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- Ruth Tester Jones, 94, John-son City, TN, passed away May 6, 2015, at Ap-pa-la-chian Chris-tian Vil-lage.
Born May 30, 1920, in the Sugar Hol-low area of Carter County, TN, she was one of four-teen chil-dren of Eli Fin-ley and Sarah Ca-mo-line Pre-snell Tester.
Ruth grew up in Carter County and at-tended Elk Mills High School. She and her hus-band re-sided in John-son City, TN.
Ruth was a home-maker, an Amer-i-can Red Cross Vol-un-teer for many years, served as a fed-eral data col-lec-tor for sev-eral years, con-ducted sur-veys for the Na-tional Broad-cast-ing Cor-po-ra-tion (NBC), and earned The Sam Wal-ton Award, Wal-Mart Cor-po-ra-tion.
Above all, she was de-voted to her fam-ily. She was of the Bap-tist faith and at-tended Cen-tral Bap-tist Church, John-son City, TN.
Her hus-band, Eugene Broyles Jones Sr., died in 2003. She was pre-de-ceased by twelve broth-ers and sis-ters: David McCoy Tester, Queen Aner Rominger, Har-vey Earl Tester, Sarah Ma-tilda Camp-bell, Fin-ley Pierce Tester, Ben-nie Wal-ter Tester, Ida Ca-mo-line Fin-ney, Luke Lee Tester, Nel-son Rich-ard Tester, Ruby Edith Triv-ette, Louis Mar-shall Tester and Anna Mae Enter. One brother, Wil-liam (Bill) Howard Tester, lives in Mor-ris-town, TN.
Ruth is sur-vived by four sons: Gene and wife, Joy, of Jack-son-ville, NC, Frank and wife, Anne, of Vir-ginia Beach, VA, Ken, of Falls Church, VA, Larry and wife, De-bra, of Myr-tle Beach, SC. She has eight grand-chil-dren, nine great-grand-chil-dren, many nieces and neph-ews and friends.
Ser-vices will be held at Tet-rick Funeral & Cre-ma-tion Ser-vices, 3001 Peoples Street, John-son City, TN.
Vis-i-ta-tion and me-mo-rial ser-vices will be held on Fri-day, May 8, 2015, at 11:00 a.m. fol-lowed by a grave-side ser-vice at 2:00 p.m. at the Monte Vista Burial Park, 1900 East Oak-land Avenue, John-son City, TN.