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- Mr. Billy "Bill" Hoil-man, 84, of John-son City, passed away Satur-day, June 6, 2015, in Lake-bri-dge Health Care Center.
Bill was born on Decem-ber 16, 1930, in Min-ne-ap-o-lis, NC, a son of the late Will Hoil-man and Florence Bu-chan-nan Hoil-man.
He served in the US Army from 1950 to 1953, then the US Air Force from 1954 to 1962.
Bill re-tired from the City of John-son City as Su-per-vi-sor of Second Shift in the Mo-tor Trans-port Divi-sion and was of-ten re-ferred to as "Un-cle Bill."
He was a mem-ber of the "Y" Free-will Bap-tist Church, where he served as Chair-man of the Dea-con Board.
In ad-di-tion to his father and mother, he was pre-ceded in death by: three broth-ers, Paul, Dan and James Hoil-man; and one sis-ter, Nel-lie Mae Hoil-man.
Bill is sur-vived by: his wife of 57 years, Mary Sanders Hoil-man, of the home; sons, James "Doyle" Hoil-man, of Eliz-a-beth-ton, Mi-chael Hoil-man and wife, Crys-tal, of South Car-o-lina, and Billy Hoil-man, of John-son City; daugh-ter, Pa-tri-cia Pot-ter and hus-band, Tim, of John-son City; spe-cial grand-daugh-ter who is like a daugh-ter, Jami Hoil-man, of John-son City; ten ad-di-tional grand-chil-dren, James "Jay" Hoil-man and wife, Julia, Tonya Shilling and hus-band, Scott, Kris-ten Hoil-man, Kris Hoil-man, Ash-ley Miller and hus-band, Ja-son, Mar-iha Hoil-man, Chelsie Teaster, Dy-lan Hoil-man, Alex Pot-ter and Brad-ley Pot-ter; ten great grand-chil-dren; spe-cial fam-ily friend, Doug Stan-ley; one sis-ter, Ida Blake, of Glade-wa-ter, TX; and one brother, Fred "Sonny" Hoil-man, of John-son City.
The fam-ily of Bill Hoil-man will re-ceive friends from 11 a.m. un-til 12 p.m. Tues-day, June 9, 2015, in the Mor-ris-Baker Dog-wood Chapel.
The fu-neral ser-vice will fol-low at 12 p.m. Tues-day in the chapel. Rev. Scott Greene and Rev. Dex-ter Hoil-man will of-fi-ci-ate.
Fol-low-ing the fu-neral, fam-ily and friends will pro-ceed to Wash-ing-ton County Memory Gardens for a 1:15 p.m. com-mit-tal ser-vice. Pall-bear-ers will be: Dy-lan Hoil-man, James "Jay" Hoil-man, Ja-son Miller, Brad-ley Pot-ter, Tim Pot-ter and Doug Stan-ley. The Boone Dam VFW Post 4933 will ac-cord mil-i-tary hon-ors.