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- Mol-lie Hol-lo-way Har-ris Street, 90, went home to be with the Lord on Sun-day, April 5, 2015, at the Center on Aging in Er-win.
She was a na-tive of Bee Log, NC, and daugh-ter of the late Rever-end Moss "Poppy" Hol-lo-way and Lora Tol-ley Hol-lo-way. Mol-lie was af-fec-tion-ately known by most peo-ple as "Mother."
In ad-di-tion to her par-ents, she was pre-ceded in death by her hus-bands, Paul Har-ris and H.P. Street; sis-ters and broth-ers: Harry, Al-ford and Haru Hol-lo-way, Myr-tle Phil-lips, Essie Vanover and Lula At-kins.
Those left to cher-ish Mol-lie's mem-ory in-clude her daugh-ters: Jan-ice King and hus-band, Frank, Shir-ley Hardin and hus-band, Buddy, Robyn Gil-len-water and hus-band, Billy; son, Roger Har-ris and wife, Bar-bara; grand-chil-dren: Greg King, Jeff King, Alan King, Tammy Hardin Am-brose, Mi-chael Hardin, Paul Har-ris, Wil-liam Har-ris, Isaac Har-ris, Hunter Smith, Eli Smith; great-grand-chil-dren: Logan, Con-nor, Ga-briel, Rilie, Ke-nedy, Caleb, Gracie, Jor-dan, Lyn-say, Cameron, Tay-lor, Chan-dler; step-sons: Bobby Street, Rich-ard Street, Roger Street; step-grand-chil-dren: Shay, Max, Han-nah and Ja-cob Street, Ni-cole Bur-ris, Adam Gil-len-water; step-great-grand-son, Jo-shua Bur-ris; sev-eral nieces and neph-ews.
The fam-ily will greet friends to share mem-o-ries on Fri-day start-ing at 5:00 PM un-til a Cel-e-bra-tion of Life Ser-vice at 7:00 PM in the chapel of Val-ley Funeral Home in Er-win and other times at her daugh-ter, Robyn Gil-len-water's home. Dr. Alan King (grand-son) and Pas-tor Tim Broyles will of-fi-ci-ate with mu-sic pro-vided by Rever-end Harold McNabb.
A Grave-side and Com-mit-tal Ser-vice will be held in Ever-green Ceme-tery on Satur-day at 1:30 PM. Grand-sons will serve as ac-tive pall-bear-ers with great-grand-sons serv-ing as hon-or-ary pall-bear-ers. Ev-ery-one is asked to meet at the fu-neral home by 1:00 PM to go in pro-ces-sion to the cem-e-tery.