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- Her-man Hill, age 78, of Hamp-ton, passed away on Tues-day, May 12, 2015, at the John-son City Med-i-cal Center.
Her-man was a na-tive of Carter County and was a son of the late Dana and Retta Collins Hill. In ad-di-tion to his par-ents, he was pre-ceded in death by a brother, Bill Hill; three sis-ters, Sally Pierce, Ivory Lewis and Mil-dred Hill; and two neph-ews, Neil Moody and Robert Stoc-ton.
Mr. Hill re-tired from High-way's In-cor-po-rated, where he held var-i-ous man-age-ment roles. He was of the Free Will Bap-tist faith and en-joyed gar-den-ing. He was an ex-pert in lo-cal his-tory and en-joyed ge-ne-al-ogy. Her-man was a very giv-ing and self-less per-son, his great-est joy was spend-ing time with his grand-chil-dren.
Sur-vi-vors in-clude his wife, Kay Peters Hill, of the home; and daugh-ters, Deb-bie Jones and hus-band, Tony, Pitts-boro, North Car-o-lina, Valarie Smith, Uni-coi, TN, and Kathy Leo-nard, John-son City; two grand-chil-dren, An-drew Jones and Alli-son Jones, both of Pitts-boro, NC; one brother, John Hill and wife, Freda, Hamp-ton; three sis-ters, Jane Lyons, Eliz-a-beth-ton, Mary Shultz and hus-band, Bill, Le-noir City, TN, and Susie Moody and hus-band Bob, But-ler, TN; a brother-in-law, Char-lie Peters and wife, Missy, Uni-coi; two sis-ters-in-law, Pat Stoc-ton, Char-lotte, NC, and Jane Rain-bolt and hus-band, Ken, Hamp-ton. Sev-eral nieces, neph-ews, great nieces and great neph-ews also sur-vive.
A cel-e-bra-tion of life grave-side ser-vice for Mr. Her-man Hill will be con-ducted at 3:30 PM on Satur-day, May 16, 2015, in the John White-head Ceme-tery with Rev. David Mont-gom-ery, of-fi-ci-at-ing. Mu-sic will be un-der the di-rec-tion of Alan Foster. Ac-tive pall-bear-ers will be George Collins, George Rober-son, Frank Cates, Ray Lewis Jr., Randy Lewis, Jackie Peters, Ken-neth Rain-bolt and Irby Jones. Honor-ary pall-bear-ers will be for-mer em-ploy-ees and friends of High-way's Inc., Jimmy Jones, Kenny Ed-ding-ton, Lewis White-head, R.C. Ham-il-ton, Her-man Tol-ley, Ed-die Orr, Jimmy Collins, Mike Collins, Alan Foster, Tommy Church, Hugh Green-wood, Es-tel White-head, Veke Tol-ley Jr., his neph-ews and his friends of the Tiger Val-ley Com-mu-nity.
A spe-cial ac-knowl-edg-ment of grat-i-tude to Dr. Al-lan Col-yar and his staff for their sup-port dur-ing Mr. Hill's ill-ness.
A vis-i-ta-tion will be con-ducted from 1:00 PM-3:00 PM at Tet-rick Funeral Home of Eliz-a-beth-ton, prior to the grave-side ser-vice, which will be held at 3:30 PM on Satur-day, May 16, 2015. Friends may also call at the res-i-dence at any-time.