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- Our Be-loved Mother, Grand-mother, Great-Grand-mother, Aunt and won-der-ful Friend, Ona Gen-try Long, 87, long-time res-i-dent of But-ler, Ten-nes-see, passed away peace-fully in her sleep af-ter an ex-tended ill-ness on May 21, 2015, in Murfrees-boro, Ten-nes-see, with her Fam-ily.
She was born on May 26, 1927, and was the last mem-ber of the OK Pleas-ant fam-ily that dates from 1884. Be-sides her par-ents, Roder-ick But-ler Pleas-ant and Vena Alice Pierce Pleas-ant, she was pre-ceeded in death by two sis-ters, Ola Kyte, Ova Stal-cup, and six broth-ers: Kyle, King, Karl, Kale, Keys and Klan. Her lov-ing Veteran Hus-bands, Robert Gen-try and John Long, also pro-ceeded her death.
Sur-vi-vors in-clude her daugh-ter, Judy Wag-ner; her hus-band, Larry, Grand-son, Robby Wag-ner and wife, Ca-sey, and 5 Great Grand-chil-dren: An-n-abel, Avery, Elly, Wes and Jon, all of Murfrees-boro, Ten-nes-see. Also her son, Tone Long and wife, Anna Marie, Grand-sons, Paul, Carl and Mark, and Great Grand-chil-dren, all of Os-ce-ola, In-di-ana. She has nu-mer-ous won-der-ful nieces and neph-ews. A very spe-cial ex-tended Fam-ily is Dar-rell and Sue Ward and Fam-ily. She was known to all as "MeMe O." And like her Mother, Mom Pleas-ant, she was our "Pleas-ant Rock."
She was grad-u-ated from John-son County High School in 1946 and en-joyed her life-time friend-ships. Ona was a ded-i-cated mem-ber of Cobbs Creek Bap-tist Church in But-ler, Ten-nes-see, the Amer-i-can Le-gion Aux-il-iary #61 in Moun-tain City, Ten-nes-see, Past Wor-thy Matron and Char-ter mem-ber of the Order of Eastern Star #218 in But-ler, Ten-nes-see, and was re-tired af-ter 31 years of ser-vice at the But-ler Post Of-fice.
She was an avid stamp col-lec-tor, loved cook-ing, and help-ing her com-mu-nity in many ways. She was de-voted to her Fam-ily and spe-cial Friends, and was stead-fast in her be-lief in God, Coun-try, Friends and Fam-ily.
On Satur-day, May 30th, the vis-i-ta-tion will be held at the Me-mo-rial Funeral Chapel in Eliz-a-beth-ton, Ten-nes-see, at 1:00 p.m. with the ser-vice im-me-di-ately fol-low-ing at 2:00 p.m. Of-fi-ci-at-ing Min-is-ters will be Rev. Den-nis Peter-son, Rev. Terry Ward, and Rev. A.J. Pot-ter.
In-ter-ment will fol-low the ser-vice at the But-ler Me-mo-rial Ceme-tery in But-ler, Ten-nes-see. Ac-tive Pall-bear-ers are Larry Wag-ner, Robby Wag-ner, Dar-rell Ward, Jamie Ward, Tone Long and Truett Pleas-ant. Honor-ary Pall-bear-ers are Boyd Peter-son, her church fam-ily, Sid Smith-deal, Ken Rain-bolt, co-work-ers of the But-ler Post Of-fice, L.B. Rainey, H.R. Long, Mike Long and the Neph-ews and Grand Neph-ews of the Fam-ily.