Experance none came forward then dismissed in order
John G. Williams, mod John DeLoach,Clerk
February Meeting 1857 After preaching conference opened in the usual manner a door for Experance none came forward then dismissed in order
John G. Williams, mod John DeLoach,Clerk
March Meeting 1857 After preaching conference opened in the usual manner a door for Experance none came forward then dismissed in order
John G. Williams, mod John DeLoach,Clerk
April Meeting 1857 After preaching conference opened in the usual manner a door for Experance none came forward then dismissed in order
John G. Williams, mod John DeLoach,Clerk
May Meeting 1857 After preaching conference opened in the usual manner a door for Experance none came forward then dismissed in order
John G. Williams, mod John DeLoach,Clerk
June Meeting 1857 After preaching conference opened in the usual manner a door for Experance none came forward then dismissed in order
John G. Williams, mod John DeLoach,Clerk
July Term 1857 No conference
John DeLoach,Clerk
August Term 1857 No conference
John DeLoach,Clerk
September Term 1857 No conference
John DeLoach,Clerk
October Meeting 1857 No conference
John DeLoach,Clerk
November Meeting 1857 After preaching conference opened in the usual manner a door for Experance none came forward then dismissed in order
John G. Williams, mod John DeLoach,Clerk
December Meeting 1857 After preaching conference opened in the usual manner a door for Experance none came forward then dismissed in order
John G. Williams, mod John DeLoach,Clerk
January Term 1858 No conference
John DeLoach,Clerk
February Term 1858 No conference
John DeLoach,Clerk
March Meeting 1858 After preaching conference opened in the usual manner a door for Experance none came forward then dismissed in order
J. G. Williams, mod John DeLoach,Clerk
April Meeting 1858 After preaching conference opened in the usual manner a door for Experance none came forward then dismissed in order
J.G. Williams, mod John DeLoach,Clerk
May Term 1858 No conference
John DeLoach,Clerk
June Meeting 1858 After preaching conference opened in the usual manner a door for Experance none came forward then dismissed in order
J.G. Williams, mod John DeLoach,Clerk
July Meeting 1858 After preaching conference opened in the usual manner a door for Experance none came forward then dismissed in order
J.G. Williams, mod John DeLoach,Clerk
August Term 1858 No conference on the Sabbath a doore for the reception of members Came forward our Brother Mathew DeLoach and was joyfully received also a colored Brother belonging to Henry Wilkinson and was received by the name of Moses. then dismissed in order
J.G. Williams, mod John DeLoach,Clerk
Ps also appointed deligates to our Bro. William & John DeLoach in case of failure J.W. Bennette & E.G. Rodgers John DeLoach,Clerk
Ps also received by Letter Sister Keziah DeLoach
John DeLoach,Clerk
September Meeting 1858 After preaching conference opened in the usual manner a door for Experance Came forward our Sister Mary Barrow and was received also came forward Sister Charity Rodgers and received then came forward by Letter Sister Dicy Riggs and received then came forward a colored Brother Jacob Belonging to James Wilkinson then dismissed in order
J.G. Williams, mod John DeLoach,Clerk
October Meeting 1858 No conference on account of the association at Beards Creek
John DeLoach,Clerk
November Meeting 1858 After preaching conference opened in the usual manner a door for Experance Came forward our Sister Nancy DeLoach after relating to the she was joyfully received then dismissed in order
J.G. Williams, mod John DeLoach,Clerk
December Meeting 1858 After preaching conference opened in the usual manner a door for Experance Came forward the following Sisters Eliza Anderson & Matilda Wilkinson and was received then dismissed in order Also called Brother John G Williams for the next years supply
J.G. Williams, mod John DeLoach,Clerk
January Term 1859 no conference on the Sabbath came forward Sister Harriet Hendrix and was received John DeLoach,Clerk
February Meeting 1859 No conference John DeLoach,Clerk
March Meeting 1859 After preaching conference opened in the usual manner a door for Experance none came forward then dismissed in order
J.G. Williams, mod John DeLoach,Clerk
April Meeting 1859 After preaching conference opened in the usual manner a door for Experance none came forward then dismissed in order
J.G. Williams, mod John DeLoach,Clerk
May Meeting 1859 After preaching conference opened in the usual manner a door for Experance none came forward then dismissed in order
John DeLoach,Clerk
June Meeting 1859 no conference
John DeLoach,Clerk
July Meeting 1859 After preaching conference opened in the usual manner a door for Experance none came forward then dismissed in order
J.G. Williams, mod John DeLoach,Clerk
August Meeting 1859 After preaching conference opened in the usual manner a door for Experance none came forward then proceeded to elect deligates to our next association and Elected the following named Brethren William & John DeLoach and James Bennette and Elias E Martin in case of failure then dismissed in order
J.G. Williams, mod John DeLoach,Clerk
September Meeting 1859 After preaching conference opened in the usual manner a door for Experance none came forward then dismissed in order
J.G. Williams, mod John DeLoach,Clerk
October Term 1859 no conference on act of Association
John DeLoach,Clerk
November Meeting 1859 After preaching conference opened in the usual manner a door for Experance none came forward then dismissed in order
J.G. Williams, mod John DeLoach,Clerk
December Meeting 1859 Conference opened by Brother Lester a door for experance none came forward then proceeded to Elect our next years preacher John G. Williams was elected unanimously then dismissed in order
J.G. Williams, mod John DeLoach,Clerk
January Term 1860 no conference John DeLoach,Clerk
February Term 1860 no conference John DeLoach,Clerk
March Meeting 1860 After preaching conference opened in the usual manner a door for Experance Came forward our Sister Dicy Moore and was received by the moderator extending the right-hand of Fellowship then dismissed in order
J.G. Williams, mod John DeLoach,Clerk
April Meeting 1860 After preaching conference opened in the usual manner a door for Experance none came forward then dismissed in order
J.G. Williams, mod John DeLoach,Clerk
May Meeting 1860 After preaching conference opened in the usual manner a door for Experance none came forward then dismissed in order
J.G. Williams, mod John DeLoach,Clerk
June Meeting 1860 no conference John DeLoach,Clerk
July Meeting 1860 After preaching conference opened in the usual manner a door for Experance none came forward then dismissed in order
J.G. Williams, mod John DeLoach,Clerk
October Term 1860 no conference on account of Association at Lanes Church
John DeLoach,Clerk
November Meeting 1860 After preaching conference opened in the usual manner a door for Experance none came forward then dismissed in order
J.G. Williams, mod John DeLoach,Clerk
December Meeting 1860 After preaching conference opened in the usual manner a door for Experance none came forward then proceeded to Select our next years moderator and made choice of Brother John G. Williams as our supply then dismissed in order
J.G. Williams, mod John DeLoach,Clerk
January Meeting 1861 After preaching conference opened in the usual manner a door for Experance none came forward then dismissed in order
J.G. Williams, mod John DeLoach,Clerk
February Meeting 1861 After preaching conference opened in the usual manner a door for Experance none came forward then dismissed in order
J.G. Williams, mod John DeLoach,Clerk
March Meeting 1861 After preaching conference opened in the usual manner a door for Experance none came forward then dismissed in order
J.G. Williams, mod John DeLoach,Clerk
April Meeting 1861 After preaching conference opened in the usual manner a door for Experance none came forward then dismissed in order
J.G. Williams, mod John DeLoach,Clerk
May Term 1861 no conference
John DeLoach,Clerk
June Term 1861 no conference
John DeLoach,Clerk
July Meeting 1861 After preaching conference opened in the usual manner a door for Experance none came forward then dismissed in order
J.G. Williams, mod John DeLoach,Clerk
August Term 1861 no conference
John DeLoach,Clerk
September Meeting 1861 After preaching conference opened in the usual manner a door for Experance none came forward then dismissed in order
J.G. Williams, mod John DeLoach,Clerk
October Term 1861 no conference on act. of the association
John DeLoach,Clerk
November Meeting 1861 After preaching conference opened in the usual manner a door for Experance none came forward then dismissed in order
J.G. Williams, mod John DeLoach,Clerk
December Meeting 1861 no preaching but proceeded to Elect our next years preacher and unanimously Elected Brother John G. Williams
John DeLoach,Clerk
January Term 1862 After preaching conference opened in the usual manner a door for Experance none came forward then dismissed in order
J.G. Williams, mod John DeLoach,Clerk
February term 1862 no conference
John DeLoach,Clerk
March Term 1862 After preaching conference opened in the usual manner a door for Experance none came forward then dismissed in order
J.G. Williams, mod John DeLoach,Clerk
April Term 1862 After preaching conference opened in the usual manner a door for Experance none came forward then dismissed in order
J.G. Williams, mod John DeLoach,Clerk
May Term 1862 After preaching conference opened in the usual manner a door for Experance none came forward then dismissed in order
J.G. Williams, mod John DeLoach,Clerk
June Term 1862 After preaching conference opened in the usual manner a door for Experance none came forward then dismissed in order
J.G. Williams, mod John DeLoach,Clerk
July Term 1862 After preaching conference opened in the usual manner a door for Experance none came forward then dismissed in order
J.G. Williams, mod John DeLoach,Clerk
August Term 1862 no preacher the church proceeded to Select deligates to the next association to be held at upper Black Creek and selected the following Brethren William & John DeLoach & E.G. Rodgers in case of failure
John DeLoach,Clerk
September Term 1862 no conference on the Sabbath the Letter to the association read and received. John DeLoach,Clerk
J.G. Williams, mod John DeLoach,Clerk
October Term 1862 After preaching conference opened in the usual manner a door for Experance none came forward then dismissed in order
J.G. Williams, mod John DeLoach,Clerk
November Term 1862 After preaching conference opened in the usual manner a door for Experance none came forward then dismissed in order
J.G. Williams, mod John DeLoach,Clerk
December Term 1862 After preaching conference opened in the usual manner a door for Experance none came forward then dismissed in order
J.G. Williams, mod John DeLoach,Clerk
January Term 1863 After preaching conference opened in the usual manner a door for Experance none came forward then dismissed in order
J.G. Williams, mod John DeLoach,Clerk
February Term 1863 After preaching conference opened in the usual manner a door for Experance none came forward then dismissed in order
J.G. Williams, mod John DeLoach,Clerk
March Term 1863 After preaching conference opened in the usual manner a door for Experance came forward by Letter Brother Owen Gibson and wife Maryann Gibson who was received by the moderator and Church Extending the right hand of Fellowship then dismissed in order
J.G. Williams, mod John DeLoach,Clerk
April Term 1863 After preaching conference opened in the usual manner a door for Experance none came forward then dismissed in order
J.G. Williams, mod John DeLoach,Clerk
May Term 1863 After preaching conference opened in the usual manner a door for Experance none came forward then dismissed in order
J.G. Williams, mod John DeLoach,Clerk
July Term 1863 no conference
John DeLoach,Clerk
August Term 1863 After preaching conference opened in the usual manner a door was opened in the usual manner a door for Experance none came forward then proceeded to Elect Deligates to the next association to be held at Mill Creek Church and Elected the following Brethren William DeLoach and Owen Gibson & John DeLoach in case of failure Owen Gibson to prepare the Letter five Dollars for minutes
J.G. Williams, mod John DeLoach,Clerk
September Term 1863 After preaching conference opened in the usual manner a door for Experance none came forward then dismissed in order
J.G. Williams, mod John DeLoach,Clerk
October Term 1863 no Conference on account of the Association at Mill Creek Church
John DeLoach,Clerk
November Term 1863 After preaching conference opened in the usual manner a door for Experance none came forward then dismissed in order
J.G. Williams, mod John DeLoach,Clerk
December Term 1863 After preaching conference opened in the usual manner a door for Experance none came forward then proceeded to Elect our next years preacher and
unanimously Elected Brother John G. Williams
John DeLoach,Clerk
January Meeting 1864 After preaching conference opened in the usual manner a door for Experance came forward Plato one of John DeLoachs Black Boys Also Walker one of Hoit DeLoachs and both were received then dismissed in order
J.G. Williams, mod John DeLoach,Clerk
February Term 1864 no conference
John DeLoach,Clerk
March Meeting 1864 After preaching conference opened in the usual manner a door for Experance none came forward then dismissed in order
J.G. Williams, mod John DeLoach,Clerk
April Meeting 1864 After preaching conference opened in the usual manner a door for Experance none came forward then dismissed in order
J.G. Williams, mod John DeLoach,Clerk
May Term 1864 After preaching conference opened in the usual manner a door for Experance came forward one of John DeLoach Black Boys, Munday and was received
then dismissed in order
J.G. Williams, mod John DeLoach,Clerk
June Meeting 1864 After preaching conference opened in the usual manner a door for Experance none came forward then dismissed in order
J.G. Williams, mod John DeLoach,Clerk
July Term 1864 After preaching conference opened in the usual manner a door for Experance came forward Punch & Cad two of Wm. DeLoaches Black Boys and was received then dismissed in order
J.G. Williams, mod John DeLoach,Clerk
August Term 1864 After preaching conference opened in the usual manner a door for Experance came forward one of Wm. DeLoaches Black women and one of John DeLoachs Black men and both was received then proceeded to Elect the Deligates to next association to be held at Lotts Creek and Elected the following Brethren Wm. DeLoach and J DeLoach and Owen Gibson in case of failure Brother J M Martin to prepare the Letter amount made up for minister $7.00 then dismissed in order
J.G. Williams, mod John DeLoach,Clerk
September Meeting 1864 After preaching conference opened in the usual manner a door for Experance none came forward then dismissed in order
J.G. Williams, mod John DeLoach,Clerk
October Term 1864 no conference on account of the association
John DeLoach,Clerk
November Term 1864 After preaching conference opened in the usual manner a door for Experance none came forward then dismissed in order
John G. Williams, mod John DeLoach,Clerk
December Term 1864 After preaching conference opened in the usual manner a door for Experance came forward one of Wm. DeLoach Black women and was received then dismissed in order
J.G. Williams, mod John DeLoach,Clerk
January Term 1865 no conference
John DeLoach,Clerk
February Term 1865 After preaching conference opened in the usual manner a door for Experance came forward one of Wm. DeLoachs Black men and was received then Brought up two Black men one of James Andersons and one of Wm Newmans for disobedience and Both was taken from the Church Book then proceeded to Elect next years preacher and Elected Brother John G. Williams
then dismissed in order
J.G. Williams, mod John DeLoach,Clerk
March Term 1865 After preaching conference opened in the usual manner a door for Experance none came forward then dismissed in order
John G. Williams, mod John DeLoach,Clerk
April Term 1865 After preaching conference opened in the usual manner a door for Experance none came forward then Bringing up the case against Two Colored members Ishmael & Moses and were both struck from the Church Book then dismissed in order
John G. Williams, mod John DeLoach,Clerk
May Term 1865 no conference
John DeLoach,Clerk
June Term 1865 After preaching conference opened in the usual manner a door for Experance none came forward then dismissed in order
John G. Williams, mod John DeLoach,Clerk
July Term 1865 After preaching conference opened in the usual manner a door for Experance none came forward then dismissed in order
John G. Williams, mod John DeLoach,Clerk
August Term 1865 no conference
John DeLoach,Clerk
September Term 1865 Conference opened by one of the deacons and proceeded to the business of the church and Elected the following Brethren Owen GIbson & James W. Bennette to the next association to convene in South carolina Prince Williams Church then dismissed in order
John G. Williams, mod John DeLoach,Clerk
October Term 1865 no conference on account of the association
John DeLoach,Clerk
November Term 1865 no conference
John DeLoach,Clerk
December Term 1865 Conference opened by one of the deacons of the church a case was brought up against Three of the Colored members for disobedience Leaving there homes & church and was taken from the Book then dismissed in order
John G. Williams, mod John DeLoach,Clerk
January Term 1866 no conference
John DeLoach,Clerk
February Term 1866 After preaching conference opened in the usual manner a door for Experance none came forward then dismissed in order
John G. Williams, mod John DeLoach,Clerk
March Term 1866
After preaching conference opened in the usual manner a door for Experance Came forward by Letter Brother John J. Martin and was received by the moderator Extending the right hand of fellowship then dismissed in order
John G. Williams, mod John DeLoach,Clerk
April Term 1866 After preaching conference opened in the usual manner a door for the reception of members none came forward then dismissed in order
John G. Williams, mod John DeLoach,Clerk
May Term 1866 Conference opened in the usual manner a door for Experance none came forward then dismissed in order
John G. Williams, mod John DeLoach,Clerk
June Term 1866 Conference opened by one of the deacons of the church a door for Experance none came forward then dismissed in order
John G. Williams, mod John DeLoach,Clerk
July Term 1866 After preaching conference opened in the usual manner a door for Experance none came forward the day following Set apart for Communion Then dismissed in order
John G. Williams, mod John DeLoach,Clerk
August Term 1866 After preaching conference opened in the usual manner a door was opened in the usual manner a door for Experance none came forward then proceeded to Elect Deligates to the nex Association and elected the following Brethren John DeLoach and Owen Gibson & James W. Bennette in cas of failure then dismissed in order
John G. Williams, mod John DeLoach,Clerk
September Term 1866 After preaching Conference opened in the usual manner a door for Experance none came forward then dismissed in order
John G. Williams, mod John DeLoach,Clerk
October Term 1866 no Conference on act. of the Association at Upper Lotts Creek
John G. Williams, mod John DeLoach,Clerk
November Term 1866 After preaching Conference opened in the usual manner a door for Experance none came forward then dismissed in order
John G. Williams, mod John DeLoach,Clerk
December Term 1866 no conference
John DeLoach,Clerk
January Term 1867 After preaching Conference opened in the usual manner a door for Experance none came forward then dismissed in order
John G. Williams, mod John DeLoach,Clerk
February Term 1867 After preaching Conference opened in the usual manner a door for Experance none came forward then dismissed in order
John G. Williams, mod John DeLoach,Clerk
March Term 1867 The Church made choice of Brother John G. Williams for our next years Supply John DeLoach,Clerk
April Term 1867 After preaching Conference opened in the usual manner a door for Experance none came forward then dismissed in order
J. G. Williams, mod John DeLoach,Clerk
May Term 1867 After preaching Conference opened in the usual manner a door for Experance none came forward then dismissed in order
John G. Williams, mod John DeLoach,Clerk
June Term 1867 no conference
John DeLoach,Clerk
July Term 1867 After preaching Conference opened in the usual manner a door for Experance none came forward then dismissed in order
John G. Williams, mod John DeLoach,Clerk
August Term 1867 After preaching Conference opened in the usual manner a door for Experance none came forward then proceeded to Elect Deligates to our next Association to be held at Lower Black Creek Church and Elected the following Brethren John M Martin and Ervin G. Rodgers and in case of failure James W Bennette then dismissed in order
John G. Williams, mod John DeLoach,Clerk
September Term 1867 After preaching Conference opened in the usual manner a door for Experance none came forward then proceeded to make choice and Elect Deacons of our Church and Elected the following Brethren Ervin G Rodgers & John M Martin then dismissed in order
John G. Williams, mod John DeLoach,Clerk
October Term 1867 no conference on act. of the Association at Lower Black Creek
John DeLoach,Clerk
November Term 1867 Conference opened in the usual manner a door for Experance none came forward on the day following the presbytery present Proceeded in gospel order to ordaination of Brothers John M Martin and E G Rodgers Deacons for the church at DeLoaches meeting house we the undersigned Presbytery certify that Said Brethren was ordained in gospel order
John DeLoach,Clerk
J.G. Williams }
Jasper Wilson } mod
Mathew Donaldson }
December Term 1867 no conference
John DeLoach,Clerk
January Term 1868 Conference opened in the usual manner a door for Experance none came forward then proceeded to make choice of our Preacher for the Present year and made choice of our Brother John G. Williams then closed in order
John DeLoach,Clerk
February Term 1868 no conference
John DeLoach,Clerk
March Term 1868 no conference
John DeLoach,Clerk
April Term 1868 no conference
John DeLoach,Clerk
May Term 1868 After preaching Conference opened in the usual manner a door for Experance none came forward then dismissed in order
John G. Williams, mod John DeLoach,Clerk
June Term 1868 After preaching Conference opened in the usual manner a door for Experance none came forward then dismissed in order
John G. Williams, mod John DeLoach,Clerk
July Term 1868 After preaching Conference opened in the usual manner a door for Experance none came forward then dismissed in order
John G. Williams, mod John DeLoach,Clerk
August Term 1868 After preaching Conference opened in the usual manner a door for Experance none came forward then proceeded to Elect Deligates to the Association to be held at the Lake Church and Elected E G Rodgers and James W Bennette John DeLoach then dismissed in order
John G. Williams, mod John DeLoach,Clerk
September Term 1868 After preaching Conference opened in the usual manner a door for Experience none came forward then dismissed in order
John G. Williams, mod John DeLoach,Clerk
October Term 1868 no conference on account
(note: last line indecipherable)
November Term 1868 After preaching Conference opened in the usual manner a door for Experance Came forward our Brother Joshua D DeLoach and Margaret E DeLoach
his wife and both was received with joy Then dismissed in order
John G. Williams, mod John DeLoach,Clerk
December Term 1868 After preaching Conference opened in the usual manner a door for Experance Came forward our Brothers & Sisters William M Williams and Sarah J Williams his wife, Glen Hendricks an Frances Williams and all was received Then proceeded to Elect our next years preacher and Elected Brother John G Williams then dismissed in order
J.G. Williams, mod John DeLoach,Clerk
January Term 1869 no conference
John DeLoach,Clerk
General Meeting -1869 After preaching conference opened Came forward our Sisters Elizabeth Lannear & Ellen Anderson and received with joy then dismissed in order
John DeLoach,Clerk
John G Williams }
Jasper Wilson } Mod.
