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- Mary Belle (Buck) Orr, 87, John-son City, passed away Wed-nes-day, May 13, 2015, at Frank-lin Woods Com-mu-nity Hos-pi-tal.
A na-tive of the Shell Creek Com-mu-nity of Roan Moun-tain in Carter County, she was the daugh-ter of the late Wil-liam David and Ada Ray Hoss Buck. Mrs. Orr was a mem-ber of Wes-ley Me-mo-rial United Meth-od-ist Church and the Duard Aldridge Sun-day School Class. She worked as a sec-re-tary for Clutch and Brake Sup-ply in John-son City for over 20 years.
In ad-di-tion to her par-ents, Mary is pre-ceded in death by her hus-band of 55 years, Wil-liam Brown-low Orr; seven sis-ters, Florence Wolfe, Wilma Farmer, Juanita Ar-nett, Ge-neva Rich-ard-son, Eleanor McKin-ney, Edna Buck and Ruth Cord-ell; and four broth-ers, James Buck, Ed-die Buck, Wil-liam David Buck Jr. and Ver-non Buck.
Those left to cher-ish her mem-ory in-clude two sons, Wil-liam David Orr and his wife, Diane Under-wood Orr, of Al-pharetta, GA, and Phi-lip Kent Orr and his wife, Jen-ni-fer Tor-bett Orr, of Char-lotte, NC; grand-chil-dren, Jen-ni-fer Orr McGuffey and her hus-band, Jef-frey Wil-liam McGuffey, of Cin-cin-nati, OH, Wil-liam An-drew Orr and his wife, Eliz-a-beth Low-ery Orr, of Green-ville, SC, and Ash-ley Lau-ren Orr, of Al-pharetta, GA; great-grand-chil-dren, Hunter Wil-liam McGuffey and Ans-ley By-ing-ton Orr; brother-in-law John Orr and his wife, Phyl-lis, of Roan Moun-tain, TN; sis-ters-in-law, Mrs. Jessie Street, of John-son City, TN, Mrs. Ruth Hon-ey-cutt, of Happy Val-ley, TN, and Mrs. Francis Ta-tum, of Elk Park, NC; and many much loved nieces and neph-ews.
The fam-ily wishes to ex-press a spe-cial thank you to Patty Love, her care-giver, for the lov-ing care given to Mrs. Orr.
In ad-di-tion to flow-ers, those wish-ing to make me-mo-rial con-tri-bu-tions may be given to Wes-ley Me-mo-rial United Meth-od-ist Church, 225 Prince-ton Road, John-son City, TN 37601.
A Cel-e-bra-tion of Life Ser-vice will be held at 8:00 PM on Satur-day, May 16, 2015, at Wes-ley Me-mo-rial United Meth-od-ist Church, John-son City, with Pas-tor Ger-ald Cas-son of-fi-ci-at-ing.
The fam-ily will re-ceive friends to share mem-o-ries at the church from 6:00 PM un-til the ser-vice at 8:00 PM.
A Grave-side Ser-vice will be held at 2:00 PM on Sun-day, May 17, 2015, at Orr/?Hamp-ton Ceme-tery, Roan Moun-tain. At-tend-ees are asked to meet at the cem-e-tery at 1:50 PM. Pall-bear-ers will be Larry McKin-ney, Gary McKin-ney, Her-bert Hoil-man, Dickie Street, Douglas Rich-ard-son, Dean Tor-bett, Drew Orr and Jeff McGuffey. Honor-ary pall-bear-ers are Char-lie Hart-man, David Buck, Todd Buck, Ritchie Buck, Wes Sluder, Patty Love, Ruby Parker, Janie Tor-bett, Peggy Under-wood, Ben-nie Hoil-man and Judy Sluder.