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- Mrs. Thelma Wil-lard Hamp-ton, 90, of John-son City, passed away Satur-day, April 11, 2015, in the John-son City Med-i-cal Center.
Mrs. Hamp-ton was a life long res-i-dent of John-son City. She was the daugh-ter of the late James El-bert and Anna Joe Vaughan Lowe.
Pre-ced-ing in death are her par-ents; her hus-band, Day-ton E. Hamp-ton; one sis-ter, Vir-ginia Baines; one brother, Howard Lowe.
Mrs. Hamp-ton was a mem-ber of the Sky-line Heights Bap-tist Church. She was a home-maker.
Sur-vi-vors in-clude: one son, Lynn Hamp-ton; one daugh-ter, Mary Ann Hin-shaw and her hus-band, CL; one sis-ter, Anna Jean Bas-kett; three grand-chil-dren, Lisa Miles, San-dra Hamp-ton and Karen Pear-son; three great grand-chil-dren, Logan Miles, Rebecca Pear-son and Rachel Pear-son; two neph-ews, Jim and Char-les Baines; spe-cial friend, Patrick Ryan.
The fam-ily of Mrs. Thelma Wil-lard Hamp-ton will re-ceive friends from 1 to 2 PM Tues-day, April 14, 2015, in the Mor-ris-Baker Funeral Home.
The fu-neral ser-vice will fol-low with Pas-tor Don-ald L. Page of-fi-ci-at-ing.
The grave-side com-mit-tal ser-vice will fol-low in the Wash-ing-ton County Memory Gardens. Pall-bear-ers will be se-lected from fam-ily and friends.