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- Day-ton Carl "D.C." Byrd, age 81, passed away on Mon-day, March 30, 2015 at John-son City Med-i-cal Center. He was a na-tive of Wash-ing-ton County and a son of the late Perry and Laura Bur-le-son Byrd. Mr. Byrd served in Ger-many with the United States Army dur-ing the Korean Con-flict. He was an on-site Con-struc-tion Su-per-in-ten-dent dur-ing the con-struc-tion of Munic-i-pal Water Treat-ment fa-cil-i-ties through the south-east. He re-tired from Crow-der Con-struc-tion Com-pany. D.C. was a mem-ber of Ever-green Free Will Bap-tist Church. In ad-di-tion to his par-ents, D.C. is pre-ceded in death by his first wife Jan-ice Tol-ley Byrd and a daugh-ter, Shari Byrd Jen-nings.
Day-ton Carl "D.C." Byrd has left be-hind to cher-ish his mem-o-ries: wife, Judy Click Clark Byrd of Er-win; daugh-ters Pam Bai-ley and hus-band, Mike of Uni-coi; Sandy Byrd Reeves and hus-band, Rick of Uni-coi; son Steve Byrd and wife, Eve-lyn of Da-vao City, Phil-lip-ines; grand-sons Ja-son Broyles and wife, Kristi of Er-win; Co-rey Bai-ley and wife, Heather of Hamp-ton; Cole Bai-ley of Uni-coi; great grand-sons: Ri-ley Broyles of Er-win, Ridge Broyles of Er-win.
The fam-ily re-spect-fully re-quests the honor of your pres-ence as we of-fer trib-ute and re-mem-ber the life of Day-ton Carl "D.C." Byrd in a fu-neral ser-vice to be held at 1:00 PM on Satur-day, April 4, 2015, in the Chapel of Val-ley Funeral Home. Rever-end Noah Tay-lor and Brother Del-bert Gil-lette will of-fi-ci-ate. Vo-cal se-lec-tions will be pro-vided by Alexis Tay-lor. A vis-i-ta-tion pe-riod to share mem-o-ries and of-fer sup-port to the fam-ily will be-gin at 11:00 AM and con-tinue un-til ser-vice time on Satur-day at Val-ley Funeral Home. A grave-side com-mit-tal ser-vice will be held fol-low-ing the fu-neral ser-vice on Satur-day in the Mau-so-leum Chapel of Ever-green Ceme-tery with Rever-end Larry Tol-ley of-fi-ci-at-ing. Ac-tive pall-bear-ers will be James Nec-es-sary, Wal-ter Har-ris, Paul Whit-son, Co-rey Bai-ley, Ja-son Broyles, and Cole Bai-ley. Serv-ing as hon-or-ary pall-bear-ers will be Ernie Dead-rick and Bob Grind-staff.