February Term 1869 After preaching Conference opened in the usual manner a door for Experance Came Forward by Letter John C. DeLoach and was received then dismissed in order
John G. Williams, mod John DeLoach,Clerk
March Term 1869 After preaching Conference opened in the usual manner a door for Experience none came forward then dismissed in order
John G. Williams, mod John DeLoach,Clerk
April Term 1869 After preaching Conference opened in the usual manner a door for Experience none came forward then dismissed in order
John G. Williams, mod John DeLoach,Clerk
May Term 1869 no conference our moderator attended a church in Emanuel County
John DeLoach,Clerk
June Term 1869 After preaching Conference opened in the usual manner a door for Experance Came Forward Sister Candacy Beasley and was received in full Fellowship. Then a move made & seconded that Joshua D DeLoach be appointed assistant clerk and Tran Scribe the old Book Then dismissed in order
John G. Williams, mod John DeLoach,Clerk
July Meeting 1869 after preachen conference opeend by the modararter a dore for Expearance none Came forward then proced to elect dilagates to the next assoation to be held at Upper Black Creak and elected the following Brothern J.D. DeLoach an James W Bennet Irven G Rogers in cast of failure & J M Martin to write the Letter then dismissed in order
J.G. Williams, mod. J.D. Deloach CC
August Meeting 1869 after Preaching Conference opened in the usual manner for the reception of members came forward Sister Sarah J Rodgers and Brother David Beasley and both was received by Extending the right hand of Fellowship then dismissed in order
J.G. Williams, mod. Joshua D. Deloach, Clerk
September Meeting 1869 after Preaching Conference opened in the usual manner for the reception of members came forward our Brethren John DeLoach jr William N. Moore and Sister Mary J Griner and was received on Sunday following the invitation Extended Came forward our Sister Eliza DeLoach and Tabitha Martin who was received and all was Babtised Then dismissed in order
J.G. Williams, mod. J.D. Deloach, Clerk
October Term 1869 no conference association at upper Black Creek
J.D. Deloach, Clerk
General Meeting 1869 on Saturday before the fifth Sunday in October a door for the reception of members was opened in the usual manner came forward Sister Providence Sikes was received and Babtised then dismissed in order
J.D. Deloach, Clerk
J.G. Williams ]
Jasper Wilson ]
B. Aycock ] mo'drs
November Meeting 1869 after Preaching Conference was opened in the usual manner
a door for the reception of members Came forward our Beloved Sister's Cenia DeLoach & Sarah Lewis both was received and babtised on Sunday the day following then Dismissed in order
J.G. Williams, mod. J.D. Deloach, Clerk
December Meeting 1869 Conference was opened by the moderator in the usual manner a door for the reception of members none came forward then proceeded to Elect our next years Suply and Elected Brother John G Williams by a unanimous vote then dismissed in order
J.G. Williams, mod. J.D. Deloach, C.C
January meeting 1870 after preaching conference opened in the usual maner by the moderator a door for the reception of members none came forward then dismissed in order
J.G. Williams, mod. J.D. Deloach, C.C
February Term 1870 no conference
March Term 1870 on Saturday no meeting Sunday the day following conference opened in the usual manner none came forward then dismissed in order
J.G. Williams, mod. J.D. Deloach, C.C
April Term 1870 after preaching conference opened in the usual manner a door for the reception of members was opened none came forward then dismissed in order
J.G. Williams, mod. J.D. Deloach, C.C
May meeting 1870 after preaching conference opened in the usual manner a door for the reception of members was opened none came forward then dismissed in order
J.G. Williams, mod. J.D. Deloach, C.C
June meeting 1870 after preaching conference opened in the usual manner a door for the reception of members was opened Came forward Littleton Hendrix (Col.) and related his Experance to the Church then a moove was made and Seconded that his case be Laid over until our next conference also a moove maid and Seconded that there be a commitee appointed to visit Brother Glen Hendrix to Stir him up to his duty James W Bennett E G Rodgers & M T. Deloach commitee then dismissed in order
Joshua D. Deloach, C.C J G. Williams mod
July meeting 1870 after preaching conference opened in the usual manner a door for the reception of members none came forward the case of Littleton Hendrix (Col) was then taken up and received by the church in full fellowship then dismissed in order
J D. Deloach, C.C J G. Williams mod
August meeting 1870 after preaching conference opened in the usual manner a door for
Experance none came forward then proceeded to Elect Delagates to the next association to convene at Prince William Church South carolina and Elected the following named Brethren Joshua D Deloach William M Williams & E G Rodgers in case of failure then dismissed in order on Sunday the day following Littleton Hendrix (Col) was baptised
Joshua D. Deloach, C.C J G. Williams mod
September meeting 1870 after preaching conference opened in the usual manner a door for the reception of members none came forward
then dismissed in order
J D. Deloach, C.C J G. Williams mod
October Term 1870 no conference the association at Prince Williams S C
Joshua D. Deloach, C.C
November meeting 1870 after preaching conference was opened by the moderator John G. Williams in the usual manner a door for the reception of members none came forward then dismissed in order
J D Deloach, Clerk J G. Williams mod
December meeting 1870 after preaching conference was opened by the moderator John G. Williams in the usual manner none came forward then Proceeded to make choice of our next years preacher and unanimous made choice of our brother John G Williams then closed in order
January meeting 1871 after preaching conference was opened by the moderator John G. Williams none came forward then dismissed in order
John Deloach C.C
February Term 1871 after preaching conference was opened by the moderator J G. Williams none came forward then dismissed in order
John Deloach Clerk
March Term 1871 after preaching conference by the moderator J G. Williams none came forward then dismissed in order
J Deloach Clerk
April Term (1871) no conference on account of Brother Rowes Preaching hear
John Deloach Clerk
May Term 1871 after preaching conference opened by the moderator a door opened for the reception of members Came forward Sister Welthy Stubbs and was received then dismissed in order
J Deloach Clerk
Eld J G Williams mod.
June Term 1871 after preaching conference opened by the moderator a door for the
reception of members none came forward then dismissed in order
J G Williams mod
John Deloach Clerk
July Term 1871 after preaching conference opened by the moderator a door for experance none came forward dismissed in order J Deloach C.C
John G. Williams mod
August meeting 1871 after preaching a door was opened for the reception of members none came forward none came forward then Brother Bennett mooved that there be an assistant clerk appointed to fill the vacancy of Brother Joshua D Deloach Dec'd
and the church appointed Brother William M. Williams Then proceeded to Elect deligates to our next association and Elected Brother Ervin G Rogers and William M. Williams and in case of failure Brother James W. Bennett and Bro William M. Williams to prepare the letter then concluded in order
John Deloach Snr Clerk
John G Williams mod
September meeting 1871
After an Exertation conference opened in the usual manner a door for the reception of members none came forward then redd the letter that was prepared to Send up to the Association and it was received, then the church agreed to contribute to the necessities of Charity Rodgers a widow then a moove was made and Seconded Where the new meeting house Should be built and agreed to build at the same place wher the old One now stands then agreed to meet next friday at the meetin house to make arrangements for the Building of a new meeting house Then concluded in order
John Deloach Snr Clerk
John G Williams mod
Oct Term 1871 no conference on act of the association at Beards Creek
William M Williams ast Clerk
November meeting 1871
After preaching conference opened in the usual maner a door for the reception of members none came forward then dismissed in order
J G Williams mod
Wm M Williams ast
December Meeting 1871
After preaching Opened in the usual manner a door for the reception of members none came forward then proceeded to Elect our next years Suply And Elected Brother John G. Williams by a unanimous vote then proceeded to Elect a committee to receive the Building of the Meeting house the committee is as follows Brother John DeLoach Snr
William M Williams John DeLoach Jr James W Bennett David Beasley Then dismissed in Order
John G Williams mod
William M. Williams ast clerk
January Meeting 1872
After Preaching Conference Opened In the Usual manner a door was opened for the Reception of members none came forward then Concluded in Order
John G Williams mod
William M. Williams ast. clk
February Meeting 1872
After Preaching Conference Opened In the Usual manner a door was opened for the Reception of members none came forward then Concluded in Order
John G Williams mod William M. Williams ast. clk
March meeting 1872 No conference W M. Williams ast. clk
May meeting 1872
After Preaching Conference Opened In the Usual manner a door was opened for the Reception of members none came forward then closed in Order
William M. Williams ast. clk
J G Williams mod
The first meeting held in the new meeting house the gospel was preached by Eld John G Williams on the Second Saturday in May the 17th 1872
William M. Williams ast. clk
J G Williams mod
June Meeting 1872
No conference W. M. Williams ast. clk
July Meeting 1872
After Preaching Conference Opened In the Usual manner a door was opened for the Reception of members none came forward ; Then appointed Brother J.W. Bennett and J C. DeLoach to inquire after the conduct of Henry's wife a Coloured Sister; Then Concluded in Order
John G Williams mod William M. Williams ast. clk
August Meeting 1872
Conference Opened In the Usual manner a door for experance none came forward then took up the case of Elizabeth A Coloured woman and after hearing the report of the committee which was appointed to Inquire after her correction as a christian. Report that one of the members of upper black creek church says she was not strictly honest and she was Dismissed from the fellowship of church then appointed Ervin G. Rodgers and James W. Bennett deligates to the association and William M. Williams in case of failure then Concluded in order
John G Williams mod William M. Williams ast. clk
March Meeting 1873
After an Exertation Conference Opened in The Usual manner a Door for Experance none Came forward Then (the) church agreed to give Sister Harriet Hendrix a Letter of Recommendation then concluded in order John G Williams mod William M. Williams ast. clk
September Meeting 1872
After an Exertation Conference Opened in The Usual manner a Door for Experance none Came forward Then Brother Benjamin Waters handed in a letter from Upper Black Creek church Requesting the church at Deloaches to send them a committee of four members to aid and asist in Settling a difficulty Between Brethren John D. McElveen and James Denmark after hearing the letter Read four members of this church agreed to go there names is as follows Brother John M. Martin James W. Bennett John Deloach Jr and David Beasley , Then the Letter Prepared by Brother John M. Martin to send up to the association was Read and receaved Then a Moove and Seconded to call for the next association and the church agreed to call for it Then contribution made up to get a Suply of minutes then concluded in order
John G Williams mod William M. Williams ast. clk
October Term 1872
no conference on the account of the Association holded in Tatnall County at Cedar Creek Church
William M. Williams ast. clk
November Meeting 1872
After an Exertation Conferance Opened in The Usual manner a Door for Experance none Came forward then concluded in order
John G Williams mod William M. Williams ast. clk
December Meeting 1872
After preaching Conference Opened in The Usual manner a Door for Experance none Came forward then Elected Brother John G. Williams for our next years Suply then concluded in Order John G Williams mod William M. Williams ast. clk
January Meeting 1873
After preaching Conference Opened in The Usual manner a Door for Experance none Came forward then concluded in order
John G Williams mod William M. Williams ast. clk
February Meeting 1873
After an Exertation Conference Opened in The Usual manner a Door for Experance none Came forward then concluded in order
John G Williams mod William M. Williams ast. clk
March Meeting 1873
After an Exertation Conference Opened in The Usual manner a Door for Experance none Came forward Then (the) church agreed to give Sister Harriet Hendrix a Letter of Recommendation then concluded in Order
John G Williams mod William M. Williams ast. clk
April Meeting 1873
After preaching Conference Opened in The Usual manner a Door for Experance none Came forward. Then an motion of Brother John DeLoach Snr the church agreed to open corrispondence with the church at Upper Black Creek and the church at Lower Lotts Creek and appointed following Brethren to bear the same to Viz Irwin G. Rodgers David Beasley John Deloach Jr James W Bennett John C. DeLoach and William M. Williams There being no more business the church closed in order
John G Williams mod William M. Williams assist. Clk
May Meeting 1873
After preaching Conference Opened in The Usual manner a Door for Experance none Came forward Then the Letter of correspondence Prepard to Send to the Church at Upper Black Creek was Read and received then Closed in Order
John G Williams mod William M. Williams assistant Clk
June Meeting 1873
After preaching Conference Opened in The Usual manner a Door for Experance none Came forward then concluded in Order
John G Williams mod William M. Williams ast. clk
July Meeting 1873
After preaching conferance Opened in The usual Manner a Door for Experance none came forward then received a Letter of Corrospondence from the church at upper Black Creek By the hands of the Brethren George Richardson, John. Proctor John C Davis Elias McElveen, Henry Richardson. Received also a Letter of Correspondence from the church at Lower lotts Creek By the hands of the Brethren Daniel Alderman John Nevils Ely Kennedy, the Letters was and joyfully received to gather with the messengers then Brother John .........................................
Case of Littleton Hendrix a Coulard Brother for disobeying the rules of the church then mooved and Seconded that a Committee be appointed to right him and Cite the Same to the next conference the Committee names is as follows E. G Roggers David Beasley Matthew T. Deloach then concluded In Order
John G Williams mod William M. Williams ast. clk
August Meeting 1873
Conference opened by one of the deacons the called Littleton Hendrix a Coulard Brother he came forward and Exknowledge that he had Eard and beged the Church to forgive him and the church forgive him Then Elected our Beloved Brethren John Deloach Snr John M Martin deligates to the association and William M. Williams in case of failure W M Williams to prepare the letter then Dismissed in order
John G Williams mod William M. Williams ast. clk
September Meeting 1873
After preaching Conference Opened in The Usual manner a Door for Experance none came forward then the letter prepared to Send to the association was Read and Received then Contribution made of to get a Suply of minutes then concluded in order
John G Williams mod W. M. Williams ast. clk
Oct Term 1873 no conferance on the account of the association held at DeLoaches Meeting house Bulloch County Georgia W. M. Williams ast. clk
November Meeting 1873
no conference Wm. M. Williams ast. clk
December meeting 1873
After preaching Conference Opened in The Usual manner a Door for Experance none came forward then called Brother J Williams for our next years Suply by unanimous vote then concluded in order John G Williams mod W. M. Williams ast. clk
January Meeting 1874 New Year 1874
After an Exertation Conference Opened in The Usual manner a Door for Experance came forward our beloved Sister Nancy Deloach and was received by the rite hand of felowship and Sunday the day following She was baptised then concluded in order
John G Williams mod W. M. Williams ast. clk
February Meeting 1874
Conference Opened in The Usual manner a Door for Expirance none came forward
there being no business Before the church a move was made to close then Closed in Order John G Williams Moderator W. M. Williams ast. clk
March Meeting 1874
Conference Opened in The Usual manner a Door for Expirance none came forward then closed in Order John G Williams modr William M. Williams Ast. Clk
April Meeting 1874
After preaching Conference Opened in The Usual manner a Door for Experance none came forward then closed in Order J.G. Williams Modr
W.M. Williams Clk
May Term 1874
No conference on the account of Edr John Rowe appointments on Saturday and Sunday at Blackcreek on our meeting in order
W.M. Williams
June Meeting 1874
After preaching conference opened in the usual manner a door for Experance none came forward being no business before the Church a move was made to Close then Closed in order
John G Williams modr William M. Williams Ast. Clk
July Meeting 1874
After preaching conference opened in the usual manner a door for Experance none came forward Then concluded in Order
John G Williams modr William M. Williams Ast. Clk
August Meeting 1874
After preaching conference opened in the usual manner a door for Experance none came forward Then elected deligates to the association Elected Brother E G. Roggers
and James W Bennett and William N. Moore William M. Williams to prepare the Letter then Closed in Order
John G. Williams Moderator
William M Williams assistant Clerk
September Meeting 1874
After preaching conference opened in the usual manner a door for Experance Came forward Sarah J Roggers and was received by Experance an the day following Sister Sarah J Roggers was baptised then Closed in Order
John G. Williams Moderator
William M Williams assistant Clerk
Oct meeting 1874 no conference W M Williams
November Meeting 1874
After preaching conference opened by Brother Stubs in the usual manner a door for Experance none came forward then concluded in order
William M. Williams Ast. Clk
December Meeting 1874
After preaching conference opened in the usual manner a door for Experance none came forward then Elected Brother John G. Williams for our next years Suply by a Unanimous vote then CLosed in Order
John G. Williams Moderator
Wm M Williams assistant Clerk
January Meeting 1875
After preaching conference opened in the usual manner a Door for Experance came forward B J Williams and related his Experance to the church and was received then Concluded in Order
John G. Williams Moderator
Wm M Williams assistant Clerk
February Meeting 1875
After preaching conference opened in the usual manner a Door for Experance came forward Abbe E Sans and Related her Experance and was received then Closed in Order
John G. Williams Modr
William M Williams Clk
On Sunday the day following Brother B J. Williams & Sister A E Sans was Baptised.
