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- James Paul Jones Sr., 77, Eliz-a-beth-ton, passed away Wed-nes-day, May 20, 2015, at the John-son City Med-i-cal Center fol-low-ing a lengthy ill-ness.
A na-tive of John-son County, he was a son of the late Roby Lee & Essie Stal-cup Jones.He was a 1956 grad-u-ate of John-son County High School. He served in the United States Army from 1957 to 1959.
Paul was a mem-ber of Cal-vary Bap-tist Church. In his ear-lier years he at-tended Lit-tle Doe Bap-tist Church, But-ler. He loved his church friends and giv-ing to and help-ing oth-ers to meet their needs. He was a very de-voted and lov-ing hus-band, father and grand-father.
Paul loved to play golf and go-ing to the lake. He re-tired from United Par-cel Ser-vices.
In ad-di-tion to his par-ents, he was pre-ceded in death by a brother, Ralph Jones; and his mother & father-in-law: John R. & Irene Tay-lor
Sur-vi-vors in-clude his lov-ing wife of 55 years, Nancy Tay-lor Jones; His Chil-dren: James P. Jones Jr. and Susie Con-nor, An-gela Jones Har-kle-road and Randy Har-kle-road; His Grand-chil-dren: Ha-ley Olivia Har-kle-road and Isa-bella Ni-cole Har-kle-road; Sis-ters: Vir-ginia Bing-ham and Ira Bing-ham and Grace Glover; His sis-ter-in-law: Sara Jones; a brother-in-law: Robert Tay-lor. He was also sur-rounded by spe-cial friends: Jack & Sonja Cole, Roger & Helen Ram-sey, Howard & Marie Matherly, Ha-zel Mar-ion, David & Sherry Tys-inger, David Pinkard, Rich-ard Moody and his golf-ing bud-dies.
Funeral Ser-vices will be con-ducted at 1:30 p.m. Sun-day, May 24, 2015, in Me-mo-rial Funeral Chapel with Mr. David Tys-inger, Min-is-ter, of-fi-ci-at-ing.
In-ter-ment will fol-low in Happy Val-ley Me-mo-rial Park. Mu-sic will be pro-vided by Todd & Susie Wolfe. Ac-tive Pall-bear-ers will be: Ira J. Bing-ham, Randy Har-kle-road, Terry Jones, Jack Cole, Mike North-more, Bobby Joe Tyree, Lynn Tay-lor, Mike McKin-ney and Brad McKee-han. Honor-ary Pall-bear-ers will be Roger Ram-sey, Wil-liam Lowe, James McEwen, Claude Fisher, John Zaiger and David Tys-inger.