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- Goldia Som-mers, 75, of John-son City, TN, died af-ter a lengthy bat-tle with ill-ness on May 10th, 2015, at John-son City Med-i-cal Center in John-son City, TN.
Born Feb-ru-ary 12th, 1940, in Eliz-a-beth-ton, TN, she is pre-de-ceased by her par-ents, Clay and Geor-gia Buck-les, of Eliz-a-beth-ton, TN; brother Sonny Buck-les, of Eliz-a-beth-ton, TN; and her be-loved son, Robin Som-mers, Peach-tree, GA.
Goldia was a com-pas-sion-ate and lov-ing wife, mother and grand-mother. She was a Carter County na-tive and grad-u-ate of Eliz-a-beth-ton High School. She was a found-ing mem-ber of Park-way Bap-tist Church in Bris-tol, TN.
She was al-ways will-ing to help and give to all in need. Goldia has been known to open her heart and her home to fam-ily and friends of her chil-dren. She loved all equally. She was a true and hon-est busi-ness woman al-ways fight-ing for and put-ting her cli-ents first. She was in real es-tate for 31 years and with Realty Ex-ec-u-tives for the last 14 years. She was a mem-ber of The Na-tional As-so-ci-a-tion of Real-tors. Goldia will truly be missed.
Sur-vi-vors in-clude her hus-band of 52 years, John Earl Som-mers, of John-son City, TN; son, John Chris-to-pher Som-mers, of John-son City, TN; sis-ters Jean-nette Buck, of Eliz-a-beth-ton, TN, Sherry Mont-gom-ery, of Bris-tol, TN; grand-daugh-ters, Vic-to-ria Som-mers Hop-son, of John-son City, TN, Breanna Som-mers, of Peach-tree, GA; grand-sons, Kevin Som-mers, of John-son City, TN, Clay-ton Som-mers, of John-son City, TN, Jor-dan Som-mers, of Peach-tree, GA; neph-ews, Matt Buck-les, of Bris-tol, TN, Mi-chael Buck-les, of John-son City, TN, Gary Mont-gom-ery Jr., of Bris-tol, TN, Mi-cah Mont-gom-ery, of Bris-tol, TN, Jared Mont-gom-ery, of Bris-tol, TN, Tom Buck, of Tyler, Texas; niece, Lisa Reavis, of Jack-son-ville, FL; sis-ter-in-law, Marcy Buck-les, of John-son City, TN; brother-in-law, Gary Mont-gom-ery, of Bris-tol, TN, Bob Buck, of Eliz-a-beth-ton, TN; daugh-ter-in-law, Jac-que-line Som-mers, of Peach-tree, GA; and spe-cial fam-ily friends, Paul and Robin Som-mers, Tonya and Aiden Nucci, Bill Mutz, David Nick-les, David and Deb-bie Oaks.
Vis-i-ta-tion will be held at 6:00 p.m. Thurs-day, May 14th, at Me-mo-rial Funeral Chapel Eliz-a-beth-ton, TN, with a Me-mo-rial Ser-vice to fol-low at 7 p.m. of-fi-ci-ated by Pas-tor Gary Mont-gom-ery.
Burial will take place at 11:00 a.m. on Fri-day, May 15th, at Happy Val-ley Me-mo-rial Ceme-tery, Eliz-a-beth-ton, TN.