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- N. Ruth Caud-ill, age 93, of Ware Pres-by-te-rian Vil-lage, Ox-ford, Penn-syl-va-nia and for-merly of Moun-tain City, Ten-nes-see, passed away on Tues-day, May 26, 2015 at home.
Mrs. Caud-ill was a life-long mem-ber of the First Bap-tist Church of Moun-tain City. She lived in Moun-tain City her en-tire life be-fore go-ing to live with her daugh-ter due to her de-clin-ing health.
Mrs. Caud-ill was pre-ceded in death by her hus-band, Wal-ter R. Caud-ill, to whom she was mar-ried for 52 years; par-ents, James E. and Ann Stout Rash; sis-ters: Zelma Young, Betty Shutt; broth-ers: Les-lie Rash, Dean Rash, Billy R. Rash; and sev-eral sis-ters-in-law and broth-ers-in-law.
Mrs. Caud-ill is sur-vived by a son, Samuel D. Caud-ill and wife Su-san of Mid-land, NC; daugh-ter, Judy A. Shoun and hus-band Rich-ard of Peach Bot-tom, PA; grand-son, Ja-cob C. Caud-ill of Char-lotte, NC; sis-ter, Mary K. Reece of Moun-tain City, TN; brother, Char-les John-son and wife Lura of Moun-tain City, TN and many spe-cial nieces and neph-ews.
Mrs. Caud-ill loved spend-ing time with her fam-ily and friends. She was a Sun-day School Teacher for the Begin-ner Sun-day School Class at First Bap-tist Church for many years. She loved her church and church fam-ily.
She also loved quilt-ing and had made many quilts over the years for her fam-ily and friends. She also en-joyed paint-ing and jew-elry mak-ing. Mrs. Caud-ill started art les-sons when she be-came a res-i-dent at Ware Pres-by-te-rian and painted pic-tures for her fam-ily and friends.
The fam-ily will re-ceive friends from 1-2:00 p.m. on Sun-day, May 31, 2015, at the Moun-tain City Funeral Home with the fu-neral ser-vice to fol-low at 2:00 p.m. with Pas-tor Harry Cun-ning-ham and Robert Dal-ton of-fi-ci-at-ing. Spe-cial mu-sic will be pro-vided by Danny Cul-lop.
Grave-side Ser-vice and In-ter-ment will fol-low at the Phillippi Ceme-tery, Moun-tain City, TN. Pall-bear-ers will be Bob Heck, Bill Heck, Edward Adams, Randy Adams, Dean Rhymer, Jack Shutt, Dur-ward Ste-gall and George Wright.