April Meeting 1875
Conference opened in the usual Manner A door for the reception of members none came forward , then Brother John M Martin one of the Deacons informed the Church
that from infirmity of body he was not able to Serve the Church as a Deacon the Church then appointed Saturday before the Second Sunday in May as a day of fasting and prayer to God that he would direct their minds to one of his own Choice to Serve the church as Deacon there being no more business that concerned the church then Closed in Order
John G. Williams Moderator
Wm M Williams assistant Clerk
May Term 1875
Conference opened in the usual manner a door for the reception of members none came forward then the Church went in to the Choice of one to Serve as deacon and made choice of Mr James W Bennett and agreed that his ordination take place on Tuesday after the fourth Sunday in May 1875 then closed in order
John G. Williams Moderator
Wm M Williams assistant Clerk
June Meeting 1875
After preaching Conference opened in the usual manner a door for the reception of members none came forward Then Concluded in order
William M Williams Clerk
July Meeting 1875
After preaching
Conference opened in the usual manner a door for a door for Experance none came forward then concluded in order A Strickland modr
William M Williams Clerk
August Meeting 1875
After preaching
Conference opened in the usual manner a door for Experance came forward
Abbitha Griner and was received then Elected delegates to the association Elected Brother James W Bennett William M. Williams and David Beasley in Case of failure on Sunday the day following (inpertation?) Was Extended Came forward Joshua H. Griner and related his Experance to the church and was received and J H Griner & wife was baptised Then Closed in Order
John G. Williams Modr
W. M. Williams C.C
Sept Meeting 1875
After preaching
Conference opened in the usual manner a door for Experance none came forward the Association letter was read and received then Contribution made up to get a Suply of minutes Then Closed in order
John G. Williams Modr
W. M. Williams Clerk
Oct Term 1875 no conference on the account of the association to be held at (new?) fellowship bulloch County on Saturday the 2 sunday in Oct 1875
William M. Williams Clerk
November Meeting 1875
After preaching Conference opened in the usual manner a door for the Reception of members none came forward then closed in order
John G. Williams Modr
William M. Williams C.C
December Meeting 1875
After preaching Conference opened in the usual manner a door for Experance none came forward then Elected Brother John G Williams for our next years Suply by a Unanimous vote then Closed in order John G. Williams Modr
William M. Williams C.C
January Meeting 1876
After preaching Conference opened by the moderator a door for Experance none came forward was received then Closed in order
John G. Williams Modr
William M. Williams C.C
February Meeting 1876
After preaching Conference opened in the usual manner by the moderator John G. Williams a door for the Reception of members Brother William Lewis came forward and handed in a letter of Recommendation for him Self and Wife Elizabeth Lewis and was received then Closed in order
John G. Williams Modr
William M. Williams C.C
March Meeting 1876
After preaching Conference opened in the usual manner a door for the Reception of members none came forward then Closed in order
John G. Williams Modr
William M. Williams C.C
April Term 1876
No conference on account of Rain
W. M. Williams Clerk
March Meeting 1876 (note: This probably should read May meeting 1876)
After preaching Conference opened in the usual manner a door for Experance none came forward Then closed in order
John G. Williams Modr
Wm. M. Williams C.C
June Meeting 1876
After preaching Conference opened in the usual manner a door for Experance none came forward Then by a moove and Seconded Closed in Order
John G. Williams Modr
William M. Williams Church Clerk
July Meeting 1876
After preaching Conference opened in the usual manner A Door for Experance none came forward Then by a moove and Seconded Then ConCluded in Order
John G. Williams Modr
William M. Williams Church Clerk
August Meeting 1876
After preaching Conference opened in the usual manner A door for the reception of members none came forward Then proceeded to Elec Delegates to the Association and Elected David Beasley William M Williams and James W Bennett in case of failure then Concluded in order
John G. Williams Modr
William M. Williams Clerk
September Meeting 1876
After preaching Conference opened in the usual manner a door for the Experance none came forward then the Letter from this church to the lower canoochee association was Read and received then a contribution made up to get a Suply of minutes then concluded in order
John G. Williams Modr
W M Williams C C
October Term 1876
No conference the association convened at Ash Branch Bulloch County Georgia
William M Williams C C
November Term 1876
After an Exertation Conference opened in the usual manner a door for Experance none came forward Then concluded in order
John G. Williams Modr
William M. Williams Ast. Clk
December Meeting 1876
Conference opened in the usual manner a door for the reception of members none came forward Then made choice of Brother John G. Williams for our next years Suply by a Unanimous vote Then closed in order
John G. Williams Moderator
William M. Williams Clerk
January Meeting 1877
After preaching Conference opened in the Usual manner a door for the reception of members none came forward then concluded in order
John G. Williams Moderator
William M. Williams Clerk
February Meeting 1877
After preaching Conference opened by Brother Allen Strickland in the Usual manner a door for the reception of members none came forward then closed in order
William M Williams C C
March Meeting 1877
After preaching Conference opened in the Usual manner a door for Experance none came forward then by Request of John G Williams the church called Brother Mallard F Stubbs to Serve the church with him this year by Reason of his infirmity then appointed William M Williams to write the letter desiring the church at Upper Black Creek may be willing to grant us that favor then closed in order
John G. Williams Moderator
William M. Williams Clerk
April Meeting 1877
After preaching Conference opened in the Usual manner a door for Experance none came forward Then Brother Martin Roggers called for a Letter of Recommendation for his wife mooved and Seconded that his Request be granted to him and his wife and the letter was prepared for her Then Brother Stubbs agreed to meet the Church at the Deloach's meeting house as often as he could being no moor business Closed in Order
John G. Williams Modr
William M. Williams Clerk
May Meeting 1877
After preaching Conference opened in the Usual manner a door for Experance none came forward then closed in order
John G. Williams Modr
M F Stubbs Assistant Mod
William M. Williams Clerk
June Meeting 1877
After preaching Conference opened in the Usual manner a door for Experance none came forward then closed in order
John G. Williams Modr
W M W C. C
July Meeting 1877
After preaching Conference opened in the Usual manner a door for Experance none came forward then Laid over the Request of Brother Grinerers applying for a letter of Recommendation antell our next meeting
in Corse Communion Laid over Then closed in order
M F Stubbs Modr
William M. Williams Clerk
August Meeting 1877
After preaching Conference opened in the Usual manner a door for Experance none came forward, then the church took up the Request of Brother Griners applying for a Letter of Recommendation for Him Self and wife, the church then Elected delegates to the association and Elected Brother James W Bennett David Beasley and E.G Roggers in case of failure then closed in Order
M F Stubbs Modr
W M. Williams Clerk
September Meeting 1877
After preaching Conference opened in the Usual manner a door for Experance none came forward, then the Letter from this church to the Lower Canoochee association was Read and Received the contriButions made up to get a Suply of minutes Then Closed in order
M F Stubbs Modr
W M. Williams Clerk
Oct Term 1877
no conference on the account of the association held at Lower Lotts Creek Bulloch County, Ga W M W C.C
November Meeting 1877
After preaching Conference opened in the Usual manner a door for Experance none came forward Then Closed in order
M F Stubbs Modr
William M. Williams Clerk
December Meeting 1877
After preaching Conference opened in the Usual manner a door for Experance none came forward then Invited Backsliders then Brother Moses McElveen rose from his seat and acknowledged his eror asking the church to forgive him and we think the church unanimously forgive him and we think was gladly Received by Extending the rite hand of fellowship, Then agreed to Call a preacher at there next meeting then closed in order
John G. Williams Modr
Clerk absent }
January Meeting 1878
After preaching Conference opened in the Usual manner a door for Experance none came forward Then Elected Brother J G. Williams for the Churches Suply this year
Communion postponed then dismissed in order
John G. Williams Moderator
W M Williams Clerk
February 1878 }
} After preaching Conference opened by the moderator a door for Experance none came forward then concluded in order
John G. Williams Moderator
W M Williams Clerk
March meeting 1878
After preaching Conference opened in the Usual manner a door for Experance none came forward then closed in order
John G. Williams Modr
William M. Williams Clerk
April meeting the 15 day 1878
After preaching Conference opened by Brother Strickland a door for the reception of members Came forward Brother William H Hayman handed in a Letter of Recommendation from the church at Lower Black Creek for himSelf and wife and was Joyfully Received communion postponed Then Closed in order
John G. Williams Modr
William M. Williams Clerk
May meeting the 17 day 1878
No conference preacher absent
William M. Williams ast Clerk
June Meeting 1878
After preaching Conference opened in the Usual manner a door for Experance none came forward then Closed in order John G. Williams Modr
William M. Williams Clerk
July Meeting 1878
After preaching Conference opened in the Usual manner a door for Experance none came forward then Closed in order John G. Williams Modr
William M. Williams Clerk
August Meeting 1878
After preaching Conference opened in the Usual manner a door for Experance none came forward. Then Elected deligates to the Association and Elected Brother James W. Bennett Wm M. Williams and Matthew T. DeLoach in case of failure then Closed in order John G. Williams Modr
William M. Williams Clerk
September Meeting 1878
After preaching Conference opened in the Usual manner a door for Experance none came forward Then the letter was read and Received then contribution made up to get a suply of minutes then Closed in Order John G. Williams Moderator
William M. Williams Clerk
Oct Term 1878 no conference on the account of the Association held at mill creek meeting house Bulloch County Georgia on our meeting time
William M. Williams Clerk
November meeting 1878
After preaching Conference opened by Sollomon Kennedy a door for Experance none came forward then Closed in order John G. Williams Moderator
William M. Williams Clerk
December meeting 1878
Conference opened by Brother Moses J. McElveen then laid over the call of a preacher to go in and out be four us untell our next meeting time in course then Brother Glen Hendrix asked the church for a letter of Recommendation the church granted his Request then dismissed in order Moderator and Clerk Absent
January Meeting 1879
After preaching Conference opened in the Usual manner a door for Experance none came forward Then by request of Brother John G. Williams the church called Brother A R. Strickland to Serve us this year by reason of his infirmity the appointed William M. Williams to write a letter desiring the church at Bay Branch ma be willing to grant us that favor then Closed in order John G. Williams Moderator
William M. Williams Clerk
February Term 1878
No conference Moderator absent
William M. Williams Clerk
March Meeting 1879
After preaching Conference opened in the Usual manner a door for Experance none came forward then Closed in order A R Strickland Modr
William M. Williams Clerk
12 d April Term 1879
After preaching Conference opened in the Usual manner a door for the reception of members none came forward Communion laid over then Closed in order
Allen R Strickland Modr
William M. Williams Clerk
May Meeting 10, 11 days 1879 After preaching Conference opened in the Usual manner a door for the reception of members none came forward, Then Brother B J Williams rose of his seat Stating to the Church that he had through a fashion made use of profane Language and desiring the Church to forgive him, and we the church forgive
the Brother . Then Closed in order.
A R Strickland Modr
William M. Williams Clerk
June Meeting 7 & 8 days 1879
After preaching Conference opened in the Usual manner a door for Experance none came forward then Closed in order Allen R Strickland Modr
William M. Williams Clerk
July Meeting 1879
After preaching Conference opened in the Usual manner a door for Experance none came forward then Closed in order A R Strickland Modr
William M. Williams Clerk
August Meeting 1879
After preaching Conference opened in the Usual manner a door for Experance none came forward Then Brother William N. Moore and Brother M T. Deloach Rose in conference and Exknowledge that tha have been been under the influence of too much intoxicating liquers and were Sorry for it and Asked the church to forgive them the church granted their request then Elected deligates to the Association and Elected Brother James W Bennett M.J. McElveen and William M Williams in case of failure Clerk to Prepare the letter for the association then Closed in order
Allen R Strickland Modr
William M. Williams Clerk
September meeting 1879
After preaching Conference opened in the Usual manner a door for Experance none came forward then the Association Letter was Read and recieved then the Church called for a General meeting counter Bution made up to get a Suply of minutes then closed in order Allen R Strickland Moderator
William M. Williams Clerk
On Sunday the day following the door of the Church was opened for the reception of members came forward William J Beasley and was Received by Experance baptism laid over ontell our next meeting time in corse
William M Williams C. C
October meeting 1879
After preaching Conference opened by Brother John G. Williams a door for Experance
none came forward then the church a greed to go in to communion then closed in order
Moderator Absent William M Williams Clerk
November meeting 1879
After preaching Conference opened in the usual manner a door for Experance none came forward then Closed in order A R Strickland mod
William M Williams Clerk
December meeting 1879
After preaching Conference opened in the usual manner a door for Experance none came forward then made choice of Brother John G. Williams and Brother Allen R. Strickland to preach for us this year Then Closed in order
A R Strickland mod
William M Williams Clerk
January meeting 1880
After preaching Conference opened in the usual manner a door for Experance none came forward then closed in Order. A R Strickland mod
William M Williams Clerk
February meeting 1880
After an Exertation Conference Opened in the usual manner a door for Experance none came forward then Closed in order
John G. Williams Moderator
William M. Williams Clerk
March meeting 1880
After preaching Conference opened in the usual manner a door for Experance none came forward then closed in Order.
John G. Williams Modr
William M. Williams Clerk
April meeting 1880
After an Exertation Conference Opened in the usual manner a door for Experance none came forward then Closed in order
John G. Williams Modr
William M. Williams Clerk
May meeting 1880
After preaching Conference Opened in the usual manner a door for Experance none came forward then Closed in order
A R Strickland mod
William M Williams Clerk
June meeting 1880
After preaching Conference Opened in the usual manner a door for Experance none came forward then Closed in order
A R Strickland mod
William M Williams Clerk
July meeting 1880
After preaching Conference Opened in the usual manner a door for Experance Came forward Ann E . Bennett and was Received and Babtised by Experance Then closed in order A R Strickland Moderator
William M Williams Clerk
August Meeting 1880
After an Exertation Conference Opened in the usual manner a door for Experance none came forward then Elected delegates to the association and Elected Brother E G Roggers J W Bennett and M J McElveen in case of failure then closed in order
John G. Williams Modr
William M. Williams Clerk
September Meeting 1880
After preaching Conference Opened in the usual manner a door for the Reception of members came forward Sister Emma E Mikell Received by Experance then Closed in order
A R Strickland mod
William M Williams Clerk
On Sunday the day following Sister E E Mikell was Baptised
November Meeting 1880
After preaching Conference Opened in the usual manner a door for Experance none came forward then Came forward Then Sister Mary J Griner and Sister Abbe E Sands called for Letters of Recommendation and the church granted their request Then Closed in order A R Strickland mod
William M Williams Clerk
Oct Term no conference
Association Held at Lower Black Creek in 1880
December Meeting 1880
After preaching Conference Opened in the usual manner a door for Experance none came forward then the church proceeded to Elec our next years preacher and Elected Brother John G Williams and Brother Allen R Strickland to go in and out before us the in suing year then Closed in Order John G Williams Modr
William M Williams C.C
January Meeting 1881
No conference pastor absent
William M Williams Clerk
February Meeting 1881
No conference pastor and Clerk absent
March Meeting 1881
After preaching Conference Opened in the usual manner a door for Experance none came forward then Closed in Order
A R Strickland Modr
William M Williams Clerk
April Meeting 1881
No conference pastor absent
A R Strickland Modr
W M Williams Clerk
May Meeting 1881
After preaching Conference Opened in the usual manner a door for Experance none came forward then Closed in Order
John G Williams Modr
William M Williams C.C
June Meeting 1881
After preaching Conference Opened in the usual manner a door for Experance none came forward then dismissed in Order
John G Williams Modr
William M Williams Clerk
July Meeting 1881
May Meeting 1881
After preaching Conference Opened in the usual manner a door for Experance none came forward then Closed in Order
A R Strickland Modr
William M Williams Clerk
August meeting 1881
After preaching Conference Opened in the usual manner a door for Experance none came forward Then one of the deacons reported to the church that rumor said that Brother William N Moore had been under the influence of too much in toxicating Spirits Then the church appointed a Committee to visit brother Moore to find out whether these reports to be true or not, then the church proceeded to Elec deligates to the association and Elected Brother David Beasly William M Williams and in case of failure E G. Roggers Then closed in order
A R Strickland Modr
William M Williams Clerk
Sept meeting 1881
After preaching Conference Opened in the usual manner a door for Experance none came forward then the committee apointed to visit Brother William N. Moore Stated to the church that Brother Moore Said he was gilty and was Sorry for it. Brother Moore being absent the Church appointed a Committee to visit Brother Moore and Site him to our next conference then the association Letter was read and Received then counter bution made up to get minutes then closed in order
A R Strickland Modr
William M Williams Clerk
Oct 1881 no conference the Association held with the church at the Lake Meeting house on our meeting time
W M Williams C.C
November meeting 1881
After preaching Conference Opened in the usual manner a door for Experance came forward J E Deloach and was received by Experance then Brother W N Moore was retained in the church then closed in order
A R Strickland Modr
Wm M Williams Clerk
December meeting 1881
After preaching Conference Opened in the usual manner a door for Experance came forward R M Anderson and was received by Experance then Elected A R Strickland for our next years Suply then closed in order A R Strickland Modr
Wm M Williams Clerk
January Meeting 1882
After preaching Conference Opened by Brother J I. Rice a door for Experance none came forward then Closed in order
Modr absent
Wm M Williams Clerk
February Meeting 1882
After preaching Conference Opened in the usual manner a door for Experance none came forward then closed in order
A R Strickland Modr
W. M. Williams Clerk
March Meeting 1882
After preaching Conference Opened in the usual manner a door for Experance none came forward then closed in order
A R Strickland Modr
W. M. Williams Clerk
April Meeting 1882
no conference Moderator and Clerk absent
William M Williams C. C
May Meeting 1882
After preaching Conference Opened in the usual manner a door for Experance Came forward James P. Rimes and was Received in the church Baptism postponed untell our next meeting then Closed in order
A R Strickland Modr
Wm M. Williams C.C
June Meeting 1882
No conference Moderator absent W.M.W. C.C
July Meeting 1882
After preaching Conference Opened in the usual manner a door for Experance none came forward Deacons being unable to Serve the church Communion postponed untell our next meeting time in corse
A R Strickland Modr
William M. Williams Clerk
August Meeting 1882
After preaching Conference Opened in the usual manner a door for Experance came forward Rachel E. Lee and was recieved by Experance Then Elected deligates to the association and Elected Brother David Beasley William M. Williams and John C Deloach in case of failure then appointed William M Williams to write the Letter to Send up with the deligates to the Association Then Closed in Order
A R Strickland Moderator
William M. Williams Clerk
Sept Meeting 1882
No conference on account of a large freshet
W M. Williams Clerk
Oct Meeting 1882
No conference on account of the Association at Upper Lotts Creek B.C. on our Meeting Time W M W C.C
November Meeting 1882
After preaching Conference Opened in the usual manner a door for Experance Came forward Ann Futch and Ann J. Easterlin and Both Received by Experance Then Closed in Order
A R Strickland Modr
William M. Williams Clerk
December Meeting 1882
After preaching Conference Opened in the usual manner a door for Experance none came forward then Elected our brother A.R. Strickland for our next years Suply Then Closed in order
A R Strickland Modr
William M. Williams C.C
January meeting 1883
After preaching Conference Opened in the usual manner a door for Experance none came forward then Closed in order
A R Strickland Modr
William M. Williams C.C
February meeting 1883
1 After preaching Conference Opened in the usual manner a door for Experance none came forward
2 Then by Brother William Lewis own confesion he was Excluded from the Church for getting drunk on Spiritsual Licurs.
3 Then Brother B J. Williams applied to the church for a Letter of Recommendation and his request was granted then Closed in order
A R Strickland Modr
Wm M. Williams C.C
March meeting 1883
No conference Modr absent Wm M. Williams Clerk
April meeting 1883
After preaching Conference Opened in the usual manner a door for Experance came forward Mary Ann McElveen and Susanna Beasley an tha Both was Received in the church Then sis. Welthy A. Stubbs applied to the church for a Letter of Recommendation which was granted (to) her then Closed in order
A R Strickland Moderator
Wm M. Williams C.Clerk
On Sunday the day following Sister Mary A. McElveen was baptised Sister Susanna Beasley not prepared for baptism on our next meeting time in corse
W M. Williams C.C
May meeting 1883
After preaching Conference Opened in the usual manner a door for Experance none came forward Then Closed in order A R Strickland Modr
William M. Williams Clerk
June meeting 1883
After preaching Conference Opened in the usual manner a door for Experance came forward John McElveen, W.W.Barow, Eliza McElveen & Georgiann Deloach and they was
Received by Experance then the rite hand of felowship Extended to the Brothers and Sisters, then a moove was made and Seconded that on friday before our next meeting be a day of fasting and thanks to the Lord for the many blesings bestode uppon us J.C
Then Closed in order A R Strickland Modr
William M. Williams churches Clerk
On Sunday the day following the candidates for Baptism met and all baptised by the Modr. Wm M. Williams C.C
July Meeting 1883
After preaching Conference Opened in the usual manner a door for Experance came forward Wm. H Deloach and was Received by Experance then closed in order
A R Strickland Modr
William M. Williams Clerk
On Sunday the day following Bro W H Deloach was baptised.
