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- Nel-lie Mae Fen-ner Fletcher, 85, of John-son City, passed away Tues-day, May 26, 2015, in the John-son City Med-i-cal Center.
Nel-lie was a na-tive of Moun-tain City. She was a daugh-ter of the late Lem and Julie Luttrell Fen-ner.
Nel-lie was a home-maker. She was of the Bap-tist faith.
In ad-di-tion to her par-ents, she was pre-ceded in death by: six broth-ers, Gur-ney, Henry, Fred, Dar-ius, Char-lie, and George Fen-ner; and one sis-ter, Mar-ga-ret "Tiny" Cable.
Sur-vi-vors in-clude: one daugh-ter, Doro-thy "Duck" Mot-tern (Billy), of John-son City; six sons, James Fen-ner, of Whiteville, Ricky Fen-ner (Roxie Cart), of John-son City, Steve Fen-ner, of John-son City, Mi-chael Fletcher, of John-son City, Joe Fletcher (Pam Harbin), of John-son City, and Wayne Fletcher (Meg), of John-son City; ten grand-chil-dren; four great grand-chil-dren; daugh-ter-in-law, Patsy Fen-ner, of John-son City; very spe-cial friend, Don-ald "Duck" Smith, of John-son City; and sev-eral nieces and neph-ews.
The fam-ily of Nel-lie Mae Fen-ner Fletcher will re-ceive friends from 11 a.m. un-til 1 p.m. Fri-day, May 29, 2015, in the Mor-ris-Baker Dog-wood Chapel.
The fu-neral ser-vice will fol-low at 1 p.m. Fri-day in the chapel un-der the di-rec-tion of Rev. Harold McNabb.
Fol-low-ing the fu-neral, fam-ily and friends will pro-ceed to High-land Ceme-tery in Eliz-a-beth-ton for the grave-side ser-vice. Pall-bear-ers will be se-lected from fam-ily and friends.