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- Mrs. Ves-tene Stin-son, 90, John-son City, passed away on Mon-day, May 25, 2015, at John-son City Med-i-cal Center.
A na-tive of Wash-ing-ton County, she was the daugh-ter of the late Al-bert and Sarah Crowe White-head. Mrs. Stin-son was a mem-ber of Berea Free-will Bap-tist Church, John-son City, and at-tended Mil-li-gan Free-will Bap-tist Church, John-son City.
She was a lov-ing wife, moma, ma-maw, sis-ter, aunt and friend. A won-der-ful cook, gar-dener and seam-stress, she al-ways found the good in ev-ery-one and ev-ery-thing.
In ad-di-tion to her par-ents, Mrs. Stin-son is pre-ceded in death by her hus-band, Samuel Stin-son; a son, Sammy Stin-son; a daugh-ter, Kim Stin-son; two broth-ers, Art-hor and Ed; and one sis-ter, Irene.
Those left to cher-ish her mem-ory in-clude her son and daugh-ter-in-law, Benny and Sheila Stin-son and her daugh-ter and son-in-law, Su-san and Jeff Tay-lor; two sis-ters, Mit-tie Huf-f-ine and Mary Ruth McKee; and her grand-chil-dren, Anita, De-wayne, Glynn, Lisa, Shei-lan, Rob-bie, Kevin, Travis, Nerissa, Meghan, Seth, Ash-ley, Derek, Mar-lie, Shel-bie, So-phie, Rhi-ley and Sami.
A Cel-e-bra-tion of Life Ser-vice will be held at 8:00 PM on Thurs-day, May 28, 2015, at Tet-rick Funeral & Cre-ma-tion Ser-vices, John-son City, with Pas-tor Mark Street and Pas-tor Jerry Stout of-fi-ci-at-ing. Mu-sic will be pro-vided by Beth-any Mar-tin.
The fam-ily will re-ceive friends to share mem-o-ries at the fu-neral home from 6:00 PM un-til the ser-vice at 8:00 PM.
A Grave-side Ser-vice will be held 10:30 AM on Fri-day, May 29, 2015, at Bar-nett Ceme-tery. At-tend-ees are asked to meet at the cem-e-tery at 10:20 AM. Pall-bear-ers will be grand-sons.