

Upper Black Creek Primitive Baptist Church Cemetery

Bulloch County, Georgia

Contributed by Harriet Waters

Sign at Church:
Upper Black Creek Baptist Church
Constituted August 12, 1802

Located west of Stilson, US Highway Number 80,
and Upper Black Creek, north of Georgia Highway Number 46 
in Bulloch County, Georgia.
This census was taken by Lawrence M. Edwards
 1. 	George Russell Waters
    	born January 14, 1883
    	died February 20, 1950
    	Hester DeLoach Waters
    	born March 16, 1890
    	died July 2, 1967
    	On rear of stone:
    	"Our Children"
    	Susie      	Morgan  
    	Ottis         	Lester
    	Sarah        	Edsel
    	Doris       	Mildred
    	Lois         	Maxann
2.      Common headstone with name "DeLoach".
	D.E. DeLoach
	born March 28, 1878
	died July 20, 1932
	Eliza E. DeLoach
 	born March 30, 1877
	died November 29, 1940
        Katye Maude DeLoach
        born November 19, 1901
        died January 1 1966
	Charles G. DeLoach
	South Carolina
	Pvt. 361 Military Police Co.
	born March 28, 1908
	died May 15, 1963
3.	F. P. De Loach
	born July 7, 1884
	died September 15, 1886
	Footstone: "F. P. DeL."
4.	Infant baby of
	C.C. & S. E. DeLoach
	born December 17, 1897
 	died December 22, 1897
        Footstone: "DeL."
5.	Ela May
	daughter of
	C.C. & S.E. DeLoach
	born July 6, 1901
	died September 16, 1902
	Age 1 year 2 months 10 days
	Footstone: "DeL."
6.	Rufus Lester
	son of 
	C.C. & S. E. Deloach
        born April 20, 1888 
        died January 17, 1906 
        Footstone: "DeL." 
7.	Clem Clifford DeLoach
	born February 15, 1861 
	died  February 21, 1930  
	On same stone:
	Susie Mitchell DeLoach
	born May 17, 1859 
	died January 6, 1932 
8.	Minnie Lee DeLoach Davis
	born 1896
	died 1954
9.	Mrs. R. C. DeLoach
	1898 - 1959
       (Undertaker Marker)
10.	Rowell C. DeLoach
        1898 - 1938
       (Undertaker Marker)
11.	Julia A., beloved wife of
        C. J. DeLoach
        born April 22, 1863
        died August 28, 1913
        Footstone:   "J.A.D."
12.	Maggie DeLoach
 	born December 18, 1890
 	died March 14, 1919
 	Footstone:   "M.D."
13.	J.A. DeLoach
  	born August 28. 1903
	died February 27, 1919
14. 	J.M. DeLoach
 	born June 5, 1855
	died October 15, 1905
	Footstone:  "DeL."
15.	Ann Amanda DeLoach
 	wife of J. M. Mitchell
	born March 3, 1865
	died February 21, 1887
16.	Our Babe
	William A. Mitchell
 	born July 17, 1888
	died February 3, 1889
17.	John C. DeLoach
 	born February 22, 1826
	died December 29, 1897
	Footstone:   "J.C. DeL."
18.	Sarah Zetterower
        wife of J. C. DeLoach
        born January 15, 1836
        died June 16, 1902
        Footstone:    "S. DeL."
19.	Our Darling
       (no name)
	June 27, 1895
        Footstone:   "DeL." 
20.	Infant daughter of
 	C. & J. DeLoach 
 	born April 26, 1887 
	died April 28, 1887 
21. 	Ora V.
        Infant daughter of  
        R. W. & Ida Virginia DeLoach 
        born January 17, 1885 
        died October 8, 1885 
22.	Infant daughter of
        C.B. & Della DeLoach 
        born August 6, 1900 
        died May 10, 1901 
23.    Headstone:  "DELOACH"
        On rear of headstone: 
        "Our Children" 
         Jesse                Audrey 
         Reta                  Charles 
         Jack                  Darwin 
         Douglas             Emory 
         Isabel                Richard 
         (a)    Clevy C. DeLoach
                born June 15, 1886 
                died November 4, 1960 
         (b)    Minnie Waters DeLoach 
                born June 17, 1888
                died December 31, 1970
                Jesse Talmage
                son of 
                Clevy and Minnie DeLoach 
                born February 13, 1909 
                died July 16, 1910 
                Infant son of
                Clevy and Minnie DeLoach 
                born July 22, 1922 
                died July 30, 1922 
                Billy R. DeLoach
                born May 18, 1918 
                died July 7, 1969 
                Gravestone:   "Bill" 
               (Metal American Legion Marker at foot) 

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