August Meeting 1883
After preaching Conference Opened in the usual manner a door for Experance came forward David D. Deloach and Georgiann Williams and was Received by Experance. Then Elected deligates to the association and Elected Brother David Beasley William M Williams & James W Bennett in case of failure. Then Closed in order
A R Strickland Modr
Wm M. Williams C.H.Clerk
On Sunday the day following Br Deloach and Sister Williams was Baptised
September Meeting 1883
After preaching Conference Opened in the usual manner a door for Experance came forward Eliza F. Barrow , Nancy E. Hall & John H. Lee and was Received by Experance Then Sister Sarah A. Keel was Received in to hour body by a Letter of Recommendation from Lower Lotts Creek Church then the Moderator Extended the Rite hand of fellowship to her in the behalf of the church . An motion then Letter prepared to Send up to the Association Red and Recd then closed in order . On
Oct Term 1883
No conference Association at Upper Black Creek Church Bulloch County Ga
Wm M. Williams
Nov. Meeting 1883
Conference opened by the clerk then Sister E. E. Mikell applied to the church for a Letter of Recommendation on motion her request was granted then the church agreed that on Saturday before the Third Sunday in this month Be a day of fasting and prayer Then Closed in order William M Williams Clerk
December Meeting 1883
After preaching Conference Opened in the usual manner a door for Experance none Came forward Then made choice of Brother A R Strickland for our next years Preacher by a unanimous vote then Closed in Order A R Strickland Modr
William M. Williams Clerk
A new year May the Lord bless us now and Ever
January Meeting 1884
After preaching Conference Opened in the usual manner a door for Experance none Came forward then Closed in Order Allen R Strickland Moderator
William M. Williams Churches Clerk
February Meeting 1884
After preaching Conference Opened in the usual manner a door for Experance none Came forward then Closed in Order
Brother A R Strickland Modr
William M. Williams Clerk
March meeting 1884
After preaching Conference Opened in the usual manner a door for Experance none Came forward then Closed in Order
Bro A R Strickland Modr
William M. Williams Clerk
April meeting 1884
After preaching Conference Opened in the usual manner a door for Experance none Came forward then Closed in Order
Bro A R Strickland Modr
William M. Williams Clerk
May meeting 1884
Conference opened by Brother John McElveen minutes of our Last conference read then closed in order
William M. Williams Clerk
June Meeting 1884
After preaching Conference Opened in the usual manner a door for Experance none Came forward then Closed in Order
A R Strickland Modr
William M. Williams Clerk
On the fourth Sunday in June 1884 Brother Purifoy preached at Deloaches after preaching Brother B Acock opened the door of the church for the Reception of members came forward H.B. Wilkinson and was received in the church Baptism postponed untell the 1 day of July the candidate Baptism by Eldr John Rowe
B. Acock Modr
W.M. Williams Clerk
1 July Meeting 1884
After preaching Conference Opened in the usual manner a door for Experance Came forward Ardelia Hagins and was received by Experance Then closed in order Brother
Allen R Strickland Moderator
William M. Williams Churches Clerk
On Sunday the day following Sister Hagins was Baptised by the Modr
W. M. Williams C.C
August Meeting 1884
1 After preaching Conference Opened in the usual manner a door for Experance Came forward C E. Deloach and was received in the church 2 on motion the church Elected Deligates to the Association Elected Brother David Beasley William M. Williams in case of failure E G Roggers 3 The Church not fully Satisfied with Some grieveious rumors Out against Brother W. N. Moore feel it to bee her duty to appoint a committee to See him and finde out whether these rumors be true or not. The committee names as is follows Brother E G Roggers J.W. Bennett and David Beasley 4 on motion closed in order A R Strickland Modr
on Sunday the day following door of the church was opened for the reception of members Came forward William Deloach and was Received by Experance Brother and Sister both Baptised by the Moderator William M. Williams C.C
Sept Meeting 1884
After and Exertation Conference Opened by the Clerk a door for Experance none came forward 2 the committee appointed to visit Brother W.N. Moore to find out if these rumors against him be true or not the committee reports that Br Wm. N Moore Sais the reports is falts 3 on motion Letter to the Association read and Received 4 The
Letter which was granted to Sister E.E. Mikell at the November Conference was brought
back and received the Moderator Extended the Rite hand of fellowship to Sister Mikell in the behalf of the Church
5 three Dollars made up to get minutes
6 on motion Closed in order Clerk set as moderator
W.M. Williams C.C
Oct Term 1884
no conference on account of the Association at Beards Creek Tatnall Co Ga
William M. Williams Clerk
Nov Meeting 1884
After preaching Conference Opened in the usual manner a door for Experance none Came forward on motion closed in order
A R Strickland Modr
Wm M. Williams Churches Clerk
Dec Meeting 1884
After preaching Conference Opened in the usual manner a door for Experance none Came forward then Brother James W Bennett Stated to the church Br W.N. Moore has acknowledged to him that he has been guilty of Drunkness and asked the church through Br. Bennett to Expell him from the church believing it will be for his and the Churches food. On motion Br Moore was Excluded from the church by list of Fellowship by a unanimous vote. Then Proceeded to Elec our next years Preacher and Elected Brother A.R. Strickland by a unanimous vote Then closed in order
Bro A R Strickland Modr
Wm M. Williams Churches Clerk
January Meeting 1885
After preaching Conference Opened in the usual manner a door for Experance none Came forward then closed in order A R Strickland Modr
Wm M. Williams Churches Clerk
Feb Meeting 1885
After preaching Conference Opened in the usual manner a door for Experance none Came forward then closed in order A R Strickland Modr
Wm M. Williams Churches Clerk
March Meeting 1885
After an Exertation Brother Benny Wilkinson Opened Conference in the usual manner a Door for Experance none came forward a Letter from Brother William H. Haymans an ancer to the church was Read before the body and failed to give Satisfaction therefore the church agreed to write to him agane and advise him to be at our next conference. The Church agreed that the clerk write the Letter then Dismissed in Order
William M. Williams Churches Clerk
April Meeting 1885
After preaching Conference Opened in the usual manner a door for Experance Came forward Frank Hagins & Joseph Hall and Received then by Experance The church Recd another letter From Brother Wm H. Hayman it was Read befor the church Br. Hayman acknowledged in his Letter that he was Sorry that he had caused the church to See Trouble and Sincerely asked the church to forgive him his neglect of duty as a member, on motion the church unanimously forgive him Baptism Laid over untell next May meeting Then closed in order A R Strickland Modr
Wm M. Williams Churches Clerk
May Meeting 1885
After preaching Conference Opened in the usual manner a door for Experance none Came forward. on motion Then closed in order
Br A R Strickland Modr
Wm M. Williams C.C
June Meeting 1885
1 After preaching Conference Opened in the usual manner a door for Experance
Came forward Simeon Banks and was received by Experance. 2 the church believing Brother Hershal B. Wilkison has a gift to Preach the Gospel and we the Church after consulting Each other doo agree and by a unanimos vote Lisen our Dear Brother to go and Preach the Gospel. 3 Closed in order
Br Allen. R. Strickland Modr
William. M. Williams C.C
July Meeting 1885
1 After preaching Conference Opened in the usual manner a door for Experance
Came forward Maggie F. Banks Sarah M Banks & James L Anderson all Received by Experance 2 Licens Granted to Brother H.B. Wilkinson Read before the body Received
3 Closed in order on Sunday the day following candidates Baptised
Brother Allen. R. Strickland Modr
William. M. Williams Clerk
August Meeting 1885
After preaching Conference Opened by the moderator a door for Experance came forward Isabel Anderson and Received by Experance. Then Elected Deligates to the Association Elected Ervin G. Roggers William M. Williams in case of failure James W. Bennett and HB.Wilkinson closed in order. on Sunday the day Following door of the church opened for the Reception of members came forward Shelton Anderson Received
By Experance Baptism Postponed Closed in order
AR Strickland modr
William. M. Williams Clerk
Sept Meeting 1885
After preaching Conference Opened in the usual manner a door for Experance
Came forward Willy Anderson Recd By Experance and rite hand of fellowship on motion the Letter Prepared to Send to the Association Read and Recd on motion $5.85 cts made up Association purposes $ .250 cts for minutes $ 3.35 cts for visiting Preachers at the Association then closed in order
Br A. R. Strickland Modr
W. M. Williams C.C
Oct Term no conference on the account of the Association at Deloaches church
W. M. Williams C.C
Nov meeting 1885
Conference opened by Brother H B Wilkinson a door for Experance none came forward then closed in order W. M. Williams C.C
On thursday after the Second Sunday in Nov conference opened By Elder Moon a door for Experance Came forward Willy Wilkinson and Received in full fellowship Baptism Postponed untell our next meeting time in course William. M. Williams C.C
December Meeting 1885
1 Conference Opened in the usual manner a door for the Reception of members Brother Mattox an ordained minister of our faith and order handed his Letter in on motion Letter read and received Moderator Extended The rite hand of fellowship on the behalf of the church.
2. Mill Creek church being acused by Some of her Sister churches being in disorder Sent a committee to Deloaches church asking her to Send then a committee to Settle their dificulty or sho them where in tha were in disorder on motion we the church agreed that if She could not Settle her dificulty and would call for a commitee from all her Sister churches that compose the Lower Canoochee Association then we the church as we hope at Deloaches would Send a committee to assist and doo all the good we could make Peace. On motion the church called Allen R Strickland for our next years Preacher Then Closed in order A. R. Strickland Modr
Wm. M. Williams Churches Clerk
January Meeting 1886
After an Exertation opened by Brother Benny Wilkinson a door for Experance none came forward then Closed in order
Modr & Clerk Absent
February Meeting 1886
After preaching Conference Opened in the usual manner a door for Experance
Came forward Carrie M. Deloach Received by Experance on motion Closed in order
Bro A. R. Strickland Modr
Wm. M. Williams C.C
March Meeting 1886
After preaching Conference Opened in the usual manner a door for Experance
Came forward John G. Deloach and received by Experance on motion the church agreed to Set a Side a day of fasting and prayer to the Lord for his Great Love and abondant mercies bestode uppon us we appointed thursday before the fourth Sunday to be the day of fasting and Prayer. Baptism Laid over untell our next meeting time in corse then Cl=oncluded in order A. R. Strickland Modr
Wm. M. Williams C.C
April Meeting 1886 After preaching Conference Opened in the usual manner a door for
the reception of members came forward Welthy E. Anderson James H. Wilkinson & John G. Aanderson all received by Experance on motion closed in order
Bro A. R. Strickland Modr
Wm. M. Williams C.C
May Meeting 1886
After preaching Conference Opened in the usual manner a Door for
the reception of members none came forward on motion the church agreed and called Brother H.B.Wilkinson to ordination then agreed to have him ordained on Saturday before the Second Sunday in June 1886 On motion appointed a committee to notify the Presbatry to viz Eld W.B.Acock Eldr M.M.Mattox & Eldr A R Strickland to meet with us in conference on the days afore mentioned to aid in the ordination of Brother H.B. Wilkinson Committee names as follows Brothers E.G. Rogger Joseph Hall Then Closed in order A. R. Strickland Modr
Wm. M. Williams C.Clerk
June Meeting 1886
After preaching Conference Opened in the usual manner a Door for
the reception of members came forward Enoch H. Deloach and Mary E. Deloach Both Received by Experance. Eldr M F Stubbs handed in a Letter from Upper Lotts Creek on motion Letter received and read Upper Lotts Creek through Said Letter requested us to
send a committee to meet with them at Lower Mill creek church on Saturday before the first Sunday in July next to investigate a difficulty betwen Brother Jasper Wilson & James L. Smith. we at the church agreed to send a committee D.D. Deloach James W. Bennett & W.M. Williams Also received a Letter from fellowship church asking us to
Set Brother Herscal B Wilkinson in order to take charge of fellowship church as there Paster. there request granted on motion closed in order
A. R. Strickland Modr
Wm. M. Williams C.C
July Meeting 1886
After preaching Conference Opened in the usual manner a Door for
the reception of members came forward Sister Roda Barrow received by Experance then the committee Sent to Lower mill creek church to investigate Difficulty between Brother Wilson & Eldr J.L. Smith made there report stating the business that was transacted in conference at Lower Mill crek church on Saturday before the first Sunday in July 1886 On motion report received Then closed in order A. R. Strickland Modr
Wm. M. Williams C.C
August Meeting 1886
After preaching Conference Opened in the usual manner a Door for
the reception of members came forward Nancy Mcorkell received by Experance. Then Elected deligates to the Association Elected Brother Hershire B. Wilkinson Wm Williams
Br David Beasley in case of failure . Then closed in order
Alen R. Strickland Modr William M Williams C.C
Sept Meeting 1886
1 After preaching Conference Opened in the usual manner a Door for
Experance. came forward Elvina Anderson John Cannon Elva Anderson all Recieved by Experance 2 on motion appointed a committee to visit Sister Providence Sikes to Stir her up to her christian duty. committee appointed to visit Sister Providence Sikes Brother H.B. Wilkinson James W. Bennett and Joseph Hall 3 on motion agreed to Send a committee to Fellowship our Sister church to make an inquiry why. Why did tha refuse to preach Brother H.B. Wilkinson Committee names Brother David Beasley W M Williams & M.W. Mattox 4 Letter prepared to Send from this church to the Association Read and Received 5 Closed in order. A R. Strickland Modr
W M Williams C.C
On Sunday the day following door of the church Opened for the reception of members came forward Janie Cannon received by Experance all baptised.
W.M. Williams
Oct Term no conference on account of the association held at Fox Bay Reedy Creek church Tatnall Co Ga on our meeting time
Nov meeting 1886
1 After preaching Conference Opened in the usual manner a Door for
Experance. came forward Janie Miller and Ellen Lewis both received by Experance
2 Committee appointed to visit Sister Providence Sikes report that She have joined the
metodis So called church 3 On motion Sister Sikes was Excommunicated from the church 4 then the Committee appointed to visit Fellowship church to make an inquiry why tha did refuse to Preach Brother H.B. Wilkinson Report that the difficulty Settled Satisfactory betwen the offenders 5 Then Brother H.B. Wilkinson Subjested to the church that he thought the church ort to Licen M.W. Williams to Speak in public on motion the church agreed to Licen Brother W.M. Williams to Exercise his gift appointed Elder M.W. Mattox to write his Lisens 6 then the church agreed to Set apart friday before the fourth Sunday a day of fasting and thanksgiving to the Lord 7 Closed in order A R. Strickland Modr
W M Williams C.C
December meeting 1886
1 After preaching Conference Opened in the usual manner a Door for
Experance none came forward
2.Called for the report of the committee appointed to visit Brother W.H. Hayman to inquire of him the cause why he had forsaken to assemble in conference or meetings for a Length of time which is contrary to our rules. One of the committee reports that Brother Hayman Excuse was he was oald and afflicted and had no chance or way to come only to walk the committee further reported that Brother Hayman did not give them much Satisfaction
3 on motion a greed to Lay his case over to be taken up in our conference cours
4 After Some debating Proceeded to call our next years Preacher to go in and out before us and Elected Brother A.R. Strickland
H B . Wilkinson Modr
W. M Williams C.C
January Meeting 1887
1 After preaching Conference Opened in the usual manner a Door for
Experance came forward Mary A. Miller and was received by Experance
2. Case of Brother W H Hayman taken up Still absent the church believeing that She had waitted on him Long enough to get a hearing from him or meet with us in conference
3 on motion the church Excluded him from her body
4 Brother John G. Deloach Stated that he was Sude at the Law on a Just debt and had taken the benefit of the Law to keep his propity from Selling at a Sacrafide Price
5 Brother Wm H. Deloach, Jr a greed that he would Stop the Suite for Twenty five dollars .
6 on motion the case Laid over ontell conference in course to see if the case cant be Settled by making up said amount
7 on motion Closed in Order
A R. Strickland Modr
William M Williams
Saturday before the Second Sunday in Feb in 1887 Conference met and a doore of the church was Opened none came forward. Called for unfinished business and taken up the case of Brother John G. Deloach Jr which was postponed from our Last conference who had taken the benefit of what is known as the Pony Law. After Some debating it was laid over untell our next conference and a laboring committee was appointed to wait upon brother Deloach Which consisted in the following named Persons;
M.M. Mattox H.B. Wilkinson W.H. Deloach W.M. Williams and James W. Bennett
Conference then adjourned
A R. Strickland Modr
W M Williams C.C
March Meeting 1887
1 Conference Opened in the usual manner a Door for
Experance none came forward
2 Called for the report of the committee appointed to Labor with Brother John G Deloach concerning a trouble he got in by Taking the Pony Law
3 Committees report Received.
4 on motion his case was dismissed from the church: also Brother Deloach restored back in fellowship with the church,
5 Brother Bazemore handed in a Letter from Bay Branch our Sister church
6 moved and Seconded that the Letter be read before the church contents of Said Letter Pointing Out Brother H.B. Wilkinson course he took in the Association and at Lower Mill Creek Church
7 Mooved and Seconded that we receive her Letter. Letter not Received and returned back to the committee from Bay Branch. Closed in order
A R. Strickland Modr
William. M. Williams Churches. Clerk
1 on Thursday before the fourth Sunday in March 1887 met and agreed to hold conference.
2 on motion a greed to take in consideration our action relative to the Letter from Bay Branch church. we discovered we did rong in not Receiving her Letter
3 by a moove and Second we agreed to recin the action of our last Conference So far as reguards the reception of her Letter
4 We further a greed to appoint a committee to visit Bay Branch with Exknowledgement from us that we the church of christ as we believe at Deloach's did rong in not receiving her letter and to request her to Send her letter Back to us and we will examine its contents
Committees names is as follows
Brother James W. Bennett M M Mattox David Beasley Wm H. Deloach
Joseph Hall
Then dismissed in order James H Smith Modr
William. M. Williams Churches Clerk
April Meeting 1887
Conference Opened in the usual manner a Door for
Experance none came forward
Then called for the report of a committee appointed to visit Bay Branch with a Letter of Exknowledge ther our hasty act in reguard to not receiving her Leter committees report favorable also Bay Branch granted our request by Sending her Letter back to us for oure examination. Letter Read and received while the church was Seriously considering considering the trouble that was before her body. Brother H.B. Wilkinson Stated to the church that he was willing to make This Exknowledgement that if he had offended any Brother or Sister by going to Mill Creek and Baptising a Brother and Sister in to Mill Creek Church the was Sorry for it wand wantted the church to forgive him and he would not baptise any moore members in that church while She was concidered in disorder.
Mooved and Seconded that the church for give Brother Wilkinson his request was granted
Then Br W.M. Williams Stated to the church that he was with Br Wilkinson at Mill Creek and if he had offended any Brother or Sister By giving the rite hand of fellowship to the Brother and Sister he was Sorry for it and asked the church to forgive him on motion the church forgive Br Williams
Then closed in order Br A R. Strickland Modr
Williams W M Churches Clerk
On Tuesday after the first Sunday in May at Brother Jones,es appointment
after Preaching door of the church was Opened for Experance Came forward William D. Deloach and received by Experance
Closed in order M F Stubbs Modr
W M Williams C.C
May Meeting 1887 2nd Saturday after preaching Conference opened By Bro-
H.B. Wilkinson Door for experience none came forward after which Bro-W.M.Williams
ask the Church to release him of Clerks office which was done By the Church the Church then agreed to apoint W H DeLoach for their Clerk. then closed in order
H.B. Wilkinson Moderator
W.H. DeLoach Churches Clerk
On Sunday following Brother W. D. Deloach
was Baptized By Brother H.B. Wilkinson Moderator
W.H. DeLoach C.C
June Meeting 1887 2nd Saturday After preaching, Conference opened Door for Experience came forward Eliza M. Hodges was received By expierence then closed in order
Bro A R. Strickland Modr
W.H. DeLoach Clerk
On Sunday following Sister Hodges was Baptized
June the 22nd 1887 A day of Fasting and Prayer at DeLoaches
July Meeting 1887
After preaching Conference opened Door for experience none came forward. Communion posponed it being the minds of the Church to Send A committee to See Bro- James P Rimes to find if reports out against him be true or not. Names of committee W M. Williams J.W. Bennett and W.H. DeLoach on motion conference closed
H.B. Wilkinson Modr
W.H. DeLoach clerk
August Meeting 1887
After preaching conference open A door for experience came forward Bro-Alex H. Kennedy was received by experience the case of Bro Rimes then taken up the committee report and Bro Rimes excommunicated from the Church by test of fellowship. then elected Wm M. Williams David Beasley and H.B. Wilkinson in case of failure as deligates to the Association letter prepared to the association by W.M. Williams after Some debating the church agreed to write her letter to the association as heretofore. Then closed in order. H.B. Wilkinson Moderator
W.H. DeLoach C.C
On Sunday following Bro Kennedy was baptized.
