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- Mr. James "Jim" W. Crow, 86, of John-son City, passed away Sun-day, March 15, 2015, in the James H. Quil-len VA Nurs-ing Home.
Mr. Crow was a na-tive of Carter County. He was the son of the late Ear-nest and May-belle Bar-nett Crow.
Mr. Crow proudly served his coun-try in the US Army. He served dur-ing the Korean con-flict and the Vi-et-nam War and was awarded two pur-ple hearts. He re-tired as a Ser-geant First Class af-ter more than twenty years of ser-vice.
He was a mem-ber of Piney Grove Free-will Bap-tist Church.
In ad-di-tion to his par-ents, his sis-ter, Jane Cal-houn, and son, Billy Crow, pre-ceded him in death.
Sur-vi-vors in-clude: four broth-ers, Howard Crow, Al-fred Crow, Carl Crow, and Harry Crow; four sis-ters, Marie Perry, Edith Keplinger, Florence Rob-i-nette, and Shir-ley Mathe-son; one son, James E. Crow; step-daugh-ter, Cathy C. Dant-zler; step-son, Tho-mas Al-len; five grand-chil-dren; three great grand-chil-dren.
The fam-ily wishes to ex-tend a spe-cial thank you to mem-bers of Piney Grove Free Will Bap-tist Church for their prayers and vis-its. Thank you also to the car-ing staff at the James H. Quil-len VA Nurs-ing Home.
The fam-ily of Mr. James "Jim" W. Crow will re-ceive friends from 12:30 to 1:30 PM Wed-nes-day, March 18, 2015, in the Mor-ris-Baker Funeral Home. The fu-neral ser-vice will fol-low with Rev. Paul Crowe of-fi-ci-at-ing. The grave-side com-mit-tal ser-vice will fol-low in the Moun-tain Home Na-tional Ceme-tery. Ac-tive pall-bear-ers will be: Jack Davis, Tom Al-len, Ron Master, Terry McKee, Mar-cus Keller and Bobby Keller.