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- Roy Al-len Sparks, born No-vem-ber 18, 1936, son of the late Ervin and Eliza Sparks of John-son City, TN. He died peace-fully at the John-son City Med-i-cal Center on Fri-day, April 24, 2015, at the age of 78 af-ter a brief ill-ness of can-cer.
Roy Sparks was a won-der-ful and great pro-vider for his fam-ily and loved by us all. He loved to go fish-ing and hunt-ing.
Roy served our coun-try in the US Army. He worked in sales at RC Cola, Rainbo Bak-ery, Pepsi, Dolly Madi-son, Sun-beam, Wise and Sara Lee. Be-fore re-tir-ing he was awarded sales-man of the year twice.
Roy was a long time and ac-tive mem-ber of the Loyal Order of Moose Lodge #1831, where he liked spend-ing time with friends. Roy al-ways kept a smile on his face and made many peo-ple happy.
Roy Sparks is sur-vived by his sis-ters, Ge-neva Douglas, John-son City, Marie Sut-ton, Wil-liam-son, GA; Ex-wife and best friend, Judy Wal-ters Sparks; Chil-dren, Alan Sparks, Bris-tol, TN, Re-gina Sparks Hous-ton, John-son City, Julie Sparks Carden and hus-band, Sean Carden, John-son City; grand-chil-dren, Austin Sparks, Bluff City, Va-nessa Sparks, John-son City, Justin Hous-ton, Er-win, TN, Jo-shua Hous-ton, John-son City, Ash-ley Hous-ton Shoun, Mor-ris-town, TN, Sum-mer Carden, Bai-ley Carden, Jake Carden and Josie Carden, all of John-son City; great grand-child, Audrey Hous-ton. Sev-eral nieces and neph-ews also sur-vive.
Mr. Sparks is pre-ceded in death by four broth-ers, Robert Sparks, Ervin Sparks Jr., Frank Sparks, all of John-son City, David Sparks, King-sport, TN; four sis-ters, Kate Furches, Den-ver, Col-o-rado, Mil-dred Lane, Lor-ton, VA, Alma Har-ris, Al-ex-an-dra, VA, Chel-sea Anders, Bal-ti-more, Mary-land.
The me-mo-rial ser-vice for Mr. Sparks will be con-ducted on Thurs-day, April 30, 2015, at 7:00 P.M. in the East Chapel of Ap-pa-la-chian Funeral Home with Rev. Roy Yel-ton.
The fam-ily will re-ceive friends Thurs-day from 6:00 un-til 7:00 P.M. in the East Par-lor of the fu-neral home.
Pri-vate dis-po-si-tion will be held at a later date.