Saturday before the 2nd Sunday in September after preaching conference opened in the usual manner door for experience none came forward letter to the association read & received. then agreed to make up three dollars for minutes then closed in order
A R. Strickland Modr
W.H. DeLoach C.C.
Oct no conference on account of the association which convened with lanes church
Bulloch County, ga on our meeting time
on thursday after the 2nd Sunday in october at Brother jones appointment the church come into conference came forward Sister Mary F. Williams was received & Baptized.
Brother H.B. Wilkinson then applied for letters of recommendation for him Self J.H. Wilkinson John E. Lee Rachel E. Lee W. H. Barrow W. H. Deloach C.E. Deloach and Roda Barrow their request granted conference closed
Brother Jones modr
November Meeting 1887
After preaching conference opened in the usual manner door for reception of members none came forward Brother Wm. M. Williams then Stated to the church that at Bro Joneses appointment at bethlehem which the church was in conference came forward Sister Mattie A. Deloach was by experience & transferred from that church to this
through our brethren Wm. M. Williams & Joseph Hall & was received in full fellowship with us Brother Hall also Stated to the church that Brother Willie B. Deloach was received at Bro Joneses appointment at Spring grove and wishes to Be Baptised here on Sunday following they Both was Baptized Sister Mary F. Williams applied for A letter of recommendation moved and Seconded that we give her A letter then by A move & Second the church called her next years preacher called Brother H.B. Wilkinson on motion the conference closed A R. Strickland Moderator
W.H. DeLoach C.C.
December Meeting 1887
After preaching conference opened in the usual manner door for reception of members none came forward Brother H.B. Wilkinson Stated to the Church that Sister Georgian Williams had confessed being guilty of fornication on motion the church agreed to visit her with A committee names as follows Wm. M. Williams David Beasley D.D. Deloach then moved & Seconded that conference close.
H.B. Wilkinson Moderator
W.H. DeLoach Clerk
January Meeting 1888
After preaching conference opened door for reception of members , came forward Ezekel M. Miller was received by experience the committee to visit Sister Georgian Williams report that She confessed being guilty of charges out against her then by test of fellowship She was excluded from the church.
Brother Wm. M. Williams then applied to the church for letters of recommendation for him Self Sarah G. Williams Simeon Banks and Sarah M. Banks in order to constitute A
church near W. D. Waters moved and Seconded that we give them letters
on motion conference closed H.B. Wilkinson Moderator
W.H. DeLoach Clerk
February meeting 1888
After preaching conference opened in the usual Door for experience
none came forward
then closed in order H.B. Wilkinson Moderator
W.H. DeLoach Clerk
March meeting 1888
Saturday the 10th after preaching conference was opened door for reception of members came forward Sister Sina A. Martin was received experience on motion conference then closed
Wm. M. Williams modr
W.H. DeLoach Clerk
on Sunday the day following
Sister Martin was Baptized
April meeting 1888
After preaching conference was opened Door for reception of members. Brother Willie B. Deloach handed in A letter of recommendation which was read then moved and Seconded that we receive Brother Deloach. the right hand of fellowship extended then conference closed in order H.B. Wilkinson Moderator
W.H. DeLoach Clerk
May meeting 1888
After preaching conference was opened Door for reception of members
none came forward then on motion conference closed in order
H.B. Wilkinson Modr
W.H. DeLoach Clerk
June meeting 1888
After preaching conference was opened Door for reception of members
none came forward conference then closed in order
H.B. Wilkinson Modr
W.H. DeLoach Clerk
July meeting
After preaching conference was opened Door for reception of members came forward
Brother Jacob Kicklighter Stated to the church his feelings By A move and Seckond was restored back in full fellowship with the church.
Sister S.A. Deloach aplied for A letter of recommendation. their being Some trouble between Some of the members did not grant it laid over until next conference. Communion posponed until our next regular time. the church by A move and Second appointed an investigating committee to look after this trouble and report in our next conference committee to look after this trouble and report in our next conference committee names as follows. Brethren D.D. Deloach J.W. Bennett, Frank Hagans E.G. Rogers and David Beasley no other Business
Conference closed
H.B. Wilkinson Modr
W.H. DeLoach Clerk
August meeting 1888
After preaching conference was opened Door for reception of members came forward
Brother Jacob Wilkinson was restored Back in full fellowship with the church Sister
Lacrecy, M. Anderson came forward was received by experience unfinished Business taken up committee reportes trouble all Settled.
Thanks to the Lord.
moved and Seconded that we give Sister Deloach A letter
on motion the church elected her Deligates to the association. elected our Brethren David Beasley J.W. Bennett & D.D. Deloach in case of failure. conference then closed in order.
H.B. Wilkinson Modr
W.H. DeLoach Clerk
on Sunday the day following Sister Anderson was Baptized
September meeting 1888
After preaching conference was opened Door for reception of members none came forward letter to the association read & received then agreed to make up for minutes 2.50 the church Agreed to Set apart A Day of Fasting & thanksgiving and to meet on Friday the 28th Day of Sept for that purpose on motion conference closed in order
H.B. Wilkinson, Modr
W.H. DeLoach Clerk
Oct 1888
no conference the Association convened with the Church at Bethlehem on our meeting time
November meeting 1888
After preaching conference opened in the usual manner. Door for the reception of members none came forward. the Church then agreed to call A preacher to Serve her Another year Called Brother H.B. Wilkinson Conference then closed in order
H.B. Wilkinson, Modr
W.H. DeLoach Clerk
December meeting 1888
After preaching conference opened Door for the reception of members Sister Elizabeth Groover came forward made her Statement and was Restored Back in full fellowship with the church also applied for A letter of Recommendation the Church granted her A letter the Church also agreed to Set A Side A Day of Fasting & prayer and to meet here on friday before the 2nd Sunday in January 1889 for that purpose no other Business conference then closed in order H.B. Wilkinson, Modr
W.H. DeLoach Clerk
January meeting 1889
After preaching conference opened Door for the reception of members none came forward By A move and Second the Church agreed to hold Communion. no other Business conference closed in order H.B. Wilkinson, Modr
W.H. DeLoach Clerk
Sunday morning Communion posponed By Some of the Brothers
February meeting 1889
After preaching conference opened Door for the reception of members none came forward then closed in order H.B. Wilkinson, Modr
W.H. DeLoach Clerk
March meeting 1889
After preaching Conference opened Door for the Reception of members none came forward then Conference Closed in order
H.B. Wilkinson,Modr
W.H. DeLoach Clerk
April meeting 1889
After preaching Conference opened Door for the Reception of members none came forward Brother Alen H. Kennedy applied for A letter of Recommendation the Church granted him A letter Conference then closed in order
H.B. Wilkinson,Modr
W.H. DeLoach Clerk
May meeting 1889
After preaching Conference opened Door for the Reception of members none came forward Conference then closed in order
H.B. Wilkinson,Modr
W.H. DeLoach Clerk
June meeting 1889
After preaching Conference opened Door for the Reception of members Brother James Kicklighter handed in A letter of Recommendation was received in full fellowship with this Church over
no other Business conference Closed in order
H.B. Wilkinson,Modr
W.H. DeLoach Clerk
July meeting 1889
After preaching Conference opened Door for the Reception of members none came forward the Church then agreed to hold communion. no other Business conference closed in order. A.R. Strickland modr
W.H. DeLoach Clerk
August meeting 1889
After preaching Conference opened Door for the Reception of members none came forward. By A move & Second the Church then agreed to Elect her Delegates to the Association. Elected J.W. Bennett David Beasley & D D Deloach in case of failure also agreed that the church prepare the letter to the association.
Conference then closed in order. H.B. Wilkinson,Modr
W.H. DeLoach Clerk
Sept. meeting 1889
After preaching Conference opened Door for the Reception of members none came forward. Letter to the association Read & received. made up for minutes $2.50.
the church then agreed to appoint A Day of fasting & thanksgiving & to meet on friday before the fifth Sunday in the month for that purpose conference then closed
H.B. Wilkinson,Modr
W.H. DeLoach Clerk
Oct no conference the association covened with the Church at Bethel on our meeting time.
November meeting 1889
After preaching Conference opened Door for the Reception of members E.F. Brewton
presented him Self the Church concluded he was not in A condition to be recieved. A
letter was then read from Sister upper Lots creek which ask for A committee to meet with her on a thursday before the 4th Sunday in november the committee consisted of Elder M.M. Mattox J.W.Bennett. David Beasley , D.D. Deloach & W.H. Deloach the Church then agreed to call for A pastor to Serve her for the next year. Brother H.B. Wilkinson was unanimously called. then closed in order
H.B. Wilkinson,Modr
W.H. DeLoach Clerk
December meeting 1889
After preaching conference opened Door for reception of members, none came forward
the report of the committee sent to upper lots creek was handed in and read & laid over until next conference for concideration then closed in order
H.B. Wilkinson,Modr
W.H. DeLoach Clerk
January meeting 1890
After preaching conference opened Door for reception of members none came the report of the committee Sent to Upper lots creek was taken up & passed by. their was A letter then read from lower lots asking for A part of this body to meet with her in conference on thursday, before the 4th Sunday in this month. the Church agreed to Send the following Brethren M.M. Matox. E.G. Rogers. J.W. Bennett. W.H. Deloach & E.H. Deloach. the church then agreed to hold communion conference then closed in order.
H.B. Wilkinson,Modr
W.H. DeLoach Clerk
February meeting 1890
After preaching conference opened Door for reception of members none came on motion Business of last conference laid over untill next conference then closed in order. H.B. Wilkinson,Modr
W.H. DeLoach Clerk
March meeting 1890
After preaching conference opened Door for reception of members none came on motion unfinished Business laid over then closed M.M. Matox modr
W.H. DeLoach Clerk
April meeting 1890
After preaching conference opened Door for reception of members none came. taken up unfinished business received the report from upper Lots creek the committee reported that acording to evidence upper Lots creek in disorder A committee was apointed to visit Brother John H. Anderson namely J.W.Bennett, Joseph Hall & W.H. Deloach
Conference then closed H.B. Wilkinson,Modr
W.H. DeLoach Clerk
May meeting 1890
After preaching conference opened Door for reception of members none came the committee appointed to visit Bro John H Anderson make their report Brother Anderson also made A Statement and ask forgiveness the church forgive him the trouble between him & Brother M T Deloach Setled then after Some debating the reference from last conference concerning upper lots creek was laid over until next meeting on motion conference then closed H.B. Wilkinson,Modr
W.H. DeLoach Clerk
June meeting 1890
After preaching conference open Door for reception of members none came unfinished business laid over communion posponed no other business conference then closed.
H.B. Wilkinson,Modr
W.H. DeLoach Clerk
July meeting 1890
Conference open by Singing and an invitation for members after which prayer was offerd by Elder M.M.Matox who acted as moderator. Visiting Brethren were invited to help in the Business minutes of the June meeting was read & received the conditions of upper Lotts creek was then considered.
Some of the Brethren being unable to deside how to act on the report of the committee Sent to lower lots creek ask to hear the testimony of Elder H. Temples in regard to the disorder of upper Lots creek then A letter of labor was read which was Sent to the Church by upper mill creek Showing that She upper mill creek had bestowed labor and ask uper Lots to consider the condition of her pastor after which it was proved that her moderator pronounced uper mill creek Church in gross disorder witness Brother green Barn. then A minute of canoochee Church was read Showing that She did investigate charges produced against Elder H. Temples by upper Lots creek, then A motion was made to with draw from the disorder of upper Lots creek church the motion was put by the moderator underStanding vote of 31 was counted by the clerk of the church to withdraw the moderator then asked for those to rise who were not in favor of withdrawing none rose. then a committee was appointed to visit Brother William D. Deloach namely J.W. Bennett W.H. Deloach and Joseph Hall
conference then closed . M.M. Mattox modr
W.H. Deloach clerk
August meeting 1890
After preaching conference open Door for reception of members none came . the committee Sent to See Brother Deloach report that he did not give them much Satisfaction the case laid over until next conference Elder. B. Jones then ask permition to which the church Some questioning by A move and Second he was granted permition to which the church answered him to the Best of her ability the church then elected her Delegates to the association By acclamation viz J.W. Bennett . D.D. Deloach & W.H. Deloach in case of failure the clerk to prepare the letter to Send to the association.
conference then closed in order
H.B. Wilkinson modr
W.H. Deloach clerk
Sept meeting 1890
After preaching conference open Door for reception of members none came Brother W.D. Deloach made Satisfactory acknowledgement and ask forgiveness the church forgive him
then A minute of the Peace convention held at Bay Branch was put before the church on motion then it was agreed to have it read the church would not receive or its contents. church then Showed that She did not pronounce Upper Lots in order as that convention minute Stated
Associational letter was read and received made up for minutes two Dollars
conference then closed
H.B. Wilkinson modr
W.H. Deloach clerk
Oct no conference
November meeting 1890
After preaching conference open Door for reception of members none came
minute of last conference read and adopted call for other Business the the church took up the case of the Brethren & Sisters that was in fellowship with upper lots creek church and five members was excluded from the church
on motion agreed that the Same Delegates represent us in the association to convene at lower lots creek church
Elder M.M.Mattox to write the letter agreed and appointed a committee to labor with Sister Annie Bennett that She may give her reason for requesting the church to take her name of the church Book M.M.Mattox E.G. Rogers & Joseph Hall committee.
the church then agreed to call A preacher for the next year Brother H.B. Wilkinson was called by A unanimous vote
conference then closed in order H.B. Wilkinson modr
W.H. Deloach clerk
December meeting 1890
After preaching conference open Door for reception of members none came
the case of Sister Annie Bennett was taken up. the committee report that She Still request the church to erace her name off the record that this church was no home for her She had no fellowship for her. then by A test of fellowship She was excluded from the church. Brother Shelton Anderson rose acknowledge to the church that he had been under the influence of too much whiskey for which he felt forgiveness and ask the church to forgive him
Brother J.R. Cannon acknowledge the Same Said he hoped he felt forgiveness on motion the church forgive him
A committee was then appointed to visit Brother William D. Deloach namely James L. Anderson Shelton Anderson & W.H. Deloach
conference then closed. H.B. Wilkinson modr
W.H. Deloach clerk
January meeting 1891
After preaching conference open Door for reception of members none came. the case of Bro. W.D. Deloach was taken up on motion he was excluded from the church the case of Sister groover was put before the church & laid over until next conference communion posponed then A committee of inquiry was appointed to visit the members of this church that hold to the convention party to find what they aim to do committee W.B. Deloach D.D. Deloach & W.R. Wilkinson. then committee was appointed to visit Brother J.R. Canon to find if reports out against him be true about drinking two much whiskey
committee W.H. Deloach John McElveen & W.B. Deloach conference then closed
H.B. Wilkinson modr
W.H. Deloach clerk
February meeting 1891
After preaching conference open Door for reception of members none came. unfinished business taken up the church then decided Sister Groover was chargable to the church
and appointed A committee to See after and find A home for her and report next conference committee E.G. Rogers, J.W. Bennett & W.R. Wilkinson the committee appointed to visit the convention Baptist of the church report that Some of them request their names taken of the church record then A laboring committee was appointed to See them and report next conference viz Elder M.M. Mattox E.G. Rogers & J.W. Bennett the committee appointed to visit Brother Cannon report that he give them Satisfaction and ask the church to forgive on motion the church forgive him. conference then closed
H.B. Wilkinson modr
W.H. Deloach clerk
March meeting 1891
After preaching conference open Door for reception of members none came. the committee Sent to See after Sister Groover report that one Mr Proctor agrees to take care of her for three months at ten dollars per month if agreeable all round. church received their report the committee Sent to See the convention Baptist report they Saw Eliza Deloach Candace Beasley and that they hold____ that party. then on motion they were excluded from this church. conference then closed
H.B. Wilkinson modr
W.H. Deloach clerk
April meeting 1891
After preaching conference open Door for reception of members none came. communion posponed the church then made up twenty two Dollars for the suport of Sister Groover. the clerk to take charge of the money and pay over to Mr. Proctor $10.00 per month. conference then closed H.B. Wilkinson modr
W.H. Deloach clerk
May meeting 1891
After preaching conference open Door for reception of members Brother B.J. Williams made A statement to the church & Applied for membership. was received on confeshion of Faith. then by appointment and agreement the Brethren Joseph Hall & J.W. Bennett were to See Sister Dicy Moore & report next conference her Standing with this church.
A committee was appointed to visit Brother Shelton Anderson to find if rumors against him be true or not Brethren James L. Anderson. W.H. Deloach & J.H. Anderson committee conference then closed
H.B. Wilkinson modr
W.H. Deloach clerk
June meeting 1891
After preaching conference open Door for reception of members none came. the Brethren that was to See Sister Moore report that they did not See her on motion they were released. and a committee of three Brethren appointed viz. B.J. Williams, John Mcelveen & Joseph Hall to visit the members of this church that holds to the convention party to find what they aim to do. the committee apointed to See Brother Anderson report that he acknowledge Being with the lynching company. Bro. Anderson also Stated that he was there for A just cause and was not Sorry that he went. On motion the case was laid over until next conference. conference then closed
H.B. Wilkinson modr
W.H. Deloach clerk
July meeting 1891
After preaching conference open Door for reception of members none came. the case of Bro. Anderson was taken up. on motion the church request him to State his cause for being with this lynching company which he did and Still Said he was not Sorry that he went Said he could make no acknowledgement unless he felt it on motion the church then agreed that this Stand as a charge against him. and he was excluded from the church. conference then closed
H.B. Wilkinson modr
W.H. Deloach clerk
August meeting 1891
After preaching conference open Door for reception of members. came forward Brother William S. Futch was received by experience Brother Joshua H. griner made A Statement to the church for himself and wife they were received on confeshion of Faith the committee appointed June meeting to visit the nonattendance of this church. report they Saw Some of them which give them to understand that they hold to the convention party. viz Kizrah Deloach Frank Hagans & Jane E. Harvey, their report was received & them three excluded from this church. Brother Zeke Miller then Stated that he would take care of Sister Groover for nine Dollars per month. the church decided She make that her home then Elected delegates to the association namely J.W. Bennett, D.D. Deloach & W.H. Deloach in case of failure . the church to prepare the letter. Brother R.J.
Williams then Stated to the church that he had been using some unbecoming language in his family, and to his wife. for which he was Sorry, and ask the church to forgive him on motion the case laid over until next conference. then closed H.B. Wilkinson modr
W.H. Deloach clerk
On Sunday the day following Bro. Futch was Baptized.
September meeting 1891
After preaching conference open Door for reception of members came forward Sister Frances Sheffield & Brother Charles D. Crosby. both was received by experience the church then made up two Dollars for minutes also made up twenty one Dollars towards the Suport of Sister Groover . Bro. Williams then made A Statement to the church Said he felt the Lord had forgiven him for all his wrongs. on motion the church then forgive him conference then closed H.B. Wilkinson modr
W.H. Deloach clerk
October no conference the association convened at Ash Branch on our meeting time
November meeting 1891
After preaching conference open Door for reception of members, Brother Henry Richardson Stated to the church that him Self & wife Sister Elizabeth Richardson and ask A home with us. on motion they were received in full fellowship with this church in confeshion of faith. Brother Zeke Miller Stated to the church that he could not help
Sister Groover any longer at present. Brother H.B. Wilkinson Said he would keep her one free of charge. the church then agreed to make up more money on tomorrow to pay
her board at Brother Millers
conference then closed H.B. Wilkinson modr
W.H. Deloach clerk
Sunday after preaching there was $ 18.95 cts made up toward the Suport of Sister Groover. Paid Brother Miller $18.00
December meeting 1891
After preaching conference open door for reception of members none came forward Brother E.G. Rogers then agreed to take care of Sister Groover for A while. conference then closed in order H.B. Wilkinson modr
W.H. Deloach clerk
Sister Groover Stayed at H.B. Wilkinson one month then at E.G. Rogers two months then at Mary E. Mcelveen one month.
