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- June 7, 1931
Minister and Wife Die Near Same Hour
Saturday Mr. and Mrs A.S. Peery, Richard Peery and W.M.
Peery, of Bluefield, Va., and Miss Maola Newberry, arrived
at Trade, Tenn., to attend the funeral of the Rev. and Mrs.
Thomas W. Arnold.
Mrs. Arnold, 91, died at eight o'clock Friday morning.
Her husband, 85, who had been ill of pneumonia, was advised
by a son of the death of Mrs. Arnold. The aged minister
called her name and told his son that he was going with her.
That night as the clock struck ten, Mr. Arnold closed his
eyes in the final sleep. Both had been married previosly
and both owned farms in Ashe County, N.C.
Mr. Arnold's first wife was Miss Cora Peery, sister of
Squire A.S. Peery, of Bluefield, Va.
On Sunday a double funeral was held in the church at
Trade, with four ministers in charge. Following the service
at church, two hearses drove away in opposite directions.
One conveying the body of Mr. Arnold in the cemetery where
his first wife is buried, and the other, the body of Mrs.
Arnold, to the burying ground of her first husband.
The local party returned monday and report one of the
most largely attended funerals they had ever witnessed.
Rev. Mr.Arnold was here a few weeks ago at which time
mention of him was made on this page.