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- Tho-mas Paul Har-mon, 89, passed away Satur-day, June 13, 2015, at his home.
He was born in New-land, NC, to the late Tho-mas and Vir-gie McKin-ney Har-mon. Mr. Har-mon proudly served his coun-try in the US Navy dur-ing World War II. He was a mem-ber of Boones Creek Chris-tian Church.
In ad-di-tion to his par-ents, Mr. Har-mon was pre-ceded in death by his first wife, Doro-thy Farth-ing Har-mon; his sis-ters, Doro-thy Moody, Chris-tine McCrary, Peggy Wil-liams and Theresa Cole-man; and his broth-ers, Jack Cald-well, Rich-ard Har-mon, Billy Joe Har-mon and Bobby Har-mon.
Those left to cher-ish his mem-ory in-clude his wife, Jewel Har-mon, of the home; spe-cial sis-ter-in-law, Iva McGhee, Church Hill; and sev-eral nieces and neph-ews.
The fam-ily will re-ceive friends to share mem-o-ries from 6:00 PM un-til 8:00 PM on Tues-day, June 16, 2015, at Tet-rick Funeral & Cre-ma-tion Ser-vices, John-son City.
The fam-ily re-quests your pres-ence for a Cel-e-bra-tion of Life Ser-vice im-me-di-ately fol-low-ing at 8:00 PM with Mr. Dick Mor-ris, Min-is-ter, and Mr. David Clark, Min-is-ter, of-fi-ci-at-ing.
A Mil-i-tary Honors Grave-side Ser-vice will be held at 11:00A M on Wed-nes-day, June 17, 2015, at Led-ford Ceme-tery in New-land, NC. At-tend-ees are asked to meet at the cem-e-tery by 10:50 AM. Pall-bear-ers will be se-lected from fam-ily and friends.