January Meeting 1892
After preaching conference open Door for reception of members none came. Then closed in order.
H.B. Wilkinson Moderator
W.H. DeLoach clerk
February Meeting 1892
After preaching conference open Door for reception of members none came. Then closed in order.
H.B. Wilkinson Moderator
W.H. DeLoach clerk
March Meeting 1892
After preaching conference open Door for reception of members-none came. Then closed in order.
H.B. Wilkinson Moderator
W.H. DeLoach clerk
April Meeting 1892
After preaching conference open Door for reception of members-none came. The Committee appointed last June to Visit the convention Baptist. of this church reports that they saw two Sisters. Dicy Moore & Abby Sands which gave them no Satisfaction. Said their names was with that party. on motion they were excluded from this church. Then on motion Bro; Joseph Hall was released from the Committee and Bro; Henry Richardson appointed in his place. Also a Committee was appointed to Visit Bro; Willie R. Wilkinson for nonattendance Viz; M.M. Mattox, E.G. Rogers, and J.W. Bennett.
Conference then Closed.
H.B. Wilkinson Moderator
W.H. DeLoach clerk
May Meeting 1892
After preaching conference open Door for reception of members came forward Sister Carline Denmark was received on confesion of faith. The committee appointed to Visit nonatendance report they saw Sister Jane DeLoach, Ardelia Hagans and Mary E. DeLoach who ask the church to bear with them which they agreed to do. Sister Maggie F. banks ask that her name be erased off the Church Book. her request granted and she was excluded for disorder. The Committee appointed to visit Bro; Wilkinson, report that he said the cause of his not meeting with us he was a long way off teaching school & no way to come and ask the church to bear with him which they agreed to do. Brother John McElveen said he would give Sister Groover a home. Conference then closed.
H.B. Wilkinson Moderator
W.H. DeLoach clerk
June Meeting 1892
After preaching conference open Door for reception of members came forward Sister William Elizabeth Futch and Julia O. Crosby was received by experience also Sister Sallie Sheffield was received on confesion of Faith. Brother Hall said he would give Sister Groover A home one month. Brother Willie R. Wilkinson then made a statement to the church of his non-attendance. then was Joyfully received. Conference then closed.
H.B. Wilkinson Moderator
W.H. DeLoach clerk
On Sunday following Sister Futch & Sister Crosby was Baptised.
July Meeting 1892
After preaching conference open Door for reception of members none came. W.H. DeLoach said he would find a Sister Groover a home for the next month. then a letter was handed in and read from our Sister Church Ephesus Asking for Elder M.M. Mattox to meet with them and assist in the ordination of Brother David Williams to the Ministry he not being licensed nor liberated the Church agreed to reply to them by letter & committee W.H. DeLoach J.W. Bennett and Joseph Hall appointed Committee. Conference then closed. H.B. Wilkinson Moderator
W.H. DeLoach clerk
August Meeting 1892
After preaching conference open Door for reception of members none came on motion the church then elected Delegates to represent her in the association elected J.W. Bennett, W.R. Wilkinson and W.H. DeLoach in case of failure. on motion M.M. Mattox appointed to write the letter. BRO. J.C. DeLoach said he would find Sister Groover a home for the next month. Conference then closed in order.
H.B. Wilkinson Moderator
W.H. DeLoach clerk
September Meeting 1892
After preaching conference open Door for reception of members none came. letter to the association read and received. then made up for minutes $ 2.00 Sister Groover removed to Brother Morgan Rushings. Conference then closed in order.
H.B. Wilkinson Moderator
W.H. DeLoach clerk
October Meeting 1892
No conference the association convened with the church at Upper Mill Creek on our meeting time.
November Meeting 1892
After preaching conference open Door for reception of members none came. Bro; J.W. Bennett agreed to take care of Sister Groover one month. The church then called Brother. Bro; J.B. Bowen then said by request of some of the convention Baptist he had A message to deliver to this church which was to hold a convention at Deloaches or something of the kind. as we understand after some little argument it was laid over until next Conferance. Conferance then closed H.B. Wilkinson Moderator
W.H. DeLoach clerk
December Meeting 1892
After preaching conference open Door for reception of members- none came.
unfinished business taken up. Bro; J.B. Bowen's message from the convention Baptist Voted down and passed by the church decided to hold no meeting of that kind at this place.
Bro; B.J. Williams agreed to take care of Sister Groover for the next month.
Conferance then closed
H.B. Wilkinson Moderator
W.H. DeLoach clerk
January Meeting 1893
After preaching moderator absent the church appointed Bro.M.M. Mattox to act as modr. conference open Door for reception of members none came. no other business
Conferance closed
H.B. Wilkinson-Moderator
W.H. DeLoach-clerk
February Meeting, 1893
After preaching conference open Door for reception of members none came. Sister Nancy Mcorkell applied for a letter of recommendation the church granted her a letter. then closed in order
H.B. Wilkinson-Moderator
W.H. DeLoach-clerk
March Meeting, 1893
After preaching conference open Door for reception of members none came. Bro; Hershel Anderson said he would take care of Sister Groover a month-on motion conference closed H.B. Wilkinson-Moderator
W.H. Deloach-clerk
April Meeting 1893
After preaching moderator being absent Conference open by Elder M.M. Mattox. an oppurtunity for reception of members came forward Bro; George A. Screws. the church then appointed Bro. W.M. Williams to act as moderator. the canidate was received by experience. W.H. DeLoach to find Sister Groover a home for a month. the church then agreed to hold communion June Meeting. then closed in order
H.B. Wilkinson-Moderator
W.H. Deloach-clerk
on Sunday Bro. Screws was Baptised
May Meeting, 1893
After preaching conference open Door for reception of members none came. Bro.
John McElveen to take care of Sister Groover one month. Conference then closed.
H.B. Wilkinson-Moderator
W.H. Deloach-clerk
June Meeting 1893
After preaching conference open Door for reception of members-none came. the committee appointed some time ago to Visit Bro: John G. Deloach for non-attendance. Viz. W.H. Deloach - John McElveen and Joseph Hall. Sister McElveen to take care of Sister Groover one month. Conference then closed in order.
Conference then closed
H.B. Wilkinson-Moderator
W.H. Deloach-clerk
July Meeting 1893
After preaching conference open Door for reception of members none came. the Committee appointed to see Sister Enoch Deloach report that she did not seem to be reconciled but had joined in with the convention Baptist then on motion she was excluded from this church. the committee to see Bro; Deloach. report that he did not give them much Satisfaction then on motion a laboring committee was appointed to visit him. Viz James L. Anderson John H. Anderson & B.J. Williams, Bro. Willie B. Deloach to take care of Sister Groover this month. Conference then closed.
H.B. Wilkinson-Moderator
W.H. Deloach-clerk
August Meeting 1893
After preaching conference open Door for reception of members none came. the Committee appointed to visit Bro. Deloach. report that he ask the church agreed to do so. the church there elected her Delegates to the association viz J.W. Bennett. W.R. Wilkinson & B.J. Williams in case of failure. Bro. M.M. Mattox to prepare the letter. agrees to send 2.00 for minutes. A committee was then arranged to find Sister Groover a home. viz W.B. Deloach. J.W. Bennett & E.G. Rogers. Conference then closed.
H.B. Wilkinson-Moderator
W.H. Deloach-clerk
On Sunday the committe report Josiah Williams agrees to take care of Sister Groover.
September Meeting 1893
After preaching conference open Door for reception of members none came. the letter to the association read and received. then closed in order.
H.B. Wilkinson-Moderator
W.H. Deloach-clerk
October 1893
No conference the association Convened with the church at Lower Mill Creek on our meeting time.
November Meeting 1893
After preaching conferance open Door for reception of members none came. on motion the church then called Brother H.B. Wilkinson to serve her another year conference then closed.
H.B. Wilkinson-Moderator
W.H. Deloach-clerk
December Meeting 1893
After preaching conferance open Door for reception of members none came. on motion
Bro. M.M. Mattox Sugestion concerning the ordination of Bro; B.J. Williams to the Ministry was taken up. laid over until next conference. the church then decided that the committee appointed August Meeting find out of Sister Williams her charge for taking care of Sister Groover and report next conferance - then closed.
J.B. Bowen - Modr.
W.H. Deloach-clerk
January Meeting 1894
After preaching conferance open Door for reception of members none came. Moderator absent the church appointed Bro.M.M. Mattox to act. unfinished business laid over the church then ask the Brethren & Friends to quit using tobacco & spiting on the floor in time of service - then closed. M.M. Mattox - Moderator
W.H. Deloach-clerk
February Meeting 1894
After preaching conferance open Door for reception of members none came. the church then agreed to have Bro; Williams ordained to the Ministry called for Brethren W.M. Williams and J.H. Smith to meet with us on our next conference for that purpose. Brethren John McElveen, W.H. Deloach & J.W. Bennett to notify them. Conference then closed.
H.B. Wilkinson-Moderator
W.H. Deloach-clerk
March Meeting 1894
After preaching conferance open Door for reception of members none came. Brother Williams was then examined & ordained for the Ministry. then closed in order
J.W. Smith . Moderator
W.H. Deloach-clerk
April Meeting 1894
After preaching conferance open Door for reception of members none came. Conference then closed in order. H.B. Wilkinson-Modr.
W.H. Deloach-clerk
May Meeting 1894
After preaching conferance open Door for reception of members. none came. the church then agreed to set apart A day of Fasting, prayer & Thanksgiving and to meet on Friday before the 2nd Sunday in June for that purpose.
Conference then closed. H.B. Wilkinson-Modr.
W.H. Deloach-clerk
June Meeting 1894
After preaching conferance open Door for reception of members. none came. on motion conference closed in order H.B. Wilkinson-Modr.
W.H. Deloach-clerk
July Meeting 1894
After preaching conferance open Door for reception of members. none came. on motion Conference then closed in order H.B. Wilkinson-Modr.
W.H. Deloach-clerk
August Meeting 1894
After preaching conferance open Door for reception of members none came the church then elected her Delegates Viz B.J. Williams, John McElveen & W.H. Deloach in case of failure. also agree to send $2.00 for minutes. A committee was apointed to Visit Sister Ardelia Hagan by letter viz. J.W. Bennett, M.M. Mattox & Joseph Hall.
then closed in order
H.B. Wilkinson, Modr.
W.H. Deloach,clerk
September Meeting 1894
After preaching conferance open Door for reception of members none came the committee appointed to Visit Sister Hagans report no answer from her. the church then agreed Bro. Mattox write her again. the letter to the association read and received.
B.J. Williams Modr.
W.H. Deloach,clerk
No conference the association convened with the church at Lower Black Creek on our meeting time.
November Meeting 1894
After preaching on motion the church agreed that Bro. J.W. Bennett set as Moderator. the case of Sister Hagan was laid over. the church then decided not to make any call for a while. A letter was handed in from Anderson's church stating that they had in their letter to the association conditionly received Elder Z.H. Bennett proposition. But had now unconditionely endorsed it & hoped we would do the same after some talk about it on motion it was laid over until next conference. then closed.
J.W. Bennett Modr.
W.H. Deloach,clerk
December Meeting 1894
After preaching on motion the church appointed Bro. W.M. Williams to act as Moderator the case of Sister Hagan passed by for the present. on motion agreed to receive the proposition from our Brethren with whom we have been separated with the ammendment as offerd by Elder Z.H. Bennett. the same received by at rising vote then agreed that Bro. B.J. Williams to notify the church by letter of our action. then agreed to make a call. Bro. H.B. Wilkinson was called by acclamation - then closed.
Wm. M. Williams-Moderator
W.H. DeLoach Clerk
1895 January Meeting 1895
After preaching the church appointed Bro; Mally Jones to act as moderator. Conference open Door for reception of members. Bro. R. Simmons handed in letter of recommendation from Fellowship church stating that he was a member in full fellowship and an ordained Deacon of that church. on motion Bro. Simmons was received in full fellowship with this church. A letter was received from Sunlight Church stating they had endorsed the Z.H. Bennett Propposition made in Oct-1893. A letter was handed in from New Bethleham which was passed by until next conference then by motion of Elder M.M. Mattox the church agreed to visit New Deloaches church by letter and committee viz Brethren J.W. Bennett, M.M. Mattox, Joseph Hall, James Kicklighter & Charley Crosby, Bro. Mattox to prepare the letter asking her return to this church and be as one Church. Conference then Closed.
Mally Jones - Moderator
W.H. DeLoach - Clerk.
February Meeting 1895
No conference first missed in twelve years - except on association.
March Meeting 1895
After preaching conferance open Door for reception of members-none came the committee sent to New Deloaches, reprt that they received the letter togeather with them, but said they had called their Pastor for this year and would continue their meetings at that place for a while. The letter from New Bethlem laid over until next conference then after some plain talk conference closed.
Z.H. Bennett-Modr.
W.H. DeLoach - Clerk.
April Meeting 1895
After preaching conferance open Door for reception of members.none came The letter from New Bethlehem was again read the church then decided to Visit her by letter and
committee viz. W.H. DeLoach J.W. Bennett and B.J. Williams asking her to except the Bennett Proposition for Peace then there was A letter handed in from Anderson church stating their reason for not preaching our Bro. B.J. Williams in their stand. The letter was read and passed by. we hold him in order. Conference then closed.
H.B. Wilkinson, Modr.
W.H. DeLoach,clerk
May Meeting 1895
After preaching conferance open Door for reception of members none came. The committee sent to New Bethlehem not present this laid over until next conference. No other business. Conference closed. H.B. Wilkinson, Modr.
W.H. DeLoach,clerk
June Meeting 1895
After preaching conferance open Door for reception of members none came. Brother B.J. Williams one of the committee sent to New Bethlehem reports they did not receive our letter nor committee. Conference then closed. H.B. Wilkinson, Modr.
W.H. DeLoach,clerk
July Meeting 1895
After preaching conferance open Door for reception of members. A letter from Anderson Church read and received asking this church to forgive them their wrong action to us and Bro. B.J. Williams on motion the church forgave them. also another letter from same Church read and received. on motion the clerk to answer their letter.
This church then agreed to represent in Upper Lotts Creek association. Brother Frank Hagans then came forward was restored back to the church. Also ask for a letter of Recommendation for himself and wife. his request granted. Brother R. Simmons presented to the church one dozen Lloyd Hymn Books. many thank to Bro. Simmons. conference then closed. H.B. Wilkinson, Modr.
W.H. DeLoach,clerk
August Meeting 1895
After preaching conferance open Door for reception of members. Came forward Bro. Elisha J. Bowen was received by experience the church the elected her Delegates to the association. viz Brethren W.R. Wilkinson, W.H. Deloach and R. Simmons in case of failure. on motion then agreed to appoint a committee to arrange Preaching. viz Brethren E.J. Rogers, J.W. Bennett , David Beasley , J.C. DeLoach & D.D. Deloach. Bro. Bennett to prepare the letter to the association. Conference then closed.
H.B. Wilkinson, Modr.
W.H. DeLoach clerk.
Sunday morning met at the house, Door of the church was open. Came forward Pharsia C. Bennett. was joyfully received. Bro. Bowen was then Baptized by the Moderator.
Sept. Meeting 1895
After preaching conferance open Door for reception of members, none came. letter to the association read and received . agreed to send $2 00 for minutes, for visiting Preacher $5.00. Conference then closed
H.B. Wilkinson, Modr.
W.H. DeLoach, clerk.
Sunday morning Sister Bennett was Baptised
October 1895
No conference the association convened with the church at Upper Lotts Creek
November Meeting 1895
After preaching conferance open Door for reception of members. Some of the members that composed New DeLoaches Church stated that they had Desolved and wanted A home back with us. on motion they were received in full fellowship. Viz -Brethren & Sisters, David Beasley, M.C. Jones, Julia A. Jones, Sidney L. Hall, Zseriah A. Hall, Johnnie B. Bennett, Anne A. Bennett, Bro; Jones then ask for letter for himself and wife the church granted his request. The church then agreed to arrange A committee viz. Brethren R. Simmons, W.R.Wilkinson & W.H. DeLoach to see after Bro. Mattox indebtedness and make all we could to help pay him out of Debt. then on motion the church agreed to call A Paster for next year. Bro. Wilkinson was called by A unanimous Vote. Conference then closed. H.B. Wilkinson, Modr.
W.H. DeLoach, clerk.
December Meeting 1895
After preaching Moderator being absent conference open by Bro. M.M. Mattox. Door for reception of members. Bro. E.H. DeLoach was restored back in full fellowship with this church. Bro; Jacob Wilkinson ask for A letter of recommendation-the church granted his request. Conference then closed.
M.M. Mattox - Modr.
W.H. DeLoach, clerk.
January Meeting 1896
After preaching conferance open Door for reception of members, none came. A letter was then read from Anderson Church stating that they send $16.00 toward help to pay Elder Mattox's Debts. E.B. Jones from Ceder Creek church handed in $10.75. Elder H.B. Wilkinson from Emmaus $19.00 all for same purpose. Conference then closed.
H.B. Wilkinson - Modr.
W.H. DeLoach, clerk.
February 1896
No conference - rainy Day.
March Meeting 1896
After preaching conferance open Door for reception of members. Brother, Moses Wilkinson was restored, Sister Mary E. Deloach was received Back in the church. Bro. B.J. Williams stated to the church that him and his Wife had parted. The church then called in his Credentials and appointed an investigating committee to see him. viz Brethren, E.H. Deloach J.W. Bennett David Beasely, E.G. Rogers & M.C.Jones the clerk to report next conference the amt. Paid in for the purpose of paying Bro. M.M. Mattox Debts - Conference then closed.
H.B. Wilkinson . Modr.
W.H. DeLoach. clerk.
April Meeting 1896
After preaching conferance open Door for reception of members, none came. the committee appointed to visit Bro. Williams make an unfavorable report. Bro. Williams present. said he was ready for trail. On motion the church brought three charges against him. first for using profane language to which he acknowledge. also said he felt sorry for it & ask the church to forgive him. Second charge for abusing his wife to A which he plead not guilty he was acquited on that. Third charge for not living with his wife to which he confessed it was not his fault, further stated he would live with her if she would treat him as a wife should treat her husband. Conference then closed.
H.B. Wilkinson . Modr.
W.H. DeLoach. clerk.
May Meeting 1896
After preaching conferance open Door for reception of members, none came. then closed in order.
H.B. Wilkinson . Modr.
W.H. DeLoach. Clerk
June Meeting 1896
After preaching conferance open Door for reception of members, none came. Bro. Moses Wilkinson applied for A letter of recommendation church granted his request.
Conference then closed.
H.B. Wilkinson . Modr.
W.H. DeLoach. clerk
July Meeting 1896
After preaching conferance open Door for reception of members, none came. A letter was received from Upper Black Creek Church & also Brethren M.C. Jones, A.J. Iler and James Denmark asking corespondence with this church, agreed to corespondence with her. Bro. M.M. Mattox was appointed to write coresponding letter. Brethren M.M. Mattox & E.G.Rogers to bear the same. then closed
H.B. Wilkinson . Modr.
W.H. DeLoach. Clerk
August Meeting 1896
After preaching conferance open Door for reception of members none came. the church then elected her Delegates to the association viz. W.R. Wilkinson, R. Simmons &
W.H. DeLoach in case of failure. Bro. M.M. Mattox to prepare the letter. made up for minutes $ 2.00 for visiting Preachers $6.00 conference then closed.
H.B. Wilkinson . Modr.
W.H. DeLoach. Clerk
September Meeting 1896
After preaching conferance open Door for reception of members, none came. Sister Fanny Sheffield applied for a letter of recommendation -the church granted the request. the letter to the association read and received. then closed.
H.B. Wilkinson . Modr.
W.H. DeLoach. Clerk
October - 1896
No conference the association convened with the church at Beard's Creek on our meeting time.
November Meeting 1896
After preaching conferance open Door by Bro. M.C. Jones for reception of members, none came. Brother Henry Richardson ask for a letter of recommendation, the church granted his request. The church then agreed to call a Pastor for another year. Brother Wilkinson said he laid down his gift and would give up the care of the church and advised her to make A change in her call that he could not preach if called. then by a unanimous vote Brother Jordan Cribbs was called. also a committee appointed to notify him viz. Brethren, E.H. DeLoach, W.H. DeLoach and Joseph Hall. Conference then closed.
M.C. Jones. Modr.
W.H. DeLoach. Clerk
December Meeting 1896
After preaching by Elder Draughon Conference open Door for reception of members, none came. then closed.
Elder Draughon, Modr.
W.H. DeLoach. Clerk
January Meeting 1897
After preaching conferance open Door for reception of members, none came. Conference then closed in order.
Jordan Cribbs - Modr.
W.H. DeLoach. Clerk
February Meeting 1897
After preaching conferance open Door for reception of members, none came. the church then agreed to send word around to neglected Brethren to attend March meeting - also appointed a committee to see Bro. Joshua Griner and Wife, viz. Brethren B.J. Williams, Joseph Hall, & J.B.Bennett conference then closed.
M.M. Mattox - Modr.
W.H. DeLoach. Clerk
March Meeting 1897
After preaching conferance open Door for reception of members, none came. the committee sent to see Brother Griner and Wife report they give no statisfaction. the case laid over until next conference. then closed. Jordan Cribbs. Modr.
W.H. DeLoach. Clerk
April Meeting 1897
After preaching conferance open Door for reception of members, none came. the case of
Brother Griner and Wife was taken up and they was dismissed from this church. Conference then closed. Jordan Cribbs. Modr.
W.H. DeLoach. Clerk
May Meeting 1897
After preaching conferance open Door for reception of members, none came. on motion the church agreed that the clerk write and find out if Sister Harts 2nd Husband was yet living. One Mr. George Hart. also agreed to hold communion on tomorrow.
Conference then closed.
Jordan Cribbs Modr. W.H. DeLoach. Clerk
June Meeting 1897
After preaching conferance open Door for reception of members, none came. The case concerning Sister Hart laid over. A letter was then handed in from Sunlight Church, read and received Stating they had received an expelled member of this church Georgiann Williams not knowing she had ever belonged to our church. On motion church agreed to send minutes of conference when and why she was expelled & also appointed Bro. M.M. Mattox to write a letter in reply to theirs. Brother B.J. Williams applied for a letter of recommendation . moved & second to grant his request , after some little arguments the motion withdrawn - and the matter laid over until next conference - then closed in order. Jordan Cribbs. Modr.
W.H. DeLoach. Clerk
A committee was appointed to Visit Brother R. Simmons viz. Brethren E.G. Rogers, J.W. Bennett & D.D. DeLoach.
July Meeting 1897
After preaching conferance open Door for reception of members. Sister Candacy Beasley was received by letter. give Bro. B.J. Williams a letter of recommendation, the committee appointed to Visit Bro. Simmons. report that he said for the church to do as they thought best, the church agreed to bear with him. Received a letter from Little Flock Church stating that on Saturday before the third Sunday in July they had agreed to set apart Bro. J.F. Jarrell to the full works of the Ministry. and ask this church to send a committee to sit with them. agreed to send a committee. viz Joseph Hall & W.H. DeLoach. Conference then closed.
Jordan Cribbs. Modr.
W.H. DeLoach. Clerk
On Friday the 29th of June at Elder W.W. Williams appointment after preaching Door for reception of members. came forward Brethren; Isack E. NeaSmith, Lemuel Lanier and Sister Susan Lanier, Catherine NeaSmith and Polly Dickerson all received by experience. Brethren NeaSmith and Lanier & Sisters Lanier & NeaSmith was Baptized by Bro. Wriner. Sister Dickerson to be Baptized meeting in course.
It is now raining I am going to the Creek bobing hope I will catch some some nice trout.
August Meeting 1897
After preaching conferance open Door for reception of members none came the Moderator being absent on motion agreed that Bro. M.M. Mattox act as Modr. A letter was handed in from Lower Lotts Creek Church. agreed to have the the letter read then received the letter & committee Brethren Reamer Dekle & James Riggs stating to this Church that Bro. Jaspher Williams handed in a letter which they- Lotts Creek Church Says was not full enough. this church then agreed to reply to their letter & also reconsider the matter on our next regular conference. then elected Delegates to the association; viz. J.W. Bennett E.G. Rogers, & David Beaseley in case of failure. Bro.
M.M. Mattox to prepare the letter. Conferance then closed.
M.M. Mattox . Modr.
W.H. DeLoach. Clerk
On Sunday following Sister Dickerson was Baptized by Bro. Cribbs.
On Tuesday the 10th of August at Elder A.R. Strickland appointment After preaching conferance open Door for reception of members. Came forward Sisters Cenie A.E. Bowen, Mary E. Bennett & Emma NeaSmith all joyfully received to be Baptized meeting in course. A.R.Strickland, Modr.
September Meeting 1897
After preaching the Moderator absent on motion agreed that Bro: M.C.Jones Sit as Moderator. the case concerning Bro. Jaspher Williams was taken up. the church decided
to hold his Credentials until requested by some other church or churches to give them up not feeling that his gifts as a gospel Minister is profitable to the churches the letter to the association read and received. made up for minutes $2.00 for Visiting Ministers $2.65 Conferance then closed.
M.C. Jones Modr.
W.H. DeLoach. Clerk
On Sunday following Sister's Bowen & Bennett was Baptized by Elder W.M. Williams. Sister NeaSmith was Baptized at Upper Black Creek Church.
October 1897
No Conference the association convened with the church at Upper Black Creek Church on our meeting time.
This missing page logically would contain the months of November and part of December, 1897.
his request. the church then agreed a called Bro. W.M. Williams. appointed a committee to see him. viz Brethren. J.W. Bennett, David Beasley & D.D. DeLoach. Conferance then closed
Elder Draughon. Modr.
W.H. DeLoach. Clerk
On Monday after the Second Sunday at Elder Wriner appointment Sister Georgiann Williams applied for a letter of recommendation the church granted her request.
Elder Wriner . Moderator
W.H. DeLoach. Clerk
January Meeting 1898
After preaching conferance open Door for reception of members none came. the committee appointed to see Brother Williams report that he would give the church an answer to day. he excepted the call promising to do the best he could and ask the church to be up to her duty. the church then appointed a committee to visit Bro. J.R. Cannon to find if reports against him be true or not viz Brethren, J.W. Bennett, D.D. DeLoach, & David Beasley. on motion communion posponed until our next regular time. Conference then closed.
W.M. Williams . Modr.
W.H. DeLoach. Clerk
On Wednesday after the 3rd Sunday in January 1898 A call meeting. After preaching by Elder Wriner an opportunity for reception of members -came forward, Bro. John C. Dickerson, David NeaSmith, Peter A. Hagan & Sister Susan M. Hagan. All received by expierence a Baptized by Elder Wriner.
February Meeting - 1898
After preaching conferance open Door for reception of members none came. the committee appointed to visit Bro. Cannon report that he said he was not guilty of rumors against him but ask that his name be taken off the church Book. the church then feeling that he was due an acknowledgement decided to bear with him until next conference, then closed.
W.M. Williams . Modr.
W.H. DeLoach . Clerk
March Meeting - 1898
After preaching by request Brother W.W. Wriner sit as Moderator. Conferance open Door for reception of members, came forward Sister Mary E. Dickerson was received by experience. Bro. J.R. Cannon was restored in fellowship with the church. then closed.
W.W.Wriner . Modr.
W.H. DeLoach . Clerk
On Sunday following Sister Dickerson was Baptized.
April Meeting - 1898
After preaching conferance open Door for reception of members. Sister Nancy Deloach
handed in a letter of recommendation on motion was received the moderator extending the right hand of fellowship the church then agreed to hold communion & also set apart Friday before the 2nd Sunday in May as A day of Fasting and Prayer
Conference then closed
W.M. Williams . Modr.
W.H. DeLoach . Clerk
May Meeting - 1898
After preaching by request of the church Brother W.W. Wriner sit as moderator. Conferance open Door for reception of members, came forward Brother , W.H. Denmark & Sister Lillie T. Denmark. was received by experience. Conference then closed.
W.W. Wriner - Modr.
W.H. DeLoach . Clerk.
Sunday following Bro. & Sister Denmark was Baptized by Bro. Wriner.
June Meeting - 1898
After preaching conferance open Door for reception of members came forward Sister Macyann NeathSmith-was received by expierence. Conference then closed.
W.M. Williams . Modr.
W.H. DeLoach . Clerk
Sunday following Sister NeaSmith was Baptized.
July Meeting - 1898
After preaching conferance open Door for reception of members came forward Sister Mar E. Boatright was received by experience. the church then agreed and appointed A committee to visit Bro. Joseph Hall. viz. Brethren; J.W. Bennett, E.G. Rogers. David Beasley, D.D. Deloach & Lemuel Lanier. Conference then closed.
W.M. Williams . Modr.
W.H. DeLoach . Clerk
On Sunday following Sister Boatright was Baptized by Modr.
August Meeting - 1898
After preaching the Moderator being absent by request of the church Bro. D. Calaway Set as Moderator. the case of Bro; Hall laid over
no report from the committee, the church then agreed to represent in the association & appointed Brethren; J.W. Bennett D.D.Deloach & David Beasley in case of failure as Delegates- the clerk to prepare the letter Conference then closed.
D. Calaway, Modr.
W.H. DeLoach . Clerk
September Meeting - 1898
After preaching conferance open Door By Bro. H.B. Wilkinson. the case of Bro. Joseph Hall was taken up. the the committee made their report. Brother Hall being present & ready for trial. the charge against him was not complying with the Decision of a justice Court & Juro trail of Bulloch County. He said it was not a just Debt & he would not pay it. He was excluded from the church. made up for minutes $2.00. then closed
H.B. Wilkinson Modr.
W.H. DeLoach . Clerk
October 1898
No conference the association convened with the church at DeLoache's.
November 1898
After preaching conferance open Door for reception of members none came, on motion the church agreed to pospone the call for a Pastor until our next conference. Then closed.
W.M. Williams . Modr.
W.H. DeLoach . Clerk
December 1898
No conference - cold & Rainy.
January Meeting 1899
After preaching conferance open Door for reception of members- none came.
the church then agreed to call a Pastor. Bro. W.M. Williams was unanimously called. A committee then appointed to visit Bro. Willie Anderson to find if report against him be true or not. Committee W.H.DeLoach David Beasley & D.D. DeLoach. Communion was posponed Sister Sarah J. Williams applied for a letter of recommendation. church granted her request - then closed.
W.M. Williams . Modr.
W.H. DeLoach . Clerk
February 1899
No conference Cold & rainy.
March Meeting 1899
After preaching conferance open Door for reception of members- none came.
the committee appointed to visit Bro; Anderson are to see him again. A committee was appointed to see Bro; M.M. Mattox and report next conference. viz Brethren J.W. Bennett, E.G. Rogers & W.B. DeLoach Conference then closed.
W.M. Williams . Modr.
W.H. DeLoach . Clerk
April Meeting 1899
After preaching conferance open Door for reception of members- none came.
the committee to see Bro; Anderson report that he said the report out against him taking the pony Law was true Also Said he could not attend meeting On motion by Test of Fellowship. he was excluded from the church. The committee to see Bro-Mattox, report that he was in 38
A bad condition. the Brethren would have to see after him. church then agreed to hold communion. Conference then closed.
W.M. Williams . Modr.
W.H. DeLoach . Clerk
May Meeting 1899
After preaching conferance open Door for reception of members- none came. A letter was read from New Bethlehem Church and passed by. Conference then closed. W.M. Williams . Modr.
W.H. DeLoach . Clerk
June Meeting 1899
After preaching conferance open Door for reception of members came forward Sister Hattie A. Wilkinson. was received by experience Conference then closed.
W.M. Williams . Modr.
W.H. DeLoach . Clerk
On Sunday following Sister Wilkinson was Baptized by the Moderator.
On Tuesday after the 4th Sunday in June at Bro; W.W. Wriner appointment After preaching opportunity was offered for reception of members. Came forward Sister Mary J. Bennett received by experience. to be Baptized next meeting.
On Wednesday the following day Bro W.H.Rogers & Sister F.N. Akins was Baptized by Bro Wriner. Bro Rogers to be Baptized next meeting.
July Meeting 1899
After preaching conferance open Door for reception of members. came forward
Sister Ora P. Tilman and was received by experience . Sister Georgiann Williams was received back in this church by letter. Communion posponed. Conference then closed.
W.M. Williams . Modr.
W.H. DeLoach . Clerk
Sunday morning opportunity was offered for reception of members. came forward Bro John M. NeathSmith & Sister Attamay S. DeLoach was received by expierence. then retired to the water Sister Tillman, Sister Bennett & Bro Rogers was Baptized by Bro. Wilkinson Sister DeLoach to be Baptized next meeting Bro. NeathSmith was Baptized Sunday evening. By Elder Wriner
August Meeting 1899
After preaching conferance open Door for reception of members. came forward Sister Maxie A. Tilman and Bro. Benjamin D. Hodges was received by experience. Conference then closed. W.M. Williams . Modr.
W.H. DeLoach . Clerk
Sunday following Sister Tilman and Bro; Hodges was Baptized by the Moderator.
On Wednesday after the fourth Sunday at Bro. Wriner's appointment after preaching opportunity was offered for reception of members. came forward Sister Marica E. Hodges received by experience. Baptized same by Bro. Wriner. Opportunity was offered at the Water for reception of members came forward Bro. M.J. Green - was received by experience.
September Meeting 1899
After preaching conferance open Door for reception of members. came forward Bro. Jacob G. Nevils was received by experience conference then closed.
W.M. Williams . Modr.
W.H. DeLoach . Clerk
On Sunday following Bro. Green and Bro; Nevils was Baptized.
October 1899
No conference rainy Day.
November Meeting 1899
After preaching Moderator being absent on motion church agreed that Elder Paterson Sit as Moderator. Door for reception of members. none came. the church then agreed to call a Pastor for another Year. Bro. H.B. Wilkinson was called by a unanimous Vote. Conference then closed.
A.W. Paterson, Modr.
W.H. DeLoach . Clerk
December 1899
After preaching conferance open Door for reception of members. Bro. James H. Wilkinson handed in A letter of recommendation from Eammaus Church - was received in full fellow-Ship with this church. Bro. H.B. Wilkinson accepted the call to care of this church. Brother W.B. DeLoach presented to the church a nice communion Set which was thankfully received.
Conference then closed.
H.B. Wilkinson - Modr.
W.H. DeLoach . Clerk
January Meeting 1900
After preaching conferance open Door for reception of members, none came. The church then agreed and elected Bro; M.J. Green as Deacon also agreed that Bro
W.M. Williams, D.R. McEWlveen and H.B. Wilkinson officiate in the Works of Ordination. Conference then closed. H.B. Wilkinson - Modr.
W.H. DeLoach . Clerk
February Meeting 1900
After preaching conferance open Door for reception of members, none came. The ordination of Bro. Green as Deacon laid over until next meeting on account of the preach Brethren not present on motion Conference closed.
H.B. Wilkinson - Modr.
W.H. DeLoach . Clerk
March Meeting 1900
After preaching conferance open Door for reception of members, none came. The church then agreed to attend to the ordination of Bro. Green as Deacon Brethren D.R. McElveen & H.B. Wilkinson officiating. Conference then closed.
H.B. Wilkinson - Modr.
W.H. DeLoach . Clerk
April Meeting 1900
After preaching conferance open Door for reception of members, none came. Church then agreed to hold communion on tomorrow. Conference then closed.
H.B. Wilkinson - Modr.
W.H. DeLoach . Clerk
May Meeting 1900
After preaching conferance open Door for reception of members, none came. The case concerning this church holding Bo Jasper Williams Credentials was taken up talked about a little & laid over until next conference. then closed.
H.B. Wilkinson - Modr.
W.H. DeLoach . Clerk
June Meeting 1900
After preaching Moderator absent church agreed that Bro J.H. Smith act as Moderator. Door for reception of members-none came. The Case concerning this church holding Bro; Jasper Williams credentials stand as on the church record. then closed
H.B. Wilkinson - Modr.
W.H. DeLoach . Clerk
July Meeting 1900
After preaching conferance open Door for reception of members, none came. Conference then closed.
H.B. Wilkinson - Modr.
W.H. DeLoach . Clerk
August Meeting 1900
After preaching conferance open Door for reception of members. Came forward Bro Williams A. Jones & was handed in from old Bethlehem Church at that place read and passed by
Conference then closed.
H.B. Wilkinson - Modr.
W.H. DeLoach . Clerk
On Sunday following Brother Jones was Baptized.
September Meeting 1900
After preaching conferance open Door for reception of members.none came the letter received from Old Bethlehem reconsidered & agreed to answer their letter. the Deacons of this church to answer letter. A letter was received from Old Mill Creek church concerning two of her members left that Church and gave to Statesboro Church without letter advised of this church for Mill Creek & Statesboro Churches to try and settle their troubles. Sister Sarah A. Temples ask for a letter of recommendation on motion granted her A letter. Conference then closed.
H.B. Wilkinson - Modr.
W.H. DeLoach . Clerk
October 1900
No Meeting
November Meeting 1900
After preaching moderator being absent church agreed that Bro. Patterson sit as Moderator. minutes of last conference was read & adopted. on motion church to call A Pastor for another year. Bro; David Beasley made A move to call Bro. Patterson, Second by Bro. J.W. Bennett Bro; Patterson was called by a rising vote of 24 members.
Conferance then closed.
A.W. Patterson, Modr.
W.H. DeLoach, Clerk
December Meeting 1900
After preaching conferance open Door for reception of members, none came. on motion Conferance then closed.
A.W. Patterson, Modr.
W.H. DeLoach, Clerk
January Meeting 1901
After preaching conferance open Door for reception of members, none came. on motion Conferance then closed.
A.W. Patterson, Modr.
W.H. DeLoach, Clerk
February Meeting 1901
After preaching conferance open Door for reception of members, none came. on motion Conferance then closed.
A.W. Patterson, Modr.
W.H. DeLoach, Clerk
March Meeting 1901
After preaching conferance open Door for reception of members, none came. on motion Conferance then closed.
A.W. Patterson, Modr.
W.H. DeLoach, Clerk
April Meeting 1901
No preaching on Saturday rainy day Sunday after opportunity offered for reception of members came forward Bro; William H. Williams was received by experience to be Baptized next meeting then closed. A.W. Patterson, Modr.
W.H. DeLoach, Clerk
May Meeting 1901
After preaching conferance open Door for reception of members, none came. The case of Bro. Jones & Sister Wilkinson was put before the church. A committee was appointed to see or write to them viz Brethren M.J. Green, E.H. DeLoach & W.H. DeLoach. Conference then closed. A.W. Patterson, Modr.
W.H. DeLoach, Clerk
Sunday morning Bro. Williams was baptized by Modr.
June Meeting 1901
After preaching conferance open Door for reception of members none came. The committee appointed to see Bro Jones & Sister Wilkinson report that Bro. Jones give Satisfaction was held in fellowship of the church. Sister Wilkinson was excluded By test of fellowship charged with misconduct. Conference then closed.
A.W. Patterson, Modr.
W.H. DeLoach, Clerk
July Meeting 1901
After preaching conferance open Door for reception of members Came forward Sister Florence E. Clanton was received by experience. Conference then closed.
A.W. Patterson, Modr.
W.H. DeLoach, Clerk
Sunday following Sister Clanton was Baptized
August Meeting 1901
After preaching conferance open Door for reception of members, none came. Bro. S.L. Hall acknowledge to the church that he had been taking too much strong drink. The Lord being his strength & helper he wouldn't do so no more & ask the church to bear with him. On motion church agreed to bear with him. then A letter was read from Lower Lotts Creek church contents noted letter tabled. Conference then closed.
A.W. Patterson, Modr.
W.H. DeLoach, Clerk
September Meeting 1901
After preaching conferance open Door for reception of members none came Conference then closed.
A.W. Patterson, Modr.
W.H. DeLoach, Clerk
On Sunday after preaching opportunity was given for reception Came forward Sister Ella M. Hendrix was received by experience. to be Baptized on Wednesday after the 2nd Sunday in Oct. Sister Hendrix was Baptized on day above mentioned by the moderator.
October 1901
No Meeting. Association at Bethlehem.
November Meeting 1901
After preaching conferance open Door for reception of members none came. The church
then agreed to call A Preacher to serve her another year also agreed to call by ballot. Elder H.B. Wilkinson was called receiving 30 votes. Bro Paterson 7 votes. Conference then closed.
A.W. Patterson, Modr.
W.H. DeLoach, Clerk
December Meeting 1901
After preaching conferance open Door for reception of members none came. the case concerning Bro. S.L. Hall was taken up & by A test of fellowship he was dismissed from the church for drunkenness. Conference the closed.
H.B.Wilkinson, Modr.
W.H. DeLoach, Clerk
January Meeting 1902
After preaching conferance open Door for reception of members none came. Bro Willie H. Williams acknowledge to the church that he had been under the influence of too much strong Drink, ask the Church to forgive & bear with him. Would try to do so no more. the church agreed to Bear with him. Conference the closed.
H.B.Wilkinson, Modr.
W.H. DeLoach, Clerk
February Meeting 1902
After preaching conferance open Door for reception of members none came. A letter was received from Ephesus Church stating that if this church had any charge against Elder W.M.Williams or evidence establishing reports against him to present same to that church. A Committe was appointed to answer their letter. viz M.J. Green , W.H. and
E.H. DeLoach. Conference the closed.
H.B.Wilkinson, Modr.
W.H. DeLoach, Clerk
March Meeting 1902
After preaching conferance open Door for reception of members none came. the committee appointed to write & bear letter to Ephesus church concerning Brother Will Williams was restored. Conference then closed. H.B.Wilkinson, Modr.
W.H. DeLoach, Clerk
April Meeting 1902
After preaching conferance open Door for reception of members none came. Church agreed to hold Communion appointed A committee to investigate the condition of Sister Georgeann Williams. viz Brethren; P.C. Hagans, J.W. Bennett & W.B.DeLoach. Bro. J.B.Bennett applied for A letter of recommendation for himself & wife. Church granted them letters. Conference then closed. H.B.Wilkinson, Modr.
W.H. DeLoach, Clerk
May Meeting 1902
After preaching conferance open Door for reception of members none came. The committee appointed to see after Sister Williams needs. report that Sister Juliann Rogers agreed to let the church know as she needs. Committee released.
Conference then closed. H.B.Wilkinson, Modr.
W.H. DeLoach, Clerk
June Meeting 1902
After preaching conferance open Door for reception of members none came. Church agreed to set apart a Day of fasting and 49
prayer. to meet Wednesday after the 2nd Sunday in June for that purpose. Bro. Simeon Banks as the church to withdraw her suggestion to Elder W.M. Williams concerning the removal of Mr. Keel & family from his premises. on motion church withdrew Sugestions. Conference closed. H.B.Wilkinson, Modr.
W.H. DeLoach, Clerk
July Meeting 1902
After preaching conferance open Door for reception of members. Came forward Bro; Willie. I. Kicklighter. Was received by experience. Received A letter from Upper Mill Creek Concerning some trouble between Mill Church & Statesboro Churches the church agreed to answer their letter in a Stark Way. Conference then closed.
H.B.Wilkinson, Modr.
W.H. DeLoach, Clerk
August Meeting 1902
After preaching conferance open Door for reception of members. Came forward Sister Rebecca A.E.Worley & was received by experience. Bro. J.H. Smith ask permission to speak a few words in behalf of Ash Branch Church. The Church granted him leaf to speak. he Wanted to know what would bring About between our church & Ash Branch Church. The churches answer to was to Drop the Towalaggas Brethren and Discontinue correspondence with them until investigated if needs be, Also consider little Bethlehem
no longer A church, but Old Bethlehem the church. Conference then closed.
H.B.Wilkinson, Modr.
W.H. DeLoach, Clerk
Sunday following Sister Worley was Baptized by Modr.
September Meeting 1902
After preaching conferance open Door for reception of members. none came. Conference then closed. H.B.Wilkinson, Modr.
W.H. DeLoach, Clerk
October 1902
No Conference.
November Meeting 1902
After preaching the Moderator being absent on motion the church agreed that Bro. F.M Donaldson act as Modr. opportunity offered for reception for members none came. Church then called A Preacher for another year Bro H.B. Wilkinson was called by A unanimous Vote. Bro Charley Crosby ask for A letter for Sister Frances Sheffield. Church granted her request. Conference then closed.
F.M. Donaldson, Modr.
W.H. DeLoach, Clerk
December Meeting 1902
After preaching conferance open Door for reception of members. none came. A committee was arranged to Visit Bro. John G. DeLoach for nonattendance viz Brethren. W.B. DeLoach, J.W. Bennett & M.J. Green . on motion then agreed
that the clerk write Bro. Willie Jones to appear next conference or give cause of his non attendance, otherwise, he would be dealt with by the church. Elder Wilkinson promised to serve the church another year, Conference then closed.
H.B.Wilkinson, Modr.
W.H. DeLoach, Clerk
January Meeting 1903
After preaching conferance open Door for reception of members. none came. The committee appointed to see Bro. John G. DeLoach report that he gave satisfaction, committee released. It was made known to the church that Bro. George Screws was living with his second wife, his first one yet living, he was excluded from the church by A test of fellowship the cause living in adultery. Conference then closed.
H.B.Wilkinson, Modr.
W.H. DeLoach, Clerk
February Meeting 1903
After preaching the Moderator being absent on motion the church agreed that Bro. F.M. Donaldson act as a moderator. Opportunity offered for reception of members none came. A letter was read from Bro. Willie Jones & accepted as giving satisfaction. Conference then closed. F.M. Donaldson, Modr.
W.H. DeLoach, Clerk
March Meeting 1903
After preaching conferance open Door for reception of members. none came. On motion church agreed to write Brother W.R.
Wilkinson give cause for his non-attendance.Conference then closed.
H.B.Wilkinson, Modr.
W.H. DeLoach, Clerk
April Meeting- 1903
After preaching conference open door for reception of members. none came. No hearing from Bro. W.R. Wilkinson, church agreed to hold communion on tomorrow.
Conference then closed.
H.B.Wilkinson, Modr.
W.H. DeLoach, Clerk
May Meeting 1903
After preaching conferance open Door for reception of members. none came.
Brother Wilkinson stated to the church that he was due acknowledgement for non attendance and asked forgiveness, church forgave him. Conference then closed.
H.B.Wilkinson, Modr.
W.H. DeLoach, Clerk
June Meeting 1903
After preaching conferance open Door for reception of members. none came.
Conference then closed.
H.B.Wilkinson, Modr.
W.H. DeLoach, Clerk
July Meeting 1903
After preaching conferance open Door for reception of members. Sister Sarah Kicklighter was received by letter, also Sister Florana E. Clanton & W. Elizabeth Futch
was Dismissed by letter. A letter was read from Ash branch Church asking for a committee to meet with them on Thursday before the 2nd Sunday in August to adjust Difference between this church and Ashbranch. Committee was appointed viz, Brethren J.W. Bennett
M.J.Green & E.H.DeLoach. Conference then closed.
H.B.Wilkinson, Modr.
W.H. DeLoach, Clerk
August Meeting 1903
After preaching the Moderator being absent on motion the church agreed that Bro. F.M. Donaldson act as moderator. Bro. W.D. DeLoach stated to the church that he hoped the Lord had forgive him of his wrong act & the wanted to live with the Brethren. on motion he was restored in full fellowship with the church. The committee appointed to meet with Ash branch church report nothing accomplished. the committee was released. A committee was then appointed to visit Bro. Willie Jones to stir him up to duty & report next Conference viz Brethren. J.L. Anderson , E.H. DeLoach, and Lemuel Lanier, Communion posponed. Conference then closed. F.M. Donaldson, Modr.
W.H. DeLoach, Clerk
September Meeting 1903
After preaching conferance open Door for reception of members. Came forward Bro. James Beasley & Sister Keziah Lewis and was received by experience. the committee appointed to see Bro. Jones report that he gave Satisfaction. A committee of inquiry was appointed to see Sister Nancy DeLoach & Keriah Hall to adjust differences between them. names Brethren; W.B. DeLoach - W.H. DeLoach & M.J. Green. Communion posponed. It was stated to the church that Sister Georgian Williams had applied to the ordinary for help - the church agreed to see after her
needs. A collection was taken up of about $8.00 put in the hands of the Deacons to distribute to her as she needs. Conference then closed. F.M. Donaldson, Modr.
W.H. DeLoach, Clerk
October Meeting 1903
After preaching conferance open Door for reception of members none came. the committee appointed to see Sister DeLoach & Sister Hall. report Sister Hall said she did not consider that she was due Sister DeLoach anything. The committee was released. The church then taken up charges against Sister Hall for signing A just and joint note with her husband then saying she did not consider she owed it - a note written We or either of us promise to pay. A laboring committee was appointed to labor with Sister Hall. Viz Brethren P.C. Hagan, J.L. Anderson and W.H. DeLoach. Conference then closed.
H.B.Wilkinson, Modr.
W.H. DeLoach, Clerk
On Sunday following Sister Lewis & Bro. Beasley was Baptized.
November Meeting 1903
After preaching the moderator being absent on motion agreed that Bro. F.M. Donaldson act as moderator. the committee appointed to labor with Sister Hall, being unfavorable report her husband stating that he did not or that he would not
pay the debt Also saying that if they turned his wife out of the church, they could take that for pay. acknowledging that it was A just & honest debt. By A test of fellowship Sister Hall was excluded from the church.) then by A unanimous vote Bro H.B. Wilkinson was called to the care of the church for another year. Conference then closed.
F.M. Donaldson, Modr.
W.H. DeLoach, Clerk
December Meeting 1903
After preaching conferance open Door for reception of members none came. A letter was read from Sister Susan Sands. asking the church to remember her, on motion the church requested the clerk to answer her letter. Brother Wilkinson accepted the call to the care of the church for another year. Conference closed.
H.B.Wilkinson, Modr.
W.H. DeLoach, Clerk
January Meeting 1904
After preaching conferance open Door for reception of members. Bro. John M. Easterling handed in A letter of reccommendation for himself & Wife Janie Easterling From Bethel church which was received. Church extending the right hand of fellowship. Communion posponed on account of Sister Emma Mikell being at Varience with some of our members. Conference closed.
H.B.Wilkinson, Modr.
W.H. DeLoach, Clerk
February Meeting 1904
After preaching conferance open Door for reception of members. none came. the case concerning Sister Mikell laid over. Conference then closed.
H.B.Wilkinson, Modr.
W.H. DeLoach, Clerk
On Friday evening after the 2nd Sunday in February at A little meeting at Bro. F.M. Donaldsons Sister Mollie Sumberling related her experience. We the undersigned consider her Worthy of membership among the Lords people. H.B. Wilkinson, F.M. Donaldson, James Beasley, W.H. DeLoach - Sisters - Dicy Donaldson & Georgia A. DeLoach. Sister Sumberling desires to be Baptized at Lower Lotts Creek and become A member of that place. H.B.Wilkinson, Modr.
W.H. DeLoach, Clerk
March Meeting 1904
After preaching conferance open Door for reception of members. none came. the case concerning Sister Mikell droped. Sister Sumberlins received by this church as A member. Desires to be Baptized at Lower Lotts Creek. transferred to that place or church Conference the closed. H.B.Wilkinson, Modr.
W.H. DeLoach, Clerk
April Meeting 1904
After preaching the moderator absent church appointed Bro. F.M. Donaldson to act as Moderator. opportunity offered for reception of members. none came. Conferance then closed. F.M. Donaldson, Modr.
W.H. DeLoach, Clerk
May Meeting 1904
After preaching conferance open Door for reception of members. none came-it was then made known to the church that Bro. Willie Jones was married to his second wife, his first one yet living. church appointed A committee to see him. viz Brethren E.H. Deloach, M.J. Green & Evers Neathsmith. Conference then closed.
H.B.Wilkinson, Modr.
W.H. DeLoach, Clerk
June Meeting 1904
After preaching the Moderator being absent church appointed Bro. F.M. Donaldson to act as Modr. opportunity offered for members. Came forward Sister Julia A. Neathsmith & was received by expierence. the committee appointed to see after Bro. Jones report that record in the ordinace office in Statesboro shows that he is married again. the committee was released By a test of fellowship Bro. Jones was excluded from the church for living in adultry. Then a letter was read from Sister Mary DeLoach. asking the church to remember her in Prayer. also asking for a letter of recommendation. on motion church agreed to give her a letter.
Bro. J.H. Anderson acknowledge that he had been guilty of drinking too much whiskey & ask the church to bear with him - he would try to do so no more. Church agreed to bear with him. Conferance then closed. F.M. Donaldson, Modr.
W.H. DeLoach, Clerk
On Sunday following Sister Neathsmith was Baptized by F.M.D.
July Meeting 1904
After preaching conferance open Door for reception of members. none came. Sister Susan Sands ask for A letter of recommendation, church granted same, on motion church agreed to hold communion. Conference then closed.
H.B.Wilkinson, Modr.
W.H. DeLoach, Clerk
August Meeting 1904
After preaching conferance open Door for reception of members. none came. Bro. John Dickerson made A statement to the church concerning the report of Bankrupcy against him. he was retained in fellowship with the church. A committee was appointed to see Bro. J.R. Cannon, on reports of drinking too much strong drink Committee; Brethren E.H.DeLoach, M.J. Green & J.W.Bennett. the case concerning Wine making & selling it by the members of their church laid over. Conference then closed.
H.B.Wilkinson, Modr.
W.H. DeLoach, Clerk
September Meeting 1904
After preaching conferance open Door for reception of members. none came. The committee appointed to visit J.R. Cannon
report that he acknowledge drinking too much - committee ask him to meet next Conference - he did not meet, the committee was released. on motion by a test of fellowship he was expelled charged with Drunkness. the charge against wine dealers taken up. church decided to ask her member to stop selling it. on motion church decided to have no meeting on our next regular time. Conference then closed.
H.B.Wilkinson, Modr.
Wm. Henry DeLoach, Clerk
November Meeting 1904
Moderator being absent church then appointed Bro. M.J. Green to act as Moderator. Being call time Bro. H.B. Wilkinson was called by a unanimous vote. Unfinished business laid over-Conference then closed. M.J. Green. Modr.
Wm. Henry DeLoach, Clerk
December Meeting 1904
After preaching the Moderator being absent church appointed Bro. Dave Callaway to act as moderator. opportunity offered for reception of members. none came. Bro. Ezekiel Miller acknowledge to the church that he had been drinking too much strong drink, on account of which he was troubled. said he would try not to do so any more and ask forgiveness- the church agreed to bear with him. Unfinished business laid over.
Conference then closed. D.R. Callaway, Modr.
Wm. Henry DeLoach, Clerk
January Meeting 1905
After preaching conferance open Door for reception of members. none came. unfinished business laid over. Conference then closed.
H.B.Wilkinson, Modr.
Wm. Henry DeLoach, Clerk
February Meeting 1905
After preaching conferance open Door for reception of members. none came. unfinished business taken up. the committee Sent to the Lower branch of the association report that he Brethren received them & also excepted our letter of invitation & appointed the next Session of the Lower Canoochee Association to convene with this church. The Committee sent the Upper Branch of this association report they was received as visitors. appointed their next Session to convene with the church at Fellowship. said they would answer our letter through their minutes. Church there agreed the next session of the association convene with the church at DeLoache's on Friday before Second Sunday in Oct 1905. Also to write letters of invitation to all the rest of the Churches composing the Lower Canoochee. Bro. M.J. Green appointed to write. Conference then closed.
H.B.Wilkinson, Modr.
Wm. Henry DeLoach, Clerk
March Meeting 1905
No Conference - Moderator absent
April Meeting 1905
After preaching conferance open Door for reception of members. none came. A copy of the letter prepared to send to the diferent churches was read & excepted by the church. A committee was then appointed to see Bro. Willie Williams. viz. Brethren , P.A. Hagans, M.J. Green & Wm. Henry DeLoach. Also, A committee to examine the church house to see what repare was needed viz Brethren, E.H. DeLoach J.M Easterling, M.J. Green, J.W. Bennett & P.A. Hagans. report next conference-then closed.
H.B.Wilkinson, Modr.
Wm. Henry DeLoach, Clerk
May Meeting 1905
After preaching conferance open Door for reception of members. none came. the committee to see Bro; Williams - report that he give Satisfaction. the church retained him in full fellowship. the committee to examine the house report the fine it necessary to build 25ft. to one end of the house, recover & paint. the same committee to pra with the house repair, letting our contract & taking up collection to pay for the Work. Conference then closed.
H.B.Wilkinson, Modr.
Wm. Henry DeLoach, Clerk
June Meeting 1905
After preaching moderator absent-church appointed Elder M.M. Mattox to act as Modr. opportunity was offered for reception of members. came forward Sister Annie E. Kicklighter was received by experience. A letter was then read from Eammaus Church
July Meeting 1905
After preaching conferance open Door for reception of members. none came. A letter from M.M. Mattox was read and also two others, one from Fellowship, one from Statesboro church Stating they Would meet with us at the association. on motion church then agreed to organize an association changing the time from the 2nd to the 4th Sunday in October, Also changing the name. Conference then closed.
H.B.Wilkinson, Modr.
Wm. Henry DeLoach, Clerk
August Meeting 1905
After preaching conferance open Door for reception of members. none came. on motion church agreed to appoint delegates to the association, appointed Brethren: J.W. Bennett , P.A.Hagan & Wm. Henry DeLoach. Bro. Mattox to prepare the letter, Church then decided to have ten (10) ft built on side of house instead of 15 on one end.
Conference then closed.
H.B.Wilkinson, Modr.
Wm. Henry DeLoach, Clerk
September Meeting 1905
After preaching conferance open Door for reception of members. none came. letter to the association read & excepted. Conference then closed.
H.B.Wilkinson, Modr.
Wm. Henry DeLoach, Clerk
October 1905
No conference, the association organized at DeLoaches church name Lower Lotts Creek Association.
November Meeting 1905
After preaching conferance open Door for reception of members. none came. Church then appointed A committee of Brethren - P.A. Hagans, W.H. Demark & W.H.Rogers to visit Red Hill church asking the return of Bro. Charles Crosby with the letter of this church. Then called Brother H.B.Wilkinson to the care of the church for another year by a unanimous Vote-then closed.
H.B.Wilkinson, Modr.
Wm. Henry Deloach, Clerk
December Meeting 1905
After preaching conferance open Door for reception of members. none came. the committee sent to Red Hill Church handed in Bro. Crosby letter. the case between him & Sister Mary E. McElveen was taken up. investigated & dismissed. Conference then closed.
H.B.Wilkinson, Modr.
Wm. Henry Deloach, Clerk