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- Howard Evans Brad-shaw, age 80, of Eliz-a-beth-ton, passed away at home, with his daugh-ter at his side, on Mon-day, March 30, 2015.
He was the el-dest son of the late Samuel Jack-son and Gla-dys Marie Brad-shaw. He was the grand-son of the late Min-nie Mar-tin and he loved her dearly.
In ad-di-tion to his par-ents and grand-mother, he was pre-ceded in death by the love of his life, Vir-gie Keplinger Brad-shaw; his close friend and brother-in-law Shelby Wil-liams,
Know-ing they will see him again are his daugh-ter, Ther-ese Brad-shaw; his sis-ters, Doris Love-lace, Linda Wil-liams and Bar-bara "Bob-bie" Brad-shaw; and his brother Ce-cil Darold "Nick" Brad-shaw. His father Jack once said that the one thing he was proud-est most of was that his chil-dren loved one an-other. Their sense of love is strong and shows through-out the fam-ily.
He was "Un-cle Smokey" to his name-sake, the late Ce-cil Howard Brad-shaw, and to three neph-ews and three nieces and their fam-i-lies, all of which loved him tre-men-dously and he loved as his own.
A spe-cial lit-tle buddy, Nicho-las Daniel Brad-shaw, brought love, light and laugh-ter into his life with ev-ery visit.
He had friends from all walks of life that he trea-sured. To name them all would be a feat. Just know that he loved each of you un-con-di-tion-ally and the mark you made on his life is im-mea-sur-able.
He was a proud re-tiree of NFS, where he made many of the good friends that he en-joyed through-out his life.
He loved the moun-tains and riv-ers and spent much of his time hunt-ing and fish-ing. He loved base-ball and foot-ball. He loved his gar-dens, found plea-sure in watch-ing them grow and shar-ing the har-vest.
The fam-ily would like to ex-press true ap-pre-ci-a-tion to Don Tit-tle, Ron-nie Keplinger and Mike Nel-son, three of his clos-est friends whose com-pan-ion-ship and sup-port meant the world to him.
To honor his spo-ken wishes, there will be a pri-vate me-mo-rial for his fam-ily. A cel-e-bra-tion of life will be held for friends by the fam-ily at a later date in the Cat Island Park.