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- Dr. Penny Lit-tle Smith, born July 25, 1952, John-son City TN, went home to meet her Lord on Tues-day, March 3, 2015, af-ter a cou-ra-geous 21-year bat-tle with can-cer.
Dr. Smith was a na-tive of Carter County and was the daugh-ter of Pau-line Hoil-man and the late Ce-cil Eugene (Gene) Lit-tle.
In ad-di-tion to her Father, she was pre-ceded in death by her hus-band, Dr. Ste-phen M. Smith; Father-in-law and Mother-in-law, Hal-lum and Edith Smith; and a niece, Marla An-gotti; Ma-ter-nal Grand-par-ents, Mer-ritt and Cinda McKin-ney; and Pa-ter-nal Grand-mother, Nora Lit-tle.
Dr. Smith is sur-vived by her Mother, Pau-line Lit-tle Hoil-man, John-son City, TN; Sis-ter-in-law and Brother-in-law, San-dra and P.J. An-gotti, Browns-ville, TN; Step-broth-ers, Danny Hoil-man and wife, Luanne, John-son City, TN, and Keith Hoil-man, Mem-phis, TN; God-son, Tyler Ho-wat, West La-fay-ette, IN; Aunts, Mrs. Edith Sut-ton, New-port News, VA, Mrs. Mar-lene McKin-ney, Mrs. Susie McKin-ney, Mrs. Joann McKin-ney and Mrs. Francis Jew-ett, Eliz-a-beth-ton, TN; spe-cial cousin and hus-band, Pat and Larry Bur-row, Eliz-a-beth-ton, TN; Step Neph-ews, Paul and Scott Hoil-man, John-son City, TN; Step Niece, Nikki Hoil-man, John-son City, TN; and sev-eral cous-ins also sur-vive.
Dr. Smith grad-u-ated from Eliz-a-beth-ton High School, Eliz-a-beth-ton, TN. She re-ceived her Bach-e-lor of Science in Ed-u-ca-tion from the Univer-sity of TN, Knox-vile, TN, Ed-u-ca-tional Spe-cial-ist from the Univer-sity of Mis-souri, Master of Arts from ETSU, and Doc-tor of Ed-u-ca-tion from ETSU. She was a mem-ber of Phi Delta Kappa and Phi Kappa Phi. Dr. Smith re-tired as an As-sis-tant Dean, Ac-a-demic Af-fairs, ETSU Quil-len Col-lege of Med-i-cine.
She was a mem-ber of Val-ley Forge United Meth-od-ist Church, Eliz-a-beth-ton, TN.
The fu-neral ser-vice for Dr. Smith will be con-ducted at 7:00 PM in the Sun-rise Chapel of Tet-rick Funeral & Cre-ma-tion Ser-vices, John-son City, on Satur-day, March 7, 2015, with the Rev. Ken-neth Kyker and Rev. Joel Cook of-fi-ci-at-ing. Mu-sic will be pro-vided by Linda Lit-tle Baugh-man, so-lo-ist. Trilla Lit-tle will pro-vide the or-gan mu-sic and Judy Lit-tle will pro-vide the pi-ano mu-sic.
The fam-ily will re-ceive friends prior to the fu-neral from 5:00 PM-7:00 PM. At other times, friends may call at the home of her Mother.
The en-tomb-ment will be at 1:00 PM on Sun-day, March 8, 2015, at Wash-ing-ton County Memory Gardens, Mau-so-leum Chapel of Mem-ories, John-son City. Those who wish to at-tend the en-tomb-ment ser-vice are asked to meet at the fu-neral home at 12:15 PM to go in pro-ces-sion to the cem-e-tery. Pall-bear-ers will be Den-nis Berry, Larry Bur-row, Larry Jew-ett, Larry McKin-ney, Mike McKin-ney, Rich-ard Sut-ton, Keith Sut-ton and Tommy Lit-tle. Honor-ary pall-bear-ers will be Tim McKin-ney, Tom McKin-ney, David McKin-ney, Ken-neth Jew-ett, Patrick Lit-tle, Bruce McKin-ney, Brice McKin-ney, Gary McKin-ney, Mark Lit-tle, Chris McKin-ney, Ken-neth McKin-ney, Mike Lit-tle, Rich-ard Cox, Den-ver King, Carol Kyker, Vic-tor and Deb-bie Kagen, Ce-cil and Ernes-tine Clark, Mar-tin and Carol McCool, friends and neigh-bors of Dr. Smith and as-so-ci-ates and friends at ETSU Quil-len Col-lege of Med-i-cine.
The fam-ily would like to ex-press a spe-cial thank you to Judy Deloach and the staff of Ivy Hall Nurs-ing home for all the love and care they pro-vided Penny.
Penny will be missed by all who knew her but we know she will live in the hearts of all who came in con-